IS333: Project Management Tutorial 10 Questions Semester I 2019 IS333 Project Management Tutorial 10 Semester I 2019 Tutorial 10 (Online – 1.0%) Agile and Critical Chain Project Management 1. Why are traditional project planning methods insufficient when project deliverables are subject to changing requirements or continuous input from the project client? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Agile PM? 3. What would be the difficulties in using Extreme Programming (XP) to develop projects? What types of projects would be best suited to employing XP? 4. Distinguish between project buffers and feeder buffers. accomplish? What is each buffer type used to 5. What are the steps that CCPM employs to resolve conflicts on a project? How does the concept of activity late starts aid this approach? 6. Assume the network diagram shown in the Figure below. Megan is responsible for activities A and C. Use the Critical Chain methodology to resource level the network. What are two options for redrawing the network? Which is the most efficient in terms of time to completion for the project? Show your work. 7. What is the alternative reconfiguration solution if Megan decides to perform Activity C, then Activity A? What are the drawbacks of the reconfigured solution where Activity C is performed first? The University of the South Pacific IS333 Tutorial 10 Questions Page 1 of 3 IS333: Project Management Tutorial 10 Questions Semester I 2019 8. Consider the following activities and their durations. The original project schedule, using early activity starts, is shown in the Figure below. Reconfigure the network using critical chain project scheduling. Activity A B C D E a. b. c. d. e. Duration 5 days 30 days 10 days 10 days 15 days What is the critical path? How much slack is currently available in the non-critical path? Reconfigure the network in the Figure above as a critical chain network. What is the new duration of the project? How long are the project and feeder buffers? 9. Reconfigure the network in the Figure below using the critical chain approach. Remember to reconfigure the activities to late start where appropriate. What is the original critical path? What is the original project duration? How much feeder buffer should be applied to the noncritical paths? What is the length of the project buffer? Assume the 50% likelihood is exactly half the duration of current project activities. The University of the South Pacific IS333 Tutorial 10 Questions Page 2 of 3 IS333: Project Management Tutorial 10 Questions Semester I 2019 10. It has been said that a key difference between CCPM safety and ordinary PERT chart activity slack is that activity slack is determined after the network has been created, whereas critical chain path safety is determined in advance. Explain this: How does the project team “find” slack in a PERT chart versus they use the activity buffer in Critical Chain Project Management? The University of the South Pacific IS333 Tutorial 10 Questions Page 3 of 3