by Name of Country: Show where your country is located on this world map. Area/Region (Shade in the region of the world that your country is a part of) ● ● ● North America ● Europe Asia South America ● Australia ● Africa ● Oceania Just the Facts ● Current Leader(s):_______________________ ● Language(s):___________________________ ________________________________________ ● Currency:______________________________ ● Capital:_________________________________ ● Location and/or Neighboring Countries: ● Climate:_______________________________ ________________________________________ ● Important Products:____________________ My Map of _______________________________________ ________________________________________ _______________________________________ ● Size (in square miles):___________________ ________________________________________ ● Population:_____________________________ _______________________________________ Check out this postcard to learn about an important landmark: Flag of _____________ Very Important Citizen Name__________________ The colors of the flag are ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Animal Trading Card Born: ________Died: ________ Famous for_______________ _______________________ _______________________ Description of Landmark: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Read the brochure below to learn about the great people, places, and things that make ___________________ special. _______________________ is an animal that lives in _______________________. Here are some fascinating facts about it:___________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Fabulous Food This delicious dish is often eaten in____________________: Final Fact Here’s one more thing I want to tell you about ___________________: Super Resources Check out these books, web sites, and resources to learn more: Copyright ©2001 by Scholastic Inc. ISBN: 0-439-32320-7 Spectacular Sport This sport is especially popular in___________________: