Name: Date: Class Period: Absolute Monarchs, Enlightenment Characteristics of Absolute Monarchs Ruler had TOTAL power over country ● Ruler leads for life ● Power is passed down through blood lines (children) Divine Right: idea that God created the monarchy and she/he was God’s representative on Earth ● ● Causes of Absolute Monarchies Effects of Absolute Monarchies 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. Absolutism Scale Least Most Characteristics 1. Characteristics 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. Name: Date: Class Period: Absolute Monarchs, Enlightenment Absolute Monarchs Louis XIV of France ● Know at the “Sun King” ● Reign lasted 72 years Controlling the Nobility Expanding France 1. 1. Palace of Versailles 1. 2. 2. 3. “L’etat,c’est moi! 1. 2. Peter the Great of Russia ● Czar or ruler of Russia ● Belonged to the Romanov Family, last ruling family dynasty in Russia ● Most well known for the changes he brought to modernize Russia Westernization 1. The Orthodox Church 1. St. Petersburg 1. The Boyars 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. Name: Date: Class Period: Absolute Monarchs, Enlightenment Philip II of Spain ● Son of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V ● Helped Spain reach the peak of its power Rise 1. Decline 1. 2. 2 . 3. 3. Name: Date: Class Period: Absolute Monarchs, Enlightenment Enlightenment The Age of Enlightenment began in Europe as many began to question their governments and apply reason to the human and natural worlds. Many new ideas were shared at salons in France. Fill in each lightbulb with an Enlightenment Idea Enlightenment thinkers believed that progress was possible by applying of scientific knowledge and reason to issues of law and government. The works below are some of the most influential from the Enlightenment and contained important ideas that greatly influenced later Revolutions. Under the name of each book, write down the important ideas contained in each work. Leviathan By Thomas Hobbes Two Treatises on Government By John Locke ● Life without government would be “nasty, brutish, and short.” ● Social contract to protect people ● Man had the natural rights- life, liberty, and property ● Right to rebel against bad ruler The Enlightenment was also a period of great changes in music and art. Here are some examples of Enlightenment Artists and their accomplishments Beethoven Eugene Delacroix Bach German composer and pianist Symphonies, sonatas French romantic painter Emotional vivid paintings German baroque composer Prolific composer of organ music Name: Date: Class Period: Absolute Monarchs, Enlightenment Name: Date: Class Period: Absolute Monarchs, Enlightenment The ideas that grew out of the Enlightenment had a direct influence on both the American and French Revolutions. Using the chart below, draw a picture to symbolize how that idea affected each revolution. In the box beside the picture, explain in detail how it impacted each. You will need your electronic device for this activity. Enlightenment Leads to Revolution Enlightenment Idea Natural Rights Social Contract Balance of Power Separation of Church and State American Revolution Picture Explanation French Revolution Picture Explanation Name: Date: Class Period: Absolute Monarchs, Enlightenment