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Extra-Dimensional Theory: Exploring Beyond Our Existence

What could possibly be beyond our existence?
The Platonic view was…..
The materialist view was….
More challenging:
My own viewpoint is more similar to….
Mega challenging:
Do you think the following would exist in our own reality, or
a greater existence:
The Soul
What could possibly be beyond our existence?
Key word:
Extra-dimensional theory. The idea that there may be a
greater existence which lies in dimensions humans can’t
even imagine.
Describe how we exist in four dimensions.
Explain using an example, why it’s so hard to
imagine any more dimensions.
Evaluate the possibility for validity of extradimensional theory.
One of the reasons it’s so difficult to imagine what a
‘greater existence’ might look like, is because it’s very
hard for most people to imagine what a lot of our own
existence looks like.
Write down what our reality looks like at its furthest
away and closest up.
The Macroscopic World
(very large but far away from us)
The Microscopic World
(very small but closer to us)
Extra dimensions activity:
Read the information sheet as a class.
I think what extra-dimensional theory is trying means is……
Mega challenge:
I agree / disagree with this point of view because……
So what would then be the FOURTH DIMENSION?
Some scientists, like Einstein, have suggested that we could also call time a dimension.
We would call then call ‘duration’ the fourth dimension.
Length (the first dimension)
Depth (the third dimension)
Height (the second dimension)
This cube has existed for an hour.
It therefore also has a fourth dimension of time (we call ‘duration’)
Could there be any more dimensions than this? If so, what could they possibly be?
0.21 -4.55
What could possibly be beyond our existence?
Key word:
Extra-dimensional theory. The idea that there may be a
greater existence which lies in dimensions humans can’t
even imagine.
Describe how we exist in four dimensions.
Explain using an example, why it’s so hard to
imagine any more dimensions.
Evaluate the possibility for validity of extradimensional theory.
CHALLENGE – Can you explain the story of flatland? YOU’LL NEED AN
You have a flatland house, flatland creatures and a three dimensional apple
(Mr Sphere - from our dimension). Can you recreate the story of when Mr
Sphere visited Mr Square?
(we’ll see each group in a few minutes)
How would a two dimensional creature (a flatlander like Mr Square) view an
To a flatlander, an apple would look like….
What do you think would happen if a flatlander was taken to view our world
and then taken back to flatland again?
I think what would happen is….
More challenging:
How would Mr Square explain what had happened to Miss Triangle?
I think Miss Triangle would / wouldn’t understand because….
Mega challenge:
What would it look like, if a creature from an extra dimension visited us?
Just like when Mr Sphere visited Mr Square and he
could only see a 2 dimensional cross section of him
(the apple print), if a creature with an extra
dimension came to our world, we would only be able
to see a 3D cross section of him.
We would only be able to see three dimensional
slices of his body.
What would this look like?
I think this would look like….