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Disease Control Tutorial: Concepts, Diseases, and Prevention

Tutorial (Unit 1-10)
Unit 1: Disease Control – Basic Concept
1. Give any FIVE (5) responsibilities of an Assistant Environmental Health
Officer (AEHO).
2. State the functions of Communicable Disease Control Unit.
3. State the functions of Vector-borne Disease Control Unit.
4. Name FIVE (5) programs conducted by Disease Control Unit in Malaysia.
Unit 2: Communicable Diseases
1. Define the following:
a. Communicable diseases
b. Isolation
c. Quarantine
d. Reservior
e. Carriers
2. List down any FIVE (5) examples of communicable diseases.
3. What are the importance of isolation and quarantine?
4. Discuss types of reservoirs and give ONE (1) example of each.
5. Briefly explain about types of carriers.
6. Discuss about incubation period.
7. Draw and label ‘Chain of Infection’. Briefly describe it.
8. Discuss about disease distribution patterns.
9. Give FIVE (5) modes of diseases transmission.
Unit 3: Food and Waterborne Diseases
1. Define food and waterborne diseases.
2. Name TWO (2) types of agents that cause food poisoning with an example of
3. Outline the preventions of food and waterborne diseases.
4. Write short note about types of botulism.
5. List down FIVE (5) symptoms of botulism.
6. Differentiate between amoebic dysentery and bacillary dysentery. Name an
example of agent associated with it.
7. Write down any FIVE (5) symptoms of Hepatitis A infection.
8. Name FIVE (5) diagnosis methods for Hepatitis A.
Unit 4: Mosquito-borne Diseases
Discuss about the causative agent of dengue fever.
Explain about the transmission cycle of dengue fever.
State any FIVE (5) signs and symptoms of dengue fever.
Outline the preventions of mosquito-borne diseases.
List down the species of Plasmodium that causes malaria.
Describe the life cycle of Plasmodium species.
Give any FIVE (5) symptoms of malaria infection.
8. State the diagnosis technique used in malaria diagnosis. Briefly explain about it.
9. State the causative agents of filariasis and its causes.
10. Explain the lifecycle of Brugia Malayi and Wuchereria bancrofti.
11. Write short note about prepatent and incubation period in filariasis.
12. List down any FIVE (5) diagnosis of filariasis.
13. Suggest treatment for filariasis.
14. Discuss the transmission cycle of Japanese Encephalitis.
15. Give any FIVE (5) symptoms of Japanese Encephalitis.
16. Discuss about the stages in Yellow fever infection.
17. State any FIVE (5) signs and symptoms of Yellow fever.
18. Differentiate between malaria and dengue infections based on the following
a. Causative agent
b. Vector
c. Sites of infection
d. Symptoms
e. Treatment
Unit 5: Control of Mosquito-borne Diseases – Fogging and Residual Spray
Discuss about thermal fogger and electrical fogger.
Discuss about pyrethrins and permethrins.
Compare between residual ad non-residual spray.
Write short note about insecticide-treated nets (ITNs).
List down the materials and apparatus used in treating medicated bed nets.
Outline the steps in preparing and treating of medicated bed nets.
Unit 6: Control of Mosquito-borne Diseases – Mosquito Larval Survey