Newborn Toy Project Part A: Diligent Mama/Daddy You are a new Mom or Dad who wants to ensure your baby is being intellectually stimulated. Go shopping for baby toys. Go to,, or and search for developmental toys for babies. Based on your knowledge of infant growth and development, choose 3 toys from this page that you would buy for your baby. Copy and paste the image onto a Google doc document and briefly explain why you would choose this toy for your baby. Think about the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What skills would this toy help develop in your baby? What type of development would you be targeting? (physical, social, emotional or intellectual) What aspects of the toy persuaded you to “buy” this toy? Was the price point reasonable? Are there any safety precautions you would need to consider with this toy? Write your explanation beside each picture in the document. Format the picture “tight to text” in your document. (see me for help formatting your document if necessary) Evaluation: Application /30 You chose 3 appropriate toys for a baby age 0-12 months Pictures were copied and pasted onto the word document Explanations were thorough and detailed and you responded to each question (4) outlined above It is evident that you understand infant growth and development Comments: