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Global Trade After 1600 Set #1
Adam Smith
This 18th century economist coined the term
\"Invisible Hand,\" a metaphor representing the
natural forces that drive individuals to succeed
economically, which are the same forces that
\"invisibly\" guide a large economy.
This continent is the second-largest. It is widely
regarded as the birthplace of man because the
oldest human bones on record have been found
American Revolution
This was the first successful colonial independence
movement against a European power, 1775-1783.
This instrument was used by sailors and
navigators to determine their position on the seas
and was key during the Age of Exploration.
Atlantic Ocean
This is the ocean found on the east coast of the
United States and the west coast of some
European and African countries.
He was a 17th century British scientist who proved
that when \"a fixed amount of an ideal gas kept at
a fixed temperature, pressure and volume are
inversely proportional,\" a law of chemistry that
bears his name.
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