osInternational Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 1740-1752, Article ID: IJCIET_10_04_183 Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijciet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=04 ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed HIGH VOLUME CLASS C FLY ASH CONTAINING SELF COMPACTING CONCRETE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT C. P. Ramesh Department of Civil Engineering, SET- JAIN University, Kanakpura taluk, Ramanagara district, Bengaluru-562112, Karnataka, India H. P. Vageesh Department of Civil Engineering, R.V. College of Engineering, Mysore road, Bengaluru560059, Karnataka, India T. Raghavendra Department of Civil Engineering, R.V. College of Engineering, Mysore road, Bengaluru560059, Karnataka, India B. C. Udayashankar Department of Civil Engineering, R.V. College of Engineering, Mysore road, Bengaluru560059, Karnataka, India A. Shashishankar Department of Civil Engineering, A.M.C Engineering college, 18th K.M, Bannerghatta Main Road, Bengaluru-560083, Karnataka, India ABSTRACT Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a highly flowable concrete that is placed by means of its own weight. The importance of SCC is that it maintains all concrete’s durability and uniqueness, gathering expected routine requirements. Researchers confirmed that the usage of industrial by products such as Fly ash, GGBS, Pond ash etc., as partial replacements for cement in concrete for green initiatives, due to the speedy growth of urbanization influencing the cutback of natural aggregate recourses, thereby encouraging the tradition using alternative aggregate materials such as, manufactured sand, crushed stone aggregates, construction and demolition waste, quarry dust, copper slag, crushed sand, marble and granite waste aggregates and etc. This paper illustrates the laboratory findings of SCC by incorporating European \http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1740 editor@iaeme.com C. P. Ramesh, H. P. Vageesh, T. Raghavendra, C. Udayashankar and A. Shashishankar Federation of National Associations Representing for Concrete (EFNARC) guidelines, by complete replacement of fine aggregates with Processed Slag Sand (PSS) and partial replacement of Binder with Class C fly ash i.e.50 percent of total binder as which is represented as SCC 55. The outcome obtained pertaining to flow, strength, and durability; for this SCC mix when compared with control concrete was found to be satisfactory and thereby promote today's Engineers to implement SCC technology with this new blend for sustainable development. Key words: SCC, PSS sand, Class C Fly ash Cite this Article: C. P. Ramesh, H. P. Vageesh, T. Raghavendra, C. Udayashankar and A. Shashishankar, High Volume Class C Fly Ash Containing Self Compacting Concrete For Sustainable Development. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10(04), 2019, pp. 1740-1752 http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=04 1. INTRODUCTION In 1980’s Japan’s construction industry faced a problem of unavailability of skilled labours, this leads to the development of an innovative concrete which able to consolidate under its own weight, termed as self-compacting concrete, by the work of Okamura. SCC can be used where the compaction of concrete is complicated in places with heavy reinforcement, beamcolumn junctions and etc. The main objective of this work makes us to use of the industrial by-products and other wastes as a constituent material in the preparation SCC, to produce a set of investigational data and to design suitable mix. Furthermore to find out the strength and durability aspects of SCC mixes with these marginal materials, The durability and strength parameters were enhanced by the utilization of marginal resources as class C fly ash in SCC73 (Vageesh H P et.al 2018) similarly ISP slag as substitute for natural sand, even for small ratios (Zofia Szweda et.al 2017) same trend was observed in the enhancement of durability; chloride migration, electrical resistivity, and carbonation by inclusion of fly ash (FA) and limestone filler (LF) as partial substitution for cement through SEM image analysis (Pedro Raposeiro da Silva and Jorge de Brito 2016) . Due to the inclusion of high volume in fly ash content 0-35%, the Slump Flow and flexural strength values were improved whereas the compressive strength and modulus of elasticity values decreased (Khaled Omar Mohamed Oraibi et.al 2015). A similar values for Modulus of elasticity were reported for SCC and Vibrated concrete based on the data collected and compared with the predicted from the formulations and existing models developed (from Euro code 2 and the Model Code )(BartCraeye et.al 2014). By the replacement level at 0 to 50%, Recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) and supplementary cementitious materials (SCM’s) reduced the ultimate strength, and also compressive strength increase rate at 3, 14, and 28 days however they fulfilled the fresh properties of SCC, mixes possessing moderately high percentages of SCMs and RAP showed satisfactory compressive strength (Enad Mahmoud et.al 2013). By the incorporation of waste mineral Admixtures, limestone powder (LP), basalt powder (BP) and marble powder (MP) as partial replacement of Portland cement improved the economic feasibility of SCC but reduced the Elastic and dynamic modulus of SCC mixes(Mucteba Uysal and Kemalettin Yilmaz 2011). Concrete mixes with different substitution levels of metakaolin (MK) and limestone filler (LF) were remained sound and maintained their original pore structure after different exposure periods which are examined for rapid chloride permeability (RCPT), water sorptivity, water porosity, rapid freezing and thawing and also with sulphuric acid solutions with concentrations of 3%, 5% and 7%, with http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1741 editor@iaeme.com High Volume Class C Fly Ash Containing Self Compacting Concrete For Sustainable Development the mutual action of LF into MK concretes exhibit superior resistance against sulphuric acid attack, the water absorption, water porosity of concrete with MK and LF was better than the nominal mix, RCPT results in the mixture has drastically higher permeability than other concrete mixture. (Seyed Mahmoodreza Joorabchian 2010) The Purpose of this laboratory investigation is to examine the fresh and hardened Properties of novel SCC mixes, by the complete replacement of fine aggregates with Processed Slag Sand (PSS) and partial replacement of cement with Class C fly ash at 50 percent to the total weight, on compressive strength 7, 28, 56 and 90 day’s age, split tensile strength and flexure at 28 and 56 day’s age. The stress strain characteristics, effect of water-powder ratio on Properties of SCC mixes, durability, water permeability and rapid chloride ion penetration which has been not evaluated in SCC73 (Vageesh H P et.al 2018) were also studied. At present scenario there is no IS code for SCC and hence, the Japanese method of mix design for SCC mixes by incorporating course of action given by EFNARC (European Federation of Natural Association Representing for Concrete) are followed. Finally suitable concrete mix is anticipated based on the workability property in its fresh state, compressive strength and durability requirements. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. Materials The chemical and physical properties of the SCC ingredients were investigated. Bureau of Indian Standards (IS) procedures were followed for determining the properties of the ingredients in this investigation. Binders 1. Cement (C): 53 grade; Specific gravity = 3.15 Figure 1 SEM-EDS Analysis for Cement http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1742 editor@iaeme.com C. P. Ramesh, H. P. Vageesh, T. Raghavendra, C. Udayashankar and A. Shashishankar 2. Class-C fly ash (F): Specific gravity = 2.12 Figure 2 SEM-EDS Analysis for Class C Fly ash Super-plasticizer 1. Master Glenium Sky 8233: Specific gravity = 1.08 Fine Aggregate 1. A) Processed Slag Sand (PSS): Specific gravity = 2.53 Figure.3 SEM-EDS Analysis for Processed Slag Sand B) Water absorption for (PSS) = 0.3% 2. M-sand: Specific gravity = 2.63 http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1743 editor@iaeme.com High Volume Class C Fly Ash Containing Self Compacting Concrete For Sustainable Development Coarse aggregate 1. A) Crushed granite stones of 12.5 mm down size; Specific gravity = 2.67 B) Water absorption = 0.8% Water 1. Potable water of pH 7 2.2. Methodology Japanese method of mix design: The Japanese method mix design procedure as indicated in literature is adopted. (Jagadish vengela and R.V. Ranganath 2004). Vageesh H P et.al (2018) considered Japanese method as uncomplicated procedure to “satisfy flow parameters such as slump flow, V-Funnel, U-Box and J- Ring only super plasticizer dosage was varied and ultimate dosage was fixed using Marsh cone apparatus, maintaining all other parameters like water-powder ratio, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates were kept constant”. With complete replacement of fine aggregates by Processed Slag Sand (PSS) and partial replacement of cement with Class C fly ash, 50% by the weight of cement i.e. (50:50) which is indicated as SCC 55 whereas SCC CM for controlled mix, several trial mixes were carried out to arrive at desired mix fraction. Each and every SCC mix was verified to achieve workability property then cylindrical specimens of size 150mm diameter and 300mm height were cast to calculate compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and Young’s modulus. 500mm x 100 mm x 100mm beams were cast to calculate flexure strength. To calculate durability properties such as acid attack test, alkaline attack test and water permeability; 150mm x 150mm cubes. For rapid chloride penetration (RCPT) cylindrical specimens of size 100mm diameter x 50 mm height were cast. Water permeability test was carried out according to German Standard DIN 1048 on concrete specimens of size 150x150x150 mm, at an age of 28 days, by passing water under pressure of 500 KPa (5 bar) for 72 hours duration. RCPT was carried out in accordance to ASTM C 1202. The concrete specimen used for this test was 100 mm diameter x 50 mm thick cylindrical specimen. The total charge passed in Coulombs was determined. Based on the EFNARC guidelines, tests such as slump flow, V-funnel, L-box and U-box tests were carried out to calculate the fresh properties. EFNARC specifications for SCC workability tests requirements in fresh state for both the mixes SCC 55 and SCC CM are given in below table. Table. 1. Acceptance criteria for both the mixes (SCC 55 and SCC CM) as per EFNARC Sl. No Tests Specification As Per EFNARC SSC CM SSC 55 Units 1 2 3 4 5 Slump flow T50 slump V Funnel L box U Box 600-800 mm 2-5 Sec 6-12 Sec (H2/H) 1 0.8-1 (H2-H1) 0-30 mm 725 3 10 0.8 18 675 3 9 0.8 0 mm sec sec Ratio mm http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1744 editor@iaeme.com C. P. Ramesh, H. P. Vageesh, T. Raghavendra, C. Udayashankar and A. Shashishankar 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Compressive Strength As mentioned in literature (Vageesh H P et.al 2018) “Compressive Strength indicates the resistance to permanent deformation of normal and modified self-compacting mixtures”, Compressive strength was evaluated at 7, 28, 56 and 90 day’s age. It has been noted that at the age of 7 days the SCC 55 mixes obtained minor strength of about 27% when compared with SCC CM which is more of around 92% of its 28 days strength (with cement content of 434.3 kg/m3), this trend was also observed by (R. Saleh Ahari et al. 2015) around 89% for control mix (with cement content of 454.5 kg/m3) It may be observed in (Figure 12), the formation and presence of ettringites, indicating the onset of secondary reaction involving fly ash. and later due to pozzolonic action of fly ash(refer Figure 10 and 12), the compressive strengths at (28, 56 and 90 days) was better which is almost equal to SCC CM mixes indicated in Figure 4. Figure 4. Comparison of Compressive strength of SCC CM and SCC 55 at 7, 28, 56 and 90days 3.2. Tensile strength The split tensile strength value is affected by percentage of fly ash (Vageesh H P et.al 2018). As observed in Figure 5, SCC CM mixes gained comparatively more split tensile strength value of about +42% and +40% when compared with SCC 55, at the age of 28 and 56 days respectively. http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1745 editor@iaeme.com High Volume Class C Fly Ash Containing Self Compacting Concrete For Sustainable Development Figure 5. Comparison of Split tensile strength of SCC CM and SCC 55 at 28 and 56 days 3.3. Flexural Strength It may be observed in Figure 6, SCC CM mixes has flexural strength value of about +44% and +43% when compared with SCC 55 at the age of 28 and 56 days respectively. Figure 6. Comparison of Flexure strength of SCC CM and SCC 55 at 28 and 56 Day 3.4. The modulus of elasticity The highest value of elastic modulus was found for SCC CM (36GPa) when compared to SCC 55 (2.2GPa) same was observed in literature (Vageesh H P et.al 2018) as shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8 http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1746 editor@iaeme.com C. P. Ramesh, H. P. Vageesh, T. Raghavendra, C. Udayashankar and A. Shashishankar Figure 7. Modulus of Elasticity of SCC CM at 28 days Figure 8. Modulus of Elasticity of SCC 55 at 28 days 3.5. Durability 3.5.1. Acid and Alkali attack Tests Durability tests for acid and alkali resistance was carried out as per literature (Vageesh H P et.al 2018) and the performance of the concrete specimens were evaluated after immersion into the 10% sulphuric acid solutions and 10% of 1N NaOH solution, The weight and dimension of the concrete samples was monitored weekly throughout the entire testing period was recorded refer Table 2 and 3; the compressive strength of specimens was evaluated and compared in Table 4 at the age of 28 days in acid / alkali exposure (refer Figure 9 to 13). Acid exposure resulted in huge difference with respect to weight loss and compressive strength, of about 18%). And 54% for SCC CM which is identical from previous observation (Seyed Mahmoodreza Joorabchian 2010) in comparison with SCC 55. Whereas, the alkaline exposure http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1747 editor@iaeme.com High Volume Class C Fly Ash Containing Self Compacting Concrete For Sustainable Development resulted in no major weight loss and compressive strength for both the mixes and were relatively same. Table 2. Comparison of change in weight and dimensions of 10% Acid Cured SCC Specimen at the age of 56 days SCC mix SCC CM Original weight for Change in weight for Original dimension for Change in dimension for 10% Acid in 10% Acid in 10% Acid in 10% Acid in Kg Kg mm mm 8.18 6.64 150 X 150 141 X 142 SCC 55 8.21 7.44 150 X 150 144 X 146 Table 3. Comparison of change in weight and dimensions of 1N 10% Alkaline Cured SCC Specimen at the age of 56 days SCC mix SCC CM SCC 55 Change in weight for Original dimension for Original weight for 1N 1N 10% 1N 10% 10% Alkaline in Alkaline in Alkaline in Kg Kg mm 8.255 8.32 150 X 150 8.35 8.37 150 X 150 Change in dimension for 1N 10% Alkaline in mm 150 X 150 149 X 150 Table 4. Compressive strength Comparison of Acid and Alkaline Cured SCC Specimen at the age of 56 days SCC mix SSC CM SSC 55 10% Acid cured strength (MPa) 9.57 20.42 1Normal 10% Alkali cured strength (MPa) 35.88 28.74 Figure 9. Comparison of Compressive strength of Acid and Alkaline Cured SCC Specimens at the age of 56 days http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1748 editor@iaeme.com C. P. Ramesh, H. P. Vageesh, T. Raghavendra, C. Udayashankar and A. Shashishankar 3.5.2. Water Permeability Water permeability test results in terms of depth of penetration for all the mixes are tabulated in Table 5. German Standard DIN 1048 specified method was followed for evaluating water permeability of SCC CM, SCC 55 and SCC 73 and all the specimens passes as per the DIN specifications. Water permeability test for SCC 73 mix was earlier not evaluated in literature (Vageesh H P et.al 2018). It has been noted that all the SCC mixes satisfy the guidelines up to the replacement level of 40% for binder with class C fly ash similar observation was made in literature (L.A. Pereira-de-Oliveira et. al. 2014) Table 5. Water permeability results for SCC CM, SCC 64 and SCC 55 mixes at the age of 28 days SCC mix Test Results SSC CM SSC 73 SCC 55 22.5 23 23 Requirements as per DIN 1048 Maximum 25 mm 3.5.3. Rapid chloride ion permeability The RCPT tests were performed at the age of 28 days and the results obtained reported as an average of three tested specimens. Above specified method was followed for SCC CM, SCC 55 and SCC 73(which was not been evaluated by, Vageesh H P et.al 2018) charge passed in Coulombs for all the mixes are tabulated in below Table 6. The twenty-eight day total charged passed for SCC CM mixes are 2974 coulombs, and is more for SCC 73 mixes 3493 coulombs which are falls under moderate rage of permeability as per C 1202 ASTM whereas SCC 55 mixes having higher value of RCPT of around (6880 Coulombs) due to the usage higher volumes of fly ash (refer Figure 10 to 12) of about 50 percent of total binder as reported same with (R. Saleh Ahari et al. 2015) Table 6. Rapid chloride ion permeability results for SCC CM, SCC 55 and SCC 73 mixes at the age of 28 days SCC mix Total charge passed (Coulombs) SSC CM SSC 73 SCC 55 http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 2974 3493 6880 1749 Requirements as per ASTM C 1202 Moderate Higher editor@iaeme.com High Volume Class C Fly Ash Containing Self Compacting Concrete For Sustainable Development Figure 10: SEM image for SCC CM @ 28 Days Figure 11: SEM image for SCC 73 @ 28 Days http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1750 editor@iaeme.com C. P. Ramesh, H. P. Vageesh, T. Raghavendra, C. Udayashankar and A. Shashishankar Figure 12: SEM image for SCC 55 @ 28 Days 4. CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions were drawn based on the experimental results conducted on sustainable self-compacting concrete mixes incorporating marginal and waste materials to mitigate carbon footprint, and these SCC mixes also satisfied EFNARC guidelines for flow properties. At the early ages, SCC 55 mix gained very less compressive strength compared to SCC CM this trend was also observed by (R. Saleh Ahari et al. 2015) and at later ages such as 28, 56 and 90 days, due to the pozzolonic action of Class C fly ash, the compressive strength of SCC 54 was increased and found to be more or less equal to SCC CM. SCC 55 resulted in lesser values of splitting tensile strength and flexural strength(Vageesh H. P. et.al 2018) in comparison with SCC CM at 28 days and 56 days, respectively this may be due to increase in the volume of fly ash at 50% of total cement content . The modulus of elasticity of SCC 55 mixes were relatively less in comparison with SCC CM mixes due to the incorporation of mineral admixtures, and the same was observed in literatures of (Mucteba Uysal et.al and Vageesh H. P. et.al 2018) Significant loss in terms of dimension and weight was observed for SCC CM mix when compared with SCC 55 mix, due to the action of sulphuric acid (Seyed Mahmoodreza Joorabchian). Whereas, in case of alkaline exposure, the weight of specimens were found to be negligibly increased and also notable changes in dimension were not observed. SCC 55 mixes resulted in comparatively better and acceptable compressive strength values when compared to SCC CM after exposure to acid and alkaline environment same trend was observed (Vageesh H. P. et.al 2018). Due to the incorporation of higher volume of Fly ash, doesn’t affect the water permeability results, all the SCC mixes i.e. SCC CM, SCC 73 and SCC 55, showed very satisfactory penetration depths as specified in DIN 1048, these same trend was noted by (L.A. Pereira-deOliveira et. al. 2014) Due to the incorporation of larger volume of mineral admixture, SCC 55 mixes showed higher chloride permeability then compared with other two mixes SCC CM and SCC 73 which http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 1751 editor@iaeme.com High Volume Class C Fly Ash Containing Self Compacting Concrete For Sustainable Development falls under moderate chloride permeability this trend was also recorded by (R. Saleh Ahari et al, 2015) REFERENCES: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] Bart Craeye, et al, “Modulus of elasticity and tensile strength of self-compacting concrete: Survey of experimental data and structural design codes” Cement and Concrete Composites Volume 54, November 2014, Pages 53-61. 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