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Controlled Experiments: Variables, Groups, & Scientific Method


• Designing a Controlled Experiment

In experiments, to show the cause and effect relationship, scientists study factors called a) Independent Variable: This is the experimental variable, the factor that is changed in the experiment. The “CAUSE

• Designing a Controlled Experiment a) Dependent Variable: This variable changes in response to the independent variable. This is measured during an experiment; they are experimental data- the “EFFECT” b) Control Factors: Also called constants these are conditions that remain the same during an experiment.

• Designing a Controlled Experiment

• In a Controlled experiment only ONE independent variable is tested at one time.

• We setup 2 groups in a controlled experiment: a) Control group: The control group is the part of the experiment that

 Does not receive the independent variable,

 Receives all the control factors

 Is used as the point of comparison

• Designing a Controlled Experiment b) Experimental Group: This group is the part that

 receives the independent variable

 receives the control factors

In the controlled experiment both the groups are treated exactly the same except the experimental group gets the factor (independent variable) that you are testing.

• Scientific Process

 What is a hypothesis?

A proposed answer to a scientific question

 What is a theory?

A proposed explanation for a wide range of observations and experimental results that is also

supported by a wide range of evidence

 Why are theories never proven?

Because new scientific evidence can lead to a theory being changed or discarded

• Scientific process

 What is the difference between a theory and a hypothesis?

A theory explains a wide range of observations; a hypothesis is a proposed answer to one scientific question.

 How can you remember the difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable?

Think about what the words independent and dependent mean.
