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SWP SpillKit Infographic EN final

Be Smart About Spills:
Prepare a Spill Kit
Have you seen this sign? Your business may be close to a municipal well or
surface water intake. Preparing a spill kit can help you manage chemical and
waste spills that could pollute our drinking water sources.
1. Determine what
kind of spill kit
you need
What kind of
substance will you
need to absorb?
2. Fill your kit
Include spill
response and
clean up supplies
Include personal
Spill Kit
Universal, oil
or chemical kit?
Other supplies
based on specific
3. Store the kit in an accessible area
4. Maintain spill
kit supplies
5. Train your staff
on how to use
the spill kit
Resources: • See protectingwatermatters.ca and ontario.ca/page/source-protection. Search the Source
Protection Information Atlas to find out if your business is located near a municipal drinking water source.
• Report spills to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks–Spills Action Centre at
1-800-268-6060. Learn more at ontario.ca/page/report-pollution-and-spills.
The information listed in this infographic is not an exhaustive list of requirements and should in no way be interpreted as such.