International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 1863-1869, Article ID: IJCIET_10_04_195 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed ASSESSMENT OF THE OPERATOR'S ABILITY TO PRODUCE QUALITY DRINKING WATER Nieke Karnaningroem Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil, Environmental, and Geo Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia Geodita Woro Bramanti Department of Business Management, Faculty of Business Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia Nur Wakhidah Mayang Sari, Rosalina Eka Praptiwi and Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil, Environmental, and Geo Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia ABSTRACT Refill drinking water depot (DAMIU) is a business that aims to middle and lower class because of its affordable price. The laboratory analysis of refill drinking water quality showed that the total coliform had exceeded the threshold based on the Ministry of Health Regulation No. 492/2010. Direct observation in the depots resulted in a general conclusion that poor water quality was produced due to incapability the operators in operating water treatment units. The capability of DAMIU operator was divided into 3 latent variables, which are knowledge, attitude, and behavior. Those variables observed by 17 indicator variables described operator’s understanding about refill drinking water regulations (knowledge), depots operation and maintenance (behavior), and operator’s willingness to improve their depots performance (attitude). Structural Equation Modeling conducted through validity test and correlation test. Validity test result showed only 9 indicators were valid. Correlation test carried with the valid indicators identified that correlation value of knowledge, behavior, and attitude towards coliform contamination were 0,165; 0,151; and 0,374; respectively. The priority of the improvement was determined by fishbone analysis which made based on the valid indicators and adjusted by the correlation value between latent variables from correlation test. The first problem to overcome was operator’s attitude, followed by their knowledge, and last was their behavior. Keywords: drinking water, partial least square, structural equation modeling, total coliform 1863 Nieke Karnaningroem, Geodita Woro Bramanti, Nur Wakhidah Mayang Sari, Rosalina Eka Praptiwi and Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo Cite this Article: Nieke Karnaningroem, Geodita Woro Bramanti, Nur Wakhidah Mayang Sari, Rosalina Eka Praptiwi and Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo, Assessment of the Operator's Ability to Produce Quality Drinking Water. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10(04), 2019, pp. 1863-1869 1. INTRODUCTION In Indonesia, there are two types of drinking water, the one produced from credible drinking water company and small business that called refill drinking water depot (DAMIU). DAMIU is a business that intended to people with low and middle class because of its affordable price, although its quality has does not confirmed yet (Karnaningroem et al., 2017). It used spring water as source of raw water and deliver it with water tank. The water treatment is divided into two steps, which are filtration process and disinfection process. Water Storage Sand Filter Activated Carbon Cartridge Filter Desinfection Unit Figure 1. Process flow diagram for DAMIU The methods for disinfection commonly used were chlorination, ozonation, UV ray, membrane filter, etc. (Xi et al., 2017). Drinking water quality has to fulfill the threshold stated in regulation by Ministry of Health of Indonesia No. 492/2010. Good quality disinfection for drinking water meant that the coliform bacteria was not exceeding standard, because it could cause disease such as gastroenteritis, dysentery, diarrhea, and hepatitis (Khan et al., 2013). The aim of this research was to analyze the effects of operator capability on drinking water quality produced in DAMIU. The procedure was carried out with Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). Structural equation models are a family of multivariate statistical models that allow the analyst to estimate the effect and relationship between multiple variables. They could be thought of as a variety of factorial analysis models that allow the consideration of direct and indirect affects between factors (Dell’Olion et al., 2018). The indicators were determined through validity test where its loading factor should be ≥ 0.5 to be valid. The relation of those valid indicators and the priority of control measures was calculated on correlation test. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS The data derived from questionnaires with drinking water operator as the respondent (Samudro and Mangkoedihardjo, 2006). The object of this research was represented by 30 DAMIU that had been clustered. 2.1. Water Sampling Water sample was collected from water storage and outlet of water treatment. The water quality was determined by analyzing Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), turbidity, pH, color, and total coliform in laboratory. The test result was used to confirm which parameter that exceed the threshold based on the regulation. 1864 Assessment of the Operator's Ability to Produce Quality Drinking Water 2.2. Quantitative Data Analysis Questionnaires data was analyzed using Likert scale. Likert scale items are created by calculating a composite score (sum or mean) that analyzed at the interval measurement scale. Descriptive statistics recommended for interval scale items include the mean for central tendency and standard deviations for variability (Boone and Boone, 2012). In this research, the scale range was created in 1-5, where 5 represented the best condition. The calculated data would be used in validity and correlation test. 2.3. Structural Equation Modeling The validity and correlation test was calculated using SEM with Smart-PLS software. There were two types of variables, latent variables and observed variables. Latent variables (constructs or factors) are variables that are not directly observable or measured. Latent variables are indirectly observed or measured, and hence are inferred from a set of observed variables that actually measured using tests, surveys, and so on (Schumacker and Lomax, 2010). Latent variables are distinguished into exogenous and endogenous. Exogenous latent variables (independent variables): they “cause” fluctuations in the values if other latent variables in the model. Endogenous latent variables (dependent variables) are influenced by the exogenous variables in the model, either directly or indirectly (Byrne, 2016). The operator capability was drawn by 3 latent variables, which were knowledge, attitude, and behavior. Those variables measured by 17 observed variables that described operator understanding about drinking water regulations (knowledge), how the operator did their job (behavior), and operator willingness to improve their DAMIU performance (attitude). At the same time, the water quality was described by water quality parameters that did not meet the standard. Figure 2. Measurement and Structural Model 1865 Nieke Karnaningroem, Geodita Woro Bramanti, Nur Wakhidah Mayang Sari, Rosalina Eka Praptiwi and Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Drinking Water Quality Water samples collected was analyzed in Environmental Quality Management Laboratory, Department of Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. The test results shown below. Figure 3. TDS Figure 4. Turbidity Figure 5. pH Figure 6. Color Figure 7. Total Coliform Figures above illustrated the concentration of each parameters towards its standard. Overall, 4 out of 5 parameters was within acceptable range. However, the total coliform was founded in water sample which indicated that the water produced from DAMIU was not good for consumption. 3.2. Validity Test The questionnaire data is calculated according to Figure 2 to determine valid and invalid indicator. An indicator was categorized as valid indicator if it had value 0,5 [6]. Invalid indicator should be taken out of the model. Valid indicators that remain in the model is recalculated to produced final loading factor value that be used in correlation test. 1866 Assessment of the Operator's Ability to Produce Quality Drinking Water Table 1. Latent Variable and SEM Indicator Variables K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Knowledge Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade No. 651/2004 Ministry of Health Regulation No. 43/ 2014 Ministry of Health Regulation No. 492/2010 Ministry of Health Regulation No. 736/2010 Treatment units in production process Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) Behavior Participating in DAMIU socialization Operating water treatment based on SOP Controlled or monitored by the Health Centers Cleaning raw water reservoir Operators hygiene Microorganism remnants, insects, and rats extermination with disinfectant Attitude Improve the water quality to meet the standard Participate in DAMIU management training Establish and apply DAMIU SOP Replace unsuitable components Manage sanitation hygiene in DAMIU location Loading Factor (Initial) Decision Loading Factor (Recalculation) 0,690 Valid 0,829 0,754 Valid 0,970 0,670 Valid 0,930 0,788 Valid 0,837 -0,367 -0,345 Invalid Invalid 0,526 -0,489 Valid Invalid -0,084 Invalid 0,657 0,543 Valid Valid 0,028 Invalid 0,130 Invalid 0,521 -0,414 0,140 Valid Invalid Invalid 0,545 0,909 Valid 0,937 0,674 0,892 0,857 3.3. Correlation Test The valid variables were calculated in correlation test and produced the correlation coefficient which shows the relations between the latent variables in Table 2. Table 2. Correlation Test Result Variable Attitude Behavior Knowledge Attitude Behavior Knowledge Refill Drinking Water Quality 1,000 0,315 0,325 1,000 0,667 1,000 0,374 0,151 0,165 Refill Drinking Water Quality 1,000 Sources: Analysis Results, 2018 1867 Nieke Karnaningroem, Geodita Woro Bramanti, Nur Wakhidah Mayang Sari, Rosalina Eka Praptiwi and Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo Variable “attitude” is the most important variable for the “refill drinking water quality” (the correlation coefficient is 0,374) and the less important is the “behavior” (the correlation coefficient is 0,151). Therefore, in order to improve the refill drinking water quality as required, the control measurement should focus on “attitude” first, and then “knowledge”, and “behavior”. The highest correlation coefficient observed was between “behavior” and “knowledge”. The procedure for improving “behavior” could concentrated on “knowledge” (0,667). Figure 8. Illustration of how latent variables and indicators affect refill drinking water quality 4. CONCLUSIONS A hierarchy of the influence of the latent variables on refill drinking water quality can be established using the structural equation modeling. The priority of the improvement was determined based on the valid indicators and adjusted by the correlation value between latent variables from correlation test. The first problem to overcome was operator’s attitude, followed by their knowledge, and last was their behavior. The present data article overs implication for the authorities who legalized and monitored DAMIU operation. Regulation that exist can be modified to ensure that the DAMIU owner had been participated in DAMIU management training. Furthermore, the monitoring frequencies of refill drinking water quality can be done regularly according to the regulation. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to acknowledge and express their sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education, Indonesia for providing the financial support for this study. 1868 Assessment of the Operator's Ability to Produce Quality Drinking Water REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Boone, H.N. and Boone, D.A. (2012). Analyzing Likert Data. The Journal of Extension, 50, 1-5. Byrne, B.M. (2016). Structural Equation Modeling with Amos: Basic Concepts, Application, and Programing. Third Edition. New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, pp 5. Dell’Olion, L., Ibeas, A., de Ona, J., de Ona, R. (2018). Public Transportation of Service 1st Edition. Elsevier, pp. 141. Karnaningroem, N., Muzakky, A. Bramanti, G. W. (2017). 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