Gospel: The 4 Gospels Info 🍆 (feel free to add) Mark Matthew Luke John Location: Rome Antioch Greece Near Rome Audience: Persecuted Gentiles Jewish Christians Poor Gentiles All Portrayal Of Christ: Suffering Messiah Teacher / Messiah Merciful Messiah Messiah Similarities & Differences: Mary Magdalene, Mary Mother of James and Salome. Mary Magdalene + another. Mary Magdalene alone. 1 Angel Appears 1 Angel Appears 2 Angels appear. 2 Endings: Christ himself appears on way to tell disciples (MT Only) .Appearances : - Road to Emmaus - Disciples in Jerusalem (the 12) - The Ascension 1. Appearance to the 11 2. Appearances to other disciples, Road to Emmaus (mentioned but w/o it's name), 3. The Ascension. Guards Stationed at Tomb (MT Only) Mary Magdalene, Mary Mother of James, and Joanna Appearances: - appears to the 11 b4 Ascension Christ himself appears (The Gardener) (only John) Peter & Beloved Disciple run to tomb (only John) Appearances: - To the 12 - Thomas the doubter - “Fishers of men” appearance by sea of Tiberias Textbook Questions and Answers pg(147-149) 1) What is the significance of the empty tomb? a. First step in acknowledging God’s work in Christ’s resurrection as a historical event. 2) Why is Mark 16:8 where he concluded his Gospel? a. Mark wanted us to enter the story and do what the woman failed to do - spread the News. 3) Who are the first evangelists of the Resurrection in Luke’s Gospel? a. The woman- Mary Magdalene, Mary Mother of James, Joanna. 4) When do the disciples on the road to Emmaus recognize Jesus? a. When Christ blessed the bread and breaks it (calls back to last supper). 5) Where do Catholics meet the Risen Lord in the Sunday Liturgy? a. In Sacred Scripture, and the Sacraments (Baptism) 6) What greeting did the Risen Lord give to his disciples when he appeared to them? a. “Peace be with you.” 7) Who is a model of faith in the Resurrection narratives of John’s Gospel? a. The Beloved Disciple - John 8) Describe two qualities of Jesus’ Resurrected body? a. Not limited by time and space, appeared whenever he pleased 9) According to the original ending (Jn 20:30-31), why did John write his gospel? a. That we “may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah the Son of God and that through this belief you may have life in his name” 10) How did the discrepancies in the resurrection narratives actually argue for their historical \ value? a. These differences can be explained by remembering that the stories were handed down originally through oral tradition, this argue strongly that there were valid through experiences behind the various accounts. The early witnesses knew exactly what happened, what they saw, what Jesus said, and how their hearts burn with love for him; they refused to change anything in their testimony. 11) List four similarities in all the Resurrection narratives. 1) Mary Magdalene’s presence 2) Some Heavenly being appearing to women (be it an Angel, Angels, or Christ) 3) Empty tomb 4) Jesus being seen after being crucified (Jesus appearing to the 11 / 12 Apostles; ex: at the road to Emmaus) road to Emmaus is only 2 gospels but that’s technically a similarity *Leaks* (what the?!) Q. Who writes to Rome?Q. Who talks about the guards Q. Who talk about the Suffering Messiah? Mark -Matt - Mark