International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)
Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 1578–1589, Article ID: IJCIET_10_04_164
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=4
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316
© IAEME Publication
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Post Graduate Program of Agricultural Faculty, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
Usman Rianse
Agricultural Faculty of Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
Weka Widayati
Agricultural Faculty of Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
R. Marsuki Iswandi
Agricultural Faculty of Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
The purpose of this study was to determine the behavior of students towards
agricultural activities at the level of education at SMAN 1 Wonggeduku, Konawe
Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. The approach used in this study is a qualitative method
with a phenomenology strategy. The unit of research analysis is the 2013 agriculturebased high school curriculum. Data collected by structured interview method. Data
analysis uses an interactive analysis model consisting of three stages of activity,
namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the
study show that every educational unit both high school / MA and vocational school
implements the national curriculum and potential curriculum with the proportion set
by curriculum planners, namely 80%: 20%. Through the basic competencies of local
content of agriculture-based processing with the load characteristics of the 2013
curriculum structure that is integrated into craft and entrepreneurship subjects in
class X, X1, X11 SMA / MA, and SMK. Competence of local agricultural-based
processing at the level of education at SMAN 1 Wong in the formulation of basic
competencies in processing agricultural commodities with a set of attitudes,
knowledge, and skills that must be possessed, internalized, and mastered by students
after participating in learning to complete high school education. Learning about
local content processing of agricultural commodities can produce high school
students' behavior because the young generation of agriculture is able to have an
attitude of interest, knowledge, and spirit to act which is very much related to how to
manage agricultural activities to equip students to do their own business. Learning
strategies for agricultural activities aim to foster interest and insight into the younger
generation to love agriculture since the education division is comprehensive.
The Development of Local Curriculum Based on Agricultural Knowledge on High School
Key words: agriculture, curriculum, young generation, strategy.
Cite this Article: Nurlian, Usman Rianse, Weka widayati, R. Marsuki Iswandi, The
Development of Local Curriculum Based on Agricultural Knowledge on High School
Education, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 10(4), 2019,
pp. 1578–1589.
Indonesia has enormous potential in agriculture in terms of availability of land, climate
suitability, labor, diverse commodities, and biological wealth. Indonesia has extensive land,
which can be developed into sustainable agricultural land. One example of agricultural
commodities becomes diverse, such as plantations, food, spices and medicine, vegetable
energy, horticulture (vegetables, fruits, flora), and natural fibers. It is alleged that this
potential is no longer optimal to be developed by the younger generation. Along with
developments and changes in the times, the orientation of the people to maintain their lives
has also changed, proof of the reduced interest of the younger generation to inherit the
expertise of their parents to farm, they prefer to migrate to the city.
The current era, the interest of the younger generation in agriculture is very low, because
the image of agriculture among young people, especially high school students, is currently
declining. Indonesia needs a young generation who has a strong entrepreneurial spirit to
develop various sectors, especially in agriculture, plantations and livestock. This event
according to Wibowo and Nulhaqim was termed social entrepreneurship. With this approach,
the human resource development program for farmers' regeneration utilizes the
entrepreneurial mentality of young people such as innovative, hard work, dare to take risks,
(Rianse et al., 2011; and Wibowo and Nulhaqim, Wakuasa, 2016).
The diversity and potential of natural resources in agricultural activities must always be
preserved and developed while maintaining the noble values of the Indonesian people through
the implementation of education. The introduction of environmental, social and cultural
conditions to students enables them to become more familiar with their environment. The
introduction and development of the environment through education is directed at supporting
the improvement of the quality of human resources, and ultimately directed at improving the
ability of students.
One of the weaknesses that occurred was the agricultural education infrastructure needed,
presumably still low at the level of the high school education unit compared to agricultural
vocational schools. Decreasing interest in learning of the younger generation in the field of
agriculture, especially in the high school level, because curriculum development in the
education unit has not yet empowered the characteristics of potential schools, and students.
Understanding the interests of the younger generation towards high school agriculture is very
minimal, this will make it difficult for the agricultural world to carry out the mandate to
maintain the resilience of sustainable agricultural commodities in the countryside (Ornstein,
A.C, & Hunkins, F.P. 2004).
The Southeast Sulawesi Regional Government has adequate natural resources and
superior human resources, where Konawe district is designated as a center for the
development of agricultural activities, therefore, management of agricultural products is still
carried out by farmers in agriculture. Thus, education programs in schools need to provide
broad insight to students about the specificities that exist in their environment. The basic
capacity of integrated agriculture-based local processing curriculum in craft subjects and
entrepreneurship provides an opportunity for regions to fill subject matter in local content,
Nurlian, Usman Rianse, Weka widayati, R. Marsuki Iswandi
namely processing local agricultural commodities according to implementation in the 2013
Building an agricultural image requires a revision of the curriculum at the level of the
education unit, especially high school education, especially on local content that contains
content and learning processes about local potential and uniqueness. (Permendikbud
No.79,2014). Changes in high school policies based on agriculture because of the demands of
the world of work or business. This is in accordance with the 2013 curriculum in the
explanation of article 35 of Law No. 20 of 2003 states that graduate competency standards are
graduates' qualifications which cover the attitudes, knowledge, and skills of students who
must be fulfilled or achieved from an education unit at the secondary education level.
The high school education unit needs to reconstruct competencies and scientific bases on
local content subjects. This is based on the fact that in Konawe district and its surroundings
there are potential natural resources to be processed. Therefore, one school school education
program that carries out the development of insights and interests by empowering the learning
of processing local agricultural activities is SMAN 1 Wonggeduku. Development and
empowerment of curriculum learning in the local content of the natural environment by
choosing aspects of local agriculture-based processing as one of the strategies to provide and
foster interest and understanding of students since education.
Schools are given the freedom to develop the quality of their students by changing their
mindset so that the younger generation of agriculture becomes a favorite choice through
education and training in agriculture-based processing businesses. The design of the mindset
of students towards agricultural activities with the interest of saving the environment to
provide benefits to farmers who have been considered dirty and synonymous with poverty
and underdevelopment leads to agricultural thinking. Naisbitt.J., 2008.
The role of the SMAN 1 Wonggeduku educational institution implements agricultural
commodity management because there are still many agricultural potentials that have not
been glimpsed or utilized optimally. Thus, the main agenda for revitalizing the agricultural
sector is through local agriculture-based processing learning materials in schools with
learning outcomes that are oriented towards students' knowledge, interests and skills.
Therefore, education programs in schools need to provide broad insight to students about the
specificities that exist in their environment. Basic competencies in the curriculum for local
content processing of integrated agricultural commodities in craft subjects and
entrepreneurship provide an opportunity for regions to fill in agricultural-based subject matter
in local content.
Based on the background of this research, it can be understood that the management of
agricultural commodity activities is important and is an obligation of all stakeholders to take
part in processing agricultural business activities so that agricultural businesses managed by
farmers can improve their welfare and be sustainable. The government must conduct training
regularly so that they have a high level of discipline and competitiveness. One of them is by
improving the agricultural education infrastructure needed by the younger generation of
agriculture at the high school level.
Processing of agricultural commodities as one of the agricultural commodities which is
mostly exported in the form of finished materials and semi-finished products. Both national
and international markets for commodity products and commodities such as agribusiness,
agrotechnology, fisheries and marine products, food crops originating from Indonesia are still
valued with low economic value, this is due to the relatively low quality of management and
center / marketing business design and low understanding of modern production processing
The Development of Local Curriculum Based on Agricultural Knowledge on High School
processes. In addition to the low quality problem, competition with other exporting countries
and the world trade monopoly for this commodity, the value of prices in the market is often
uncertain which results in detrimental to farmers.
At present the handling and post-harvest processing of agricultural activities need to be
optimally cultivated, even though the technology of handling and processing is already
available in technological tools but requires large capital and sophisticated equipment. If postharvest technology of local agricultural commodities by farmers can be developed and applied
properly, then agro-industries that aim to increase added value, increase employment and
reduce product imports, so consumption of local areas can be achieved.
Local agricultural commodities will have economic value after receiving further
treatment. In general, the handling of post-harvest agricultural commodities by farmers is only
in the drying of raw materials that must be processed again into processed modern
modifications that are expensive. This processing is mostly by factories but actually can also
be done by farmers.
The management of agricultural commodities into raw materials has been carried out by
many farmers. The results obtained are generally not yet in line with export trade standards,
this is the younger generation of farmers in rural areas whose attitudes of interest and
motivation, as well as inadequate knowledge are triggered, so special handling needs to be
carried out by curriculum integration through local content at the SMA / MA / Vocational
education unit level integrated into craft subjects and entrepreneurship.
The local content of agriculture-based processing is intended so that students can actualize
themselves in entrepreneurial behavior. The contents of the local content of agriculture-based
processing on entrepreneurial behavior are learning outcomes related to interests, knowledge,
and skills as empirical phenomena that occur in the environment of students. In this regard,
students are required to be more active, learn about economic events that occur in their
environment. Learning local content to process carbohydrate food plants can produce
entrepreneurial behavior and leadership spirit, which is very much related to how to manage
businesses to equip students to be able to work independently.
This type of research uses qualitative research. This research approach is to answer the
problems that have been formulated from the research objectives. The location of the study
was carried out in Konawe District at SMAN 1 Wonggeduku, which had extensive land
which worked as farmers. The research period is planned to last one year or two semesters
starting from January to December 2017. The study population was students of class X1
which amounted to 72 people consisting of two majors in Science and Social Sciences,
namely two classes majoring in Natural Sciences and two classes majoring in Social Sciences.
This study uses in-depth interview techniques and FGD (Gruop Discuission Focus) teacher
council. The instrument of data collection uses questionnaires and documentation. Data
analysis uses interactive analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion /
The aspect of agriculture-based processing that is integrated in certain subjects, namely the
craft curriculum & entrepreneurship curriculum that is integrated in the Local Content subject
consisting of two learning models designed by teachers, among others; 1) direct learning
process that is an educational process where students develop knowledge, thinking skills and
skills. Psychomotor about managing agricultural activities through direct integration with
Nurlian, Usman Rianse, Weka widayati, R. Marsuki Iswandi
learning resources designed in syllabus and RPP in learning activities. 2) the indirect learning
process is that students carry out learning activities to observe, ask, collect, information,
associate or analyze, and communicate what they have found in analyzing activities.
The learning process directly generates direct knowledge and skills. Indirect learning is an
educational process that occurs during the direct learning process but is not designed in
special activities. Learning is not directly related to the development of values and attitudes.
Direct learning or indirect learning occurs in an integrated and not separate manner.
Preparation of learning and assessment of local agricultural-based local content processing
on local content subjects in high school especially the SMAN 1 Wonggeduku education unit
so that it runs according to the basic competency requirements that have been formulated, it
needs to be prepared and prepared syllabus / curriculum content for local content that will
become the guideline educator in carrying out learning and assessment, this is reinforced by
the regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number
20 of 2016 concerning Competence of Primary and Secondary Education Graduates.
The local content of agriculture-based processing integrated in basic competencies in craft
subjects and entrepreneurship aims to enable students to have the ability to find, make
practical products (products), redesign products and produce in the form of processing local
food crops (rice, corn, tubers) , through activities to identify, solve problems, design, load,
utilize, evaluate, and develop products that are useful in everyday life. While the skills
developed are the ability to modify, change, develop, and create and reconstruct existing
works, both their own works and those of others.
The development of creativity in students also aims to learn to create, design, modify
(change), and reconstruct based on basic technology education, entrepreneurship and local
Based on data from the Wonggeduku sub-district government, Konawe District consists of
several ethnic groups. In this region acculturation still occurs, including also related to the
procedures for growing food crops, especially in areas where transmigration from Java, Bali,
Sunda and spontaneous transmigration originated from Bugis, Makassar, and other ethnic
groups. The presence of these ethnic groups had already known rice farming with the
intensification of the use of equipment technology and the use of chemical fertilizers.
With this phenomenon the role of educational infrastructure at the level of the high school
education unit to guard in order to inherit and maintain agriculture without the use of
chemical fertilizers and herbicides excessively in gardens or fields as a place to cultivate
various crops, while in plantations dominated by valuable crops a healthy economy.
Local wisdom is highly respected by each generation's growth, thus students can learn and
refer to as the source of life for every person and family to maintain survival, both for
consumption and education costs. At this time the farmer is not only a real farmer, but many
employees and teachers also open rice fields, farms and plantations. This is to get additional
income and to improve living standards sourced from crops
Participation in fulfilling the necessities of life by farming, accidentally makes the habit of
managing agricultural resources as a view of our life that is inseparable from the limit that
farming life is habitual with efforts to develop agricultural-based traditions in our own
children and communities in our environment. This is in line with what was stated by Olaide
and Omolere (2013. Wa power, 2016) that local wisdom is in-depth knowledge, detail, and
sharing of beliefs and rules relating to physical resources, norms, social, health, ecosystems,
the culture and life of people who interact with the regulatory environment of rural
The Development of Local Curriculum Based on Agricultural Knowledge on High School
Local wisdom must be integrated with modern knowledge in learning in schools so that
local wisdom is more popular or known in the community. Such conditions need the direction
of learning that is integrated with the agriculture-based local content curriculum in curricular
activities to facilitate students to develop themselves with life skills (education for life skills)
and at the same time build an independent spirit, this means the direction of learning and
entrepreneurship bridges -curricular and extracurricular through local content processing of
carbohydrate food plants as an inseparable unit as the basic needs of the community.
Such a phenomenon, entrepreneurship includes all people from various fields, including
education. According to Bigrave (2004), entrepreneurship is someone who gets opportunities
and creates organizations to pursue them. The statement was not at the time of the importance
of developing high school students in empowering commodity processing with an
entrepreneurial basis to dare to open new businesses.
The prospect of local wisdom in the process of agricultural activities is very valuable for
students to have the knowledge and experience to create markets and deliver matters relating
to the results obtained from the knowledge of formal education with local wisdom methods
conducted in their area.
Agriculture-based processing material is the main concept and basic material of the
community that can be adopted from local wisdom that integrates various interests of the
community to fulfill their needs. This was explained by Rianse et al. (2015), technically the
choice of commodities to be developed is chosen from a variety of important commodities
(ecosoccesses), such as palm oil which is a producer of brown sugar as well as important for
the conservation of land resources. It was explained that the development of agroforestry
patterns based on coconut plants and palm trees in marginal soil types also functions for soil
and water conservation, because it can reduce the rate of erosion from a large amount of
erosion potential. Furthermore, Rianse (2016) stated that the development of agroforestry
based on palm trees in Kolaka Regency is financially, socially and environmentally feasible.
Based on the development of the palm-based agroforestry, when the importance of such
conditions also developed the processing of agricultural commodities at the location of this
study. The strategy for empowering learners in agriculture-based processing requires
entrepreneurial development measures with basic competencies so that graduation
competency standards are graduates' qualifications which include the attitudes, knowledge,
and skills of students that must be fulfilled or achieved from an education unit at the
secondary level explanation (article 35 of Act No. 20 of 2003).
Thus it can be explained the linkages of basic competencies formulated to achieve core
Basic competency formulations are developed by taking into account the characteristics of
students, initial abilities, and characteristics of a subject.
The basic competencies of core competencies in processing agricultural commodities in
the learning process of class X1 students are;
1. Basic Competence from the Core Competency / KI-3 group, can describe the attitude of
knowledge of students by understanding cost calculation, marketing production, and
planning carbohydrate food processing business opportunities, and being able to analyze
the process of evaluating business results and then determining follow-up actions that
include ideas, and resources, administration, and marketing modifications.
2. Basic competencies from the Core Competency / KI-4 group; can describe the skills
attitudes of students by calculating the results of costs, marketing business products, and
preparing business plans, and evaluating the results of processing business activities of
Nurlian, Usman Rianse, Weka widayati, R. Marsuki Iswandi
local carbohydrate-sourced food plants, by determining follow-up actions with ideas,
resources, administration, and marketing modifications.
Processing of commodities that have been consumed by the community in general does
not experience changes, especially for daily needs. Commodity materials began to be limited,
tastes that were less favored, less well known to the public with the existence of modified
marketing management alternatives that gave impact to the interaction of students with groups
of users. The supply of these food ingredients is very important to be developed because it has
the economic and socio-cultural functions of the local community. Agriculture-based
processing learning for students needs to be empowered through increasing knowledge, skills,
and providing various facilities and opportunities to achieve access to resource systems in
improving community welfare.
The empowerment process according to Kartasasmita (1997) there are three processes that
must be done, namely; first, creating an atmosphere or climate that allows the potential of the
community to develop, in this case that every human / student has potential that can be
developed. Second, strengthening the potential or power of the community of students so that
more positive steps are needed, apart from climate and atmosphere. Third, empowering also
means protecting.
Based on the learning empowerment process of SMAN 1 Wonggeduku students with
learning outcomes can not be separated from Bloom's Taxonomy theory, et al .. The results of
learning of agricultural commodities to apply the linkages of learning strategies between
attitudes (interests), knowledge and skills to agricultural activities, this can be seen in the
table below:
The behavior sample perceptions of developing Knowledge, Interests and Student Skills in
agricultural activities.
Students' behavioral development relates to knowledge by providing written question
instruments and each end of learning in each basic competency. Development of attitudes of
interest can be given through the scale of the Fortopolio identity instrument attitude that
contains indicators of student interest in accordance with agricultural activities. This can be
observed in the following table:
Table 1. Samples of student behavior development in agriculture
students students
Behavior Develpoment
Information from resource persons
Visits or field trips for businesses or markets
Participation in agribusiness training and
Appear national / international level
agribusiness entrepreneurs
Creating new innovations with independent
Course and training
Information from resource persons
Visits or field trips for businesses or markets
Participation in agribusiness training and
Appear national / international level
agribusiness entrepreneurs
Creating new innovations with independent
The Development of Local Curriculum Based on Agricultural Knowledge on High School
Technology and
and Technology
Business and
Fisheries and
marine affairs
Food Crop
Course and training
Application of teaching simple technology in
agricultural systems
Discover new innovations
Personal experience
Course and training
Use of online applications
Market through group applications
School exhibition
Official interaction
Understanding of business / activity
Management of simple business management
Study of economic business
Wholesale traders, retailers
Information through resource persons / experts
Aquarium fish farming
Online retailers
Use of yard
Economic cultivation of local plants
Modification of local food ingredients
Retail / contractor trading
Entrepreneur of agricultural infut
72 students
The linkages between learning strategies between knowledge, attitudes of interest, and
students' skills towards agricultural activities provide positive and feasible results to be
developed in learning local content aspects of agricultural activities at the high school level.
The data shows a sample of interested people totaling 42 people, thus illustrated by students
in the development of behavior in the field of agriculture that is feasible to be developed and
the ability to behave uninterested with a sample of 30 people showing behavior of students
who will develop their creativity.
The preparation of the implementation of learning and assessment of local content
processing of agricultural activities of students in high school, especially the education unit of
SMAN 1 Wonggeduku so that it runs according to the basic competency requirements that
have been formulated. assessment, this is reinforced by the regulation of the Minister of
Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2016 concerning
Competence of Primary and Secondary Education Graduates.
The local content of processing agriculture is integrated into the basic competencies of
craft learning & entrepreneurship so that students have the ability to find, make practical
products (products), redesign products and develop products through activities to identify,
solve problems, design, load, utilize, evaluate, and develop products that are useful in
everyday life. While the skills developed are the ability to modify, change, develop, and
create and reconstruct existing works, both their own works and those of others.
The development of creativity in students also aims to learn to create, design, modify
(change), and reconstruct based on basic technology education, entrepreneurship and local
Nurlian, Usman Rianse, Weka widayati, R. Marsuki Iswandi
The role of educational infrastructure at the level of the high school education unit to
guard in order to inherit and maintain agriculture as an asset of agricultural entrepreneurs, as
well as to be dominated by promising economic value.
Participation in fulfilling the necessities of life in the field of agriculture, inadvertently
makes the habit of managing agricultural resources as a view of our lives that is inseparable
from the limit that farming life is habitual with efforts to develop agriculture-based traditions
in our own children and communities in our environment. This is in line with what was stated
by Olaide and Omolere (2013.Wakuasa, 2016) that local wisdom is in-depth knowledge,
details, and sharing of beliefs and rules relating to physical resources, norms, social, health,
ecosystems, culture and the lives of people who interact with the regulatory environment of
rural communities.
Local wisdom must be integrated with modern knowledge in learning in schools so that
local wisdom is more popular or known in the community. Such conditions need the direction
of learning that is integrated with the agriculture-based local content curriculum in curricular
activities to facilitate students to develop themselves with life skills (education for life skills)
and at the same time build an independent spirit, this means the direction of learning and
entrepreneurship bridges -curricular and ex-curricular through local content in the
management of the agricultural sector as an inseparable entity as the basic needs of the
Such a phenomenon, entrepreneurship includes all people from various fields, including
education. According to Bigrave (2004), entrepreneurship is someone who gets opportunities
and creates organizations to pursue them. The statement was not at the time of the importance
of developing high school students in empowering processing agricultural activities with an
entrepreneurial basis to dare to open new businesses.
The prospect of local wisdom in the process of agricultural activities is very valuable for
students to have the knowledge and experience to create markets and deliver matters relating
to the results obtained from the knowledge of formal education with local wisdom methods
conducted in their area.
Processing materials in agriculture are the main concepts and staples of the community
that can be adopted from local wisdom that integrates various interests of the community to
fulfill their needs. This was explained by Rianse et al. (2015), technically the choice of
commodities to be developed is chosen from a variety of important commodities
(ecosoccesses), such as palm oil which is a producer of brown sugar as well as important for
the conservation of land resources. It was explained that the development of agroforestry
patterns based on coconut plants and palm trees in marginal soil types also functions for soil
and water conservation, because it can reduce the rate of erosion from a large amount of
erosion potential. Furthermore, Rianse (2016) stated that the development of agroforestry
based on palm trees in Kolaka Regency is financially, socially and environmentally feasible.
Based on the development of palm-based agroforestry, the importance of such conditions
was also developed with studies of agricultural business and entrepreneurship which were
easily available for consumption at the location of this study. The strategy for empowering
students in management in the field of agriculture requires entrepreneurial development
actions with basic competencies so that the graduation competency standard is a qualification
of graduates 'abilities which includes students' knowledge, attitudes, and skills that must be
fulfilled or achieved from an education unit at the secondary level. according to the
explanation (Article 35 of Act No. 20 of 2003).
Thus it can be explained the linkages of basic competencies formulated to achieve core
competencies. Basic competency formulations are developed by taking into account the
characteristics of students, initial abilities, and characteristics of a subject.
The Development of Local Curriculum Based on Agricultural Knowledge on High School
The basic competencies of core competencies in processing agricultural activities in the
learning process of class X1 students are;
1. Basic Competence from the Core Competency / KI-3 group, can describe the knowledge
attitude of students by understanding cost calculations, marketing production, and
planning agricultural business management opportunities, and being able to analyze the
process of evaluating business results and then determining further actions that include
ideas , and resources, administration, and marketing modifications in entrepreneurship.
2. Basic competencies from the Core Competency / KI-4 group; can describe the skills
attitudes of students by calculating the results of costs, marketing business products, and
arranging business plans, and evaluating the results of agricultural management business
activities, by determining follow-up actions with ideas, resources, administration, and
modified technology marketing.
Management of agriculture which has been consumed by the community in general does
not experience changes, especially for daily needs. Product materials are limited, tastes that
are less favored, less well-known to the public with alternative marketing management
technologies that are modified to give impact to the interaction of students with groups of
users. The supply of agricultural materials is very important to be developed because it has
the economic and socio-cultural functions of the local community. various facilities and
opportunities to achieve access to the resource system in improving community welfare.
The empowerment process according to Kartasasmita (1997) there are three processes that
must be done, namely; first, creating an atmosphere or climate that allows the potential of the
community to develop, in this case that every human / student has potential that can be
developed. Second, strengthening the potential or power of the community of students so that
more positive steps are needed, apart from climate and atmosphere. Third, empowering also
means protecting.
Based on the learning empowerment process of students at SMAN 1 Wonggeduku with
learning outcomes, it is inseparable from Bloom's Taxonomy theory, et al. skills for
agricultural activities.
Actualization of the assessment of the internal factors of students' behavior is essentially
an activity that arises because of the stimulus and response in humans to carry out activities.
The relevance of the form of behavior is divided into three parts, namely:
1) Knowledge
According to Notoatmodjo (2003), saying that knowledge is the result of knowing and this
happens after people do sensing a particular object. Sensing occurs through the five human
senses, namely vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Most human cognitive acquired
through the eyes and ears are both very important in shaping the actions of someone. In this
study, knowledge is everything that is known or answered by students in a known agricultural
2) Attitude (Interest, motivation)
Attitude is a reaction or response that is still closed from someone to a stimulus or object,
both that is still internal and external so that the manifestations of the attitude are not directly
seen, but can only be interpreted in advance from the closed behavior (Notoatmodo.2012). In
this study , the attitude of interest and motivation of students is very important in the learning
process of students by encouraging, moving, and directing according to their abilities to find
ideas in managing the activities of the field of agriculture that is occupied.
Nurlian, Usman Rianse, Weka widayati, R. Marsuki Iswandi
3) Skills (practice or action)
According to Mubarak (2011), skills or actions are something that is done. The action consists
of four levels, namely;
Perception, is to recognize and choose various objects in connection with the actions to be
Guided response is to do something in the right order according to the example.
The mechanism is if someone has been able to do something right automatically or something
is a habit.
Adoption is a practice or action that has been well developed, in this case the action has been
modified without reducing the correctness of the action. This skill can be applied perfectly by
students as a supporter of the revitalization of agriculture in the area.
Based on the value of the students' internal behavior described above, holistically it can be
presented the prospect of developing students from agriculture-based processing with the
development of a mindset through student actions. The domain of learning results from
agricultural-based processing of students as supporters of revitalization which will be the
main attraction as an idea, innovative, and entrepreneurial opportunity for students of SMAN
1 Wonggeduku.
The development of curriculum based on local content of agriculture at the high school
education level is a strategy to prepare the young generation of agriculture through the
integration of the high school education curriculum, with indicators of the relevance of
learning strategies between students' attitudes, knowledge and skills on agricultural activities,
this is one model of local content curriculum development local agriculture-based compiled as
a reference for mulok teachers integrated in craft & entrepreneurship subjects about
processing, through collaboration between school principals, stakeholders and policy makers
in an effort to exploit the potential of agriculture and empowerment of the younger generation
at the level of high school education. Therefore the learning process of agricultural students in
rural areas can be developed agriculture-based curriculum on local content subjects that are
integrated in the high school / MA and Vocational education curriculum or equivalent,
especially the education level of SMAN 1 Wonggeduku, Konawe Regency, Southeast
Sulawesi province.
Local content processing of agriculture is a curricular activity that is integrated in craft &
entrepreneurship subjects at the SMA 1 Wonggeduku education unit. Therefore, education
units must develop and develop learning tools that involve learning outcomes between
attitudes, knowledge, and skills through teacher documents that include RPP, assessment
tools, and set minimum completeness criteria (KKM) for local content based on agricultural
The Management Strategy in agricultural activities is adjusted to the environmental
potential of students by having important regional products that can be consumed with
various media, ideas, innovations, and economically positive business management designs.
The development of agricultural management carried out at the level of the education unit of
SMAN 1 Wonggeduku is expected to increase the interest and motivation of students in the
work, apply leadership, entrepreneurship by developing the potential of natural resources in
the surrounding environment.
The Development of Local Curriculum Based on Agricultural Knowledge on High School
Learning strategies between the interests, knowledge, and skills of students towards
agricultural activities have the potential to develop the behavior and intelligence of the young
generation comprehensively with a willingness to prefer processing agriculture.
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