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SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering: Files and Users

Week 1: SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering Overview
Unit 2: Files and Users
Files and Users
Create extended storage
Steps to create the warm store and the required dbspaces
Connect to an SAP HANA system
▪ In SAP HANA studio  SAP HANA Administration Console
▪ Right-click in System view to Add System
▪ Enter host name and instance number of SAP HANA
▪ Enter credentials to connect
Verify Status of Extended Storage
Adding SAP HANA dynamic tiering host creates and starts the
dynamic tiering service. Verify that the service is installed and
▪ Double-click system  Overview tab  General Information
▪ Check and ensure the SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering is running
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Files and Users
Create extended storage
Create Extended Storage
▪ Right-click the system to select Open SQL Console
▪ Execute the script to create extended storage dbspace for dynamic tiering
▪ Dbspace object is introduced
▪ Dbspace – logical name for a container of files
▪ Stores dynamic tiering table data and objects
In-Memory DB
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Files and Users
Create a new user
Default User: Signed in as SYSTEM user with all roles and privileges assigned
Create a new user
New user to organize the tables and permissions
▪ Dropdown of the system  Security  Users
▪ Right-click to select New Users
▪ Enter credentials  Deploy to add
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Files and Users
Roles and privileges to the user
Administration tasks in dynamic tiering require certain privileges. User with relevant role must be
granted the privileges.
Assign Roles and Privileges to the User
▪ In the User window
 Granted Roles on bottom
▪ Click green plus sign to add
roles from the list on new window
▪ System Privileges tab
 green plus sign to select privileges
▪ Deploy to apply changes
Sign On as the User
▪ Right-click system
 Add System with Different User
▪ Enter the new user credentials to connect
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