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Bio Evolution StudyGuide

Unit 8 : Evolution Study Guide
Name:____________________________ Date:____________ Bell:____________
1. Natural selection is the process by which:
2. Natural selection could not occur without:
3. The process by which a species becomes better suited to
its environment:
4. Organisms well suited to their environment:
5. The theory of evolution predicts that:
a. the age of selected fossils is calculated
b. organisms with traits well-suited to their environment
survive and reproduce at a greater rate than less welladapted organisms in the same environment
c. acquired traits are passed on from one generation to the
d. all of the above
a. genetic variation in species
b. a new ice age
c. competition for unlimited resources
d. gradual warming of the Earth
a. accommodation
b. variation
c. adaptation
d. selection
a. reproduce at a greater rate than those less suited to that
same environment
b. are always larger in size than organisms less suited to that
c. always live longer than organisms less suited to that
d. need less food than organisms less suited to that
a. closely related species will show similarities in DNA
nucleotide sequences
b. if species have changed over time, their genes should have
c. closely related species will show similarities in amino acid
d. all of the above
6. There is a certain species of mouse that lives in
Sherwood Forest. It had a normal survival curve of mice
based on their weight. This survival curve is drawn to the
right. A new type of wildcat was introduced into the
ecosystem containing these mice. This new wildcat eats
mice of low weight and higher weight because they are
much easier to catch. Draw a new population curve to
represent the population of mice.
7. When the individuals of two populations can no longer
interbreed, the two populations are considered to be:
8. The characteristics of the individuals best suited to a
particular environment tend to increase in a population
over time:
9. Forelimbs of vertebrates would be considered:
10. Evidence for evolution occurs only in the fossil record:
11. An organ, which has decreased in size and no longer has
important function, is considered:
12. There are two populations of skunks, one on the west
side of the Grand River and the other on the East side. The
a. different families
c. the same species
a. analogous structures
c. vestigial structures
a. analogous structures
c. vestigial structures
a. one community
b. 2 different species
b. different species
d. unrelated
b. homologous structures
d. all of the above
b. homologous structures
d. all of the above
west side skunks have bigger tails and different coloration
patterns on their faces. Naturalists have not seen these
different populations living together. A biologist captures a
west side skunk and east side skunk and keeps them for a
mating season to have them breed. These skunks produce
4 offspring, which all, when mated with west and east side
skunks, produced offspring:
The east and west side skunks would best be considered:
13. If these skunk populations are left in the wild and the
river valley becomes even bigger, eventually what would
13B. Being separated by a large river valley could likely lead
to reproductive isolation. What is reproductive isolation
and what is the major reason causing it in this example?
14. Define the following terms, and provide an example:
a. Behavioral Isolation
b. Founder effect
c. Bottleneck effect
c. one single population
d. same species, 2 diverging populations
15. Examine and analyze the amino acid sequences below.
Compare the other organisms to the Gopher and answer
the following questions based on these sequences only.
Sea Lion
List in order the fewest different to the most differences to
the Gopher:
a. population reformation
c. punctuated equilibrium
b. speciation
d. ecological determinism
a. ______________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________
_________________ _________________ ______________
Which is organism is most closely related to the gopher?
Which organism is least related to the gopher?
16. Draw bell curves for each Pattern of Selection:
A. Disruptive B. Directional C. Stabilizing
The solid line represents the original distribution of the
phenotype, you draw a dotted line with the new
distribution after natural selection:
______ Gradualism
______ Punctuated Equilibrium
Theorist for gradualism: ____________________________
Theorist for Punctuated
Each phylogenetic tree represents a form of evolution,
Punctuated Equilibrium or Gradualism. Place the letter
below the chart in the correct spot, and name the person
responsible for the theory.
The picture to the left shows two ways to obtain the date of
The description on the left shows _________________
_____________ . How is this type of dating done?
The description on the right shows __________________
______________. How is this type of dating done?
Which is more accurate?
What “fossil clues” in layers A and B indicate the kind of
environment that existed when these rock layers were
formed? How did the environment change in layer D?
Which layer is oldest? How do you know?
Use the picture above to answer the questions to the right