International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)
Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 2067–2073, Article ID: IJCIET_10_04_215
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=4
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316
© IAEME Publication
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Muttaqin Muttaqin, Banu Waskito, Iqbal Kaharmies, Sfenrianto Sfenrianto,
Emil Robert Kaburuan
Information Systems Management Department,
BINUS Graduate Program – Master of Information System Managements
Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
The development of cloud computing has affected infrastructure used in travel
companies. PT. XYZ is a company engaged in management travel services. Services
offered consists of consulting, development, implementation, industrial and
operational solutions. In order to complete the project, the company has used FIS
(Finance Information System) but has not been integrated with the booking engine and
HRIS (Human Resources Information System). This happens because of lack of
designing in the process of developing information systems for the company. Service
system management that has not been integrated have a lot of risks, including errors
in recording or entering data, the time needed is relatively longer to access and
process information. The study aims to design an appropriate business process based
on cloud computing. The design will be able to produce an architecture that can
integrate between FIS and HRIS in an integrated and cloud-based manner that can be
used as a guide in the procurement of information / information systems technology at
Key words: business process, cloud computing, enterprise architecture, corporate
travel management
Cite this Article: Muttaqin Muttaqin, Banu Waskito, Iqbal Kaharmies, Sfenrianto
Sfenrianto, Emil Robert Kaburuan, Business Process Design for Corporate Travel
Management (Case Study: PT XYZ), International Journal of Civil Engineering and
Technology 10(4), 2019, pp. 2067–2073.
Not all companies have implemented good business processes in information systems. PT.
XYZ provides comprehensive IT solution services for the travel. These services include
consulting, development, implementation, industrial and operational solutions. The company
has many customers spread throughout Indonesia.
Muttaqin Muttaqin, Banu Waskito, Iqbal Kaharmies, Sfenrianto Sfenrianto,
Emil Robert Kaburuan
In order to complete a work, it is not uncommonly for employees to take official trips.
The process of filing employee official travel is carried out on an application called FIS
(Finance Information System) but has not been integrated with the booking engine and HRIS
(Human Resources Information System). This happens because of a lack of planning in the
process of developing information systems for internal companies.
To close the gap between applications, a comprehensive system design is needed by
taking into account the surrounding applications. By paying attention to the surrounding
application, it is necessary to analyse how the process of data integration and security data
from the application and design of the application is as detailed and comprehensive as
possible. Based on this, an application design method is needed and is able to provide a
comprehensive solution.
A good business process shoul be need in building applications / systems in detail and
paying attention to various aspects of its supporters. Business process is very useful to
determine designing a information system [1] [2].
In addition to the above, PT. XYZ felt that it was necessary to evaluate the business
proces of corporate travel management to be more efficient, and effective. This is because
later corporate travel management will run on several platforms.
Cloud computing can also be one of the solutions that can be used for corporate travel
management. Because cloud computing has a complete package for issues of efficiency,
effectiveness, and security [3].
This study aims to produce a design of needs in terms of technological infrastructure in
the form of catalogues, diagrams, and matrices which will be needed by PT XYZ in
developing corporate travel management.
The travel market competition is very competitive and tight, this has presented a new
challenge for online travel service companies. The use of good business processes from
information systems has become a noteworthy problem, namely how the systems are
integrated to be more efficient. In order to improve the efficiency of information systems in
travel companies can use a good business process [4]. Business process development also
aims to change information systems to be better for customers [5] [6].
Then with the development of IT infrastructure, an integrated information system should
be used that utilizes cloud computing. Many definitions of cloud computing. Research
conducted by McKinsey found that there are 22 types of definitions of cloud computing. In
fact, there are no specific standards or definitions regarding cloud computing [7].
The most common term used is cloud computing is a cluster of computer devices that
provide on-demand resources and services through the internet [6].
The meaning of the word "cloud" is inspired by a book that illustrates that there are clouds
that are capable of hiding something complex behind it [6].
Cloud computing is a client-server model, where every available resource such as server,
data storage, network and software can all be accessed anytime, anywhere by the user. There
is a Cloud computing service provider that provides micro service concept services such as
Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Service, Microsoft Azure and others. With cloud
computing-based services, users can manage all parts without directly involving service
provider technicians [8].
Business Process Design for Corporate Travel Management (Case Study: PT XYZ)
However, by understanding the types of services offered by cloud computing, it must start
from understanding what new things cloud computing is trying to offer, here is a list of three
main types of services offered by cloud computing [6].
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
IaaS is a service with an infrastructure or hardware, software and network domain. IaaS can
also be called the lowest service layer and a Cloud Delivery Service. Users will be given
access to increase capacity in managing computing systems, storage media, managing data
traffic and network performance. Users can also run operating system software and
applications freely. In other words, full control of system infrastructure is given to users.
However, service providers still provide restrictions regarding certain components that cannot
be accessed.
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
PaaS can also be called Middleware Service or an intermediary service that is ready-to-use
software provided by cloud computing service providers. PaaS will facilitate a variety of
applications in the cloud computing service environment. With PaaS users can build
applications, perform testing and deployment.
Software as a Service (Saas)
Is a Top Service from Cloud computing services? SaaS is provided in the form of an
application that can be used by users directly from anywhere and anytime using the internet.
This application can also be accessed from any device using the Web Browser on the user's
In this study, the method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The design
starts with explaining the core and supporting processes that exist in the corporate travel
management business process at PT XYZ, so business processes can be more easily
The next stage is defining the parts of business process using use case diagram. Then,
determining the information system relations with business processes from PT XYZ. The
final stage is a proposed for infrastrukcture architecture-based cloud computing.
In this study, the authors use also the interview method as a method of retrieving data and
produces 2 types of data, namely premier and secondary data where the premier data is data
obtained from the opinion of Product Manager from corporate travel management. While
secondary data obtained from literature related research reviews from both journals, books
and previous research.
Value chain diagrams describe the core processes and supporting processes that exist in the
corporate travel management business process at Asty XYZ.
Muttaqin Muttaqin, Banu Waskito, Iqbal Kaharmies, Sfenrianto Sfenrianto,
Emil Robert Kaburuan
Figure 1 Value Chain Corporate travel management PT. XYZ.
From the Figure there are 2 types of activities, namely the main activities and supporting
activities. For the main activities consist of:
Planning & Budgeting, namely the planning of data needed to support the travel needs of
employees starting from partnerships with various parties and determining grades and
Duty Travel Order, namely the activity of submitting official travel planning for employees
both domestic and international trips, which will later have an approval process for planning
the proposed trip.
Booking, namely the activity of fulfilling official travel needs, if the official planning proposal
has been approved. Official travel needs include booking airplane tickets, ordering train
tickets, booking hotel tickets, car rentals, and entertainment fees.
Expense Report, namely the activity of reporting accountability for official travel that has
been carried out. This activity includes collecting evidence of transactions that have been
Reporting, namely reporting activities for calculating employee official trips that have been
carried out and will be carried out.
Then, for supporting activities consist of:
HR, namely the management activities of employees at PT XYZ.
Legal & Finances, namely the activities of PT. XYZ legal and financial administration
Procurements, namely the activity of managing the process of procuring the infrastructure or
technology needed by PT. XYZ.
Research & Development (Technology), namely activities that research and development tools
related to information systems and supporting technology from PT. XYZ business processes.
Based on the value chain described earlier, the vision of designing an enterprise architecture
that will be created includes:
Designing an enterprise architecture that aligns the needs of employees as end users and
business process needs of corporate travel management Asty XYZ which can then result in an
increase in effectiveness and efficiency when employees make official trips.
Business Process Design for Corporate Travel Management (Case Study: PT XYZ)
Design an information system that provides relevant information quickly and is able to
integrate with an existing system optimally. The next stage is defining the parts of business
processes which are details of each business process that can be seen in the use case diagram
Figure 2 Use Case Diagram corporate travel management PT. XYZ.
From the results of defining the details of business processes above, the need for an
information system as a support for the main business activities has been obtained to be
further compiled in enterprise architecture planning. Next to see the information system
relations can be seen in the application architecture.
Muttaqin Muttaqin, Banu Waskito, Iqbal Kaharmies, Sfenrianto Sfenrianto,
Emil Robert Kaburuan
Flight API
(Corporate Travel
Mobile Apps
React Native
Figure 3. Application Architecture.
After determining the information system relations with business processes from Asty
XYZ Corporate travel management, for technology architecture recommendations this design
utilizes cloud computing service providers from the Google Cloud Platform to become a data
storage centre and system computing centre so that all employees can access anywhere and
anytime through devices that are owned. The following is a form of technological system
architecture design from Asty XYZ corporate travel management.
Corporate Travel Management
Corporate Travel Management
Corporate Travel Management
Figure 4. Infrastructure Architecture-Based Cloud Computing
Figure shows the infrastructure of architecture-based cloud which can help companies
improve integrated system at PT XY. The design in the future that can help corporate travel
management to run more optimally. It is allows companies to define business needs.
Business Process Design for Corporate Travel Management (Case Study: PT XYZ)
Based on the results of the design that has been done and explained, it can be concluded that
by using business process and cloud technology, Corporate travel management applications
will increase the business value of the application. Improvement can be seen in flexibility,
interoperability, efficency, and data management. Aside from that side, using cloud enhances
network infrastructure and integrated system.
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