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10 High School Physics and Physical Science Text Books

10 High School Physics and Physical Science Text Books
15 May 2019
10 High School Physics and Physical Science Text Books
Here are 10 excellent and well written high school Physics and Physical Science text books that teach
and demonstrate many topics and areas. These all have nicely illustrated graphics and images, along
with internet links to supplemental content. Physics is the study of the world around us. In a sense we
are more qualified to do physics than any other science. From the day we are born we study the things
around us in an effort to understand how they work and relate to each other. Learning how to catch or
throw a ball is a physics undertaking for example. The best approach to physics is to relate everything
you learn to things you have already noticed in your everyday life. We attempt to describe things
through simple rules and mathematics, which is merely the language we use. You can start with asking
a simple question like ”Why is the sky blue?” which could lead you to electromagnetic waves which in
turn could lead you wave particle duality and to energy levels of atoms and before long you are
studying quantum mechanics or the structure of the universe.
AP Physics 1, OpenStax, with selected answers (869 pgs, mb)
College Physics For AP Courses, OpenStax, with selected answers (3,752 pgs, 32.4mb)
High School Physics, OpenStax (705 pgs, 14mb)
College Physics for High School AP Courses, OpenStax (1,694 pgs, 33mb)
College Physics 1, OpenStax (631 pgs, 12mb)
The five similar OpenStax texts above teach with real-world examples to help students grasp
fundamental physics concepts. Knowledge of algebra and some trigonometry is needed, but not
calculus. They include learning objectives, concept questions, links to labs and simulations, and
practice opportunities for traditional physics application problems.
Topics Covered:
The Nature of Science and Physics
Two-Dimensional Kinematics
Dynamics: Force and Newton’s Laws of Motion
Further Applications of Newton’s Laws:
Friction, Drag, and Elasticity
Uniform Circular Motion and Gravitation
Work, Energy, and Energy Resources
Linear Momentum and Collisions
Statics and Torque
Rotational Motion and Angular Momentum
Fluid Statics
Fluid Dynamics and Its Biological and Medical Applications
Temperature, Kinetic Theory, and the Gas Laws
Heat and Heat Transfer Methods
Oscillatory Motion and Waves
Physics of Hearing
Electric Charge and Electric Field
Electric Potential and Electric Field
Electric Current, Resistance, and Ohm’s Law
Circuits and DC Instruments
Electromagnetic Induction, AC Circuits, and Electrical Technologies
Electromagnetic Waves
Geometric Optics
Vision and Optical Instruments
Wave Optics
Special Relativity
Introduction to Quantum Physics
Atomic Physics
Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics
Medical Applications of Nuclear Physics
Particle Physics
Frontiers of Physics
Physics Textbook, Grades 10-12 (700 pgs, 4.6mb)
1. What is Physics – Grade 10
2. Units – Grade 10
3. Motion in One Dimension – Grade 10
4. Gravity and Mechanical Energy – Grade 10
5. Transverse Pulses – Grade 10
6. Transverse Waves – Grade 10
7. Geometrical Optics – Grade 10
8. Magnetism – Grade 10
9. Electrostatics – Grade 10
10.Electric Circuits – Grade 10
11.Vectors – Grade 11
12.Force, Momentum and Impulse – Grade 11
13.Geometrical Optics – Grade 11
14.Longitudinal Waves – Grade 11
15.Sound – Grade 11
16.The Physics of Music – Grade 11
17.Electromagnetism – Grade 11
18.Electric Circuits – Grade 11
19.Electronic Properties of Matter – Grade 11
20.Motion in Two Dimensions – Grade 12
21.Mechanical Properties of Matter – Grade 12
22.Work, Energy and Power – Grade 12
23.Doppler Effect – Grade 12
24.Color – Grade 12
25.2D and 3D Wavefronts – Grade 12
26.Wave Nature of Matter – Grade 12
27.Electrodynamics – Grade 12
28.Electronics – Grade 12
29.EM Radiation – Grade 12
30.Optical Phenomena and Properties of Matter – Grade 12
Physical Science Textbook, Grade 12 (396 pgs, 3mb)
1. Organic Molecules
2. Organic Macromolecules
3. Reaction Rates
4. Electrochemical Reactions
5. The Chemical Industry
6. Motion in Two Dimensions
7. Mechanical Properties of Matter
8. Work, Energy and Power
9. Doppler Effect
11.2D and 3D Wavefronts
12.Wave Nature of Matter
15.EM Radiation
16.Optical Phenomena and Properties of Matter
Physical Sciences Grade 11 Learner, with solutions to exercises (525 pgs, 16.7mb)
Physical Sciences Grade 11 Teacher (367 pgs, 11.7mb)
1. Vectors in two dimensions
2. Newton’s laws
3. Atomic combinations
4. Intermolecular forces
5. Geometrical optics
6. 2D and 3D wavefronts
7. Ideal gases
8. Quantitative aspects of chemical change
9. Electrostatics
11.Electric circuits
12.Energy and chemical change
13.Types of reactions
14.The lithosphere
15.Quantities used in the book
16.Solutions to exercises
Physical Sciences Grade 12, Siyavula, with solutions to exercises (541 pgs, 9.9mb)
1. Skills for science
2. Momentum and impulse 20
3. Organic molecules
4. Work, energy and power
5. Doppler effect
6. Rate and Extent of Reaction
7. Acids and bases
8. Electric circuits
9. Electrodynamics
10.Optical phenomena and properties of matter
11.Electrochemical reactions
12.The chemical industry
13.Solutions to exercises
Mechanics Textbook (581 pgs, 8.8mb)
Introduction and review
Scaling and estimation
Velocity and relative motion
Acceleration and free fall
Force and motion
Analysis of forces
Newton’s laws in three dimensions
9. Vectors and motion
10.Circular motion
12.Conservation of energy
13.Simplifying the energy zoo
14.Work: the transfer of mechanical energy
15.Conservation of momentum
16.Conservation of angular momentum
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