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School FAQ: Questions for Parents & Enrollment Info

FIPS – Frequently Asked Questions
Basic Questions
How long have you been in business?
What are the school's accreditations?
What is the student capacity?
What are the operating hours?
What days/holidays is the school closed?
Questions About Your Child
Do you have space for my child?
If not, do you have a waiting list? How long is it? What is the likelihood that we will be
Does my child have to be potty-trained to attend? Are pull-up-type diapers acceptable?
Are children required to be immunized?
Can I bring my child in for a site visit before we decide to enroll? (Applicable if you
haven't brought your child with you this time.) After we decide to enroll?
Educational Philosophy Questions
What are the educational philosophies of Finland Way?
How do you handle bullying or teasing?
What do you do if a child needs to be comforted?
Learning and Activities Questions
What is a typical day like?
Do you focus more on academics or social growth?
Will my child learn basic skills like letters and numbers? Colors and shapes?
What type of motor skill activities do the children engage in?
Are their separate spaces to learn art and music?
Do the children go outside? Weather permitting, how often and for how long?
What types of toys and games do you have? How often are new toys brought in?
Do you go on field trips?
Are outside groups (dance schools, librarians, etc.) brought in to speak?
Do you show movies or television programs? How often?
Do the children take naps? Where?
Discipline, Socialization, and Meals Questions
How are children disciplined?
How do you handle bullying or teasing?
What do you do if a child needs to be comforted?
At what point do you notify the parents if there is a discipline or other type of issue?
Will my child eat here? What meals and who provides the food?
If I provide the food, are there any items that aren't permitted?
How do you handle food allergies?
Health, Safety, and Food Questions
What is your sick child policy?
Will you give my child medication during the day if I request it? Do I need a doctor's
Do you teach children to wash their hands? When and how often?
How often are the toys and games and equipment washed?
How old is the play equipment and how often is it inspected?
How are visitors handled? Are the doors locked?
Do you have a sign-in sheet?
Who is allowed to pick my child up?
Do you have fire drills?
Do you have a disaster plan? What's the procedure in case of an emergency?
Classroom and Staff Questions
How are the kids divided up?
How many children would be in my child's class?
What is the teacher/child ratio?
What kind of education and safety training do your teachers have? How often do they go
back for more classes?
Is everyone in the building trained in CPR and first aid?
How many full-time teachers do you have? Are there teacher assistants? Who will be
teaching my child?
How are staff members screened prior to being hired?
Who else is in the building?
Parental Involvement Questions
Is parental participation required?
Are parents allowed to visit the classroom?
If so, how often and under what terms?
How do you communicate with parents on a regular basis? (Message board, notes sent
home, etc.)
Are there parent/teacher conferences? How often?
Tuition Questions
How much is tuition?
How often is it due?
What methods of payment do you accept?
Do you offer scholarships or discounts?
Is there a late fee?
Is there a discount if I pay for the year up front?
Will we be responsible for buying school supplies?
Are there any other costs that I should know about?
Questions to Ask Yourself
If you visited during school hours, were the children happy?
Are the rooms decorated with the children's art?
Do the teachers seem to like what they're doing?
Do the teachers engage directly with the children in a kind, happy, caring manner?
Is the preschool clean? What about the bathroom?
Does the school seem safe with the proper equipment (first aid kit, fence around the
playground, locked doors, etc.)?
What are your instincts saying? Will your child be happy at this school?