International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 1341-1345, Article ID: IJCIET_10_04_139 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed FIBER-REINFORCED CONCRETE: POLYDISPERSE REINFORCEMENT Daria D. Saidakova Department of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical engineering, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Power Plant Construction, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russian Federation, Aleksandr V. Strelchenko Department of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical engineering, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Power Plant Construction, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russian Federation Yevgenia M. Lazareva Department of Construction of Thermal and Atomic Power Stations, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Power Plant Construction, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russian Federation. Dmitry S. Matveev Institute of Construction and Architecture, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russian Federation Sergey V. Trofimov Institute of Construction and Architecture, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russian Federation Kirill V. Vlasov Institute of Construction and Architecture, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russian Federation. Andrey G. Ishnazarov Institute of Construction and Architecture, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russian Federation, Vakhtang V. Nikolava Institute of Construction and Architecture, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russian Federation \ 1341 Daria D. Saidakova, Aleksandr V. Strelchenko, Yevgenia M. Lazareva, Dmitry S. Matveev, Sergey V. Trofimov, Kirill V. Vlasov, Andrey G. Ishnazarov, Vakhtang V. Nikolava and Shamil G. Yakubov Shamil G. Yakubov Institute of Economics, Management and Information Systems in Construction and Real Estate, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russian Federation ABSTRACT Currently, there is the large development of dispersion-reinforced concrete in the construction industry. This is due to the fact that with all the advantages of concrete and reinforced concrete, they also have several disadvantages, the most serious of which is considered to be low crack resistance, which causes brittle fracture of structures under load. Such drawbacks can be eliminated by using the fiber-reinforced concrete - a composite material, which can be described as a cement matrix with discrete fibers of different sizes throughout the entire volume. Keywords: concrete, fiber-reinforced concrete, fiber-reinforcement, fibre concrete, polydispersed reinforcement, reinforcement Cite this Article: Daria D. Saidakova, Aleksandr V. Strelchenko, Yevgenia M. Lazareva, Dmitry S. Matveev, Sergey V. Trofimov, Kirill V. Vlasov, Andrey G. Ishnazarov, Vakhtang V. Nikolava and Shamil G. Yakubov, Fiber-Reinforced Concrete: Polydisperse Reinforcement. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10(04), 2019, pp. 1341-1345 1. INTRODUCTION The first information about Fiber-reinforced concrete appeared at the beginning of the XX century and is associated with the name of the Russian engineer V.P. Nekrasov [1], who worked on increasing the resistance of concrete to loads in compressed and stretched layers of a structure by adding thin iron wires to concrete. At the first stage of research, such a technique was considered only as an assist to the core reinforcement, however, the expediency of using disperse concrete reinforcement was already obvious at the time and was also confirmed by foreign scientists. For example, Harry Porter in 1910 stated that by the applying of wire and nails, the mechanical characteristics of concrete increase by about 8 times [2, 3]. However, gradually the idea of dispersed reinforcement was forgotten, and only in the 60s, when the acute need to improve the physical and mechanical properties of concrete arose, it developed rapidly again. Researchers faced the task of increasing the tensile strength of concrete and increasing the fracture toughness due to the use of steel wire fibers and other fibers [4]. 2. METHODOLOGY Today, the range of fibers used is very extensive, and, according to the accepted classification, they are divided: - By modulus of elasticity of the fiber on high modulus (steel, carbon, glass, etc.) and low modulus (polypropylene, viscose, etc.); - By origin on natural (asbestos, basalt, wool, etc.) and artificial (viscose, polyamide, etc.); - By the base material on metal (most often steel) and non-metal (synthetic, mineral). 1342 Fiber-Reinforced Concrete: Polydisperse Reinforcement Dispersed reinforcement is a loose material in the form of a complex of discrete fibers of different origin, type and size, which is intended for dispersed reinforcement of concrete, as a reinforcement and modifier of the composite structure. By dispersed reinforcement, hardening of concrete with the help of fiber is based on the hypothesis that the matrix of the composite transfers the applied load to evenly distributed fibers in it due to tangential forces that act on the interface. In the case when the elastic modulus of the fiber exceeds the elastic modulus of the concrete matrix, the bulk of the stresses are perceived by the fibers, and the overall strength of the composite is directly proportional to their bulk content. For effective use, the various fibers must meet the following conditions: • The elastic modulus of the fibers must be higher than the elastic modulus of the composite matrix; • Fibers should be chemically resistant and should not break down in the alkaline environment of concrete; • The volume of fiber production should ensure the production of products from fiberreinforced concrete; • The cost of fibers should be minimal, considering the above requirements. 3. ANALYSIS OF FIBER-REINFORCEMENT The main task in the development of compositions and technology of fiber concretes is the optimization of geometrical parameters and sizes of fibers, ensuring reliable adhesion of fibers to the concrete matrix under allowable loads, improving manufacturability, reducing labor and energy intensity of manufacturing operations for products and structures. Fiber adhesion to concrete and improving the processability of operations, primarily depends on the ratio of fiber length to its diameter (l/d), which can vary widely and affect the degree of fiber anchoring in the concrete matrix, as well as the technological properties of fiber reinforced concrete mixes. Considering the information above, when using steel fiber, the ratio of its length to diameter is assumed to be l/d = 80...100, which, to a certain extent, is able to satisfy the formulated conditions, but all problems cannot be eliminated. The main problems remain: • Low degree of saturation of the matrix of the composite with fibers of this type, which prevents further improvement of the physico-mechanical, deformative and operational characteristics of dispersed reinforced concrete; • The high cost and shortage of small-diameter steel fibers produced by cutting low-carbon wire; • The need to re-equip the concrete mixing plants of precast concrete enterprises, due to the insufficient adaptability of wire fiber, which is manifested in caking and lack of flowability. Steel fiber production is based on cutting low carbon wire, sheet steel or foil; forming melts, milling slabs and strips and intermittent vibration cutting in the process of turning the workpiece. Non-metallic fibers are sections of monofilaments, fibrillated membranes and multifilament yarns, which, among other things, can be made from industrial wastes of the relevant industries [5]. A radical way to improve the structural capabilities of steel fibers is to increase the lateral surface of the fiber, which is the use of a fiber with a non-circular cross-section, obtained, for example, by cutting steel tape. The cross-sectional shape, due to the manufacturing process, provides a significant rigidity of such a fiber in the longitudinal direction, which greatly 1343 Daria D. Saidakova, Aleksandr V. Strelchenko, Yevgenia M. Lazareva, Dmitry S. Matveev, Sergey V. Trofimov, Kirill V. Vlasov, Andrey G. Ishnazarov, Vakhtang V. Nikolava and Shamil G. Yakubov facilitates the process of its transportation and dosing, as well as contributes to the uniform distribution of fibers with an increased content in the concrete mix, which leads to a serious improvement in strength, deformation and operational fiber-reinforced concrete characteristics. 4. POLYDISPERSE REINFORCEMENT AS IMPROVING METHOD FOR PROPERTIES AND EFFICIENCY OF FIBER-REINFORCED CONCRETE The goal of poly-reinforcement is to create such a material that, while preserving and multiplying the achieved advantages, would eliminate the disadvantages of the composite that occur in the mono-reinforcement situation. Thus, the advantages of poly-reinforcement are: • Obtaining a composite with greater strength than mono reinforcement; • Targeted regulation of the physicomechanical properties of the composite within wider limits; • The possibility of the durability and performance characteristics improving. According to Golantsev V.A. [6], the principle of polydisperse reinforcement is based on the fact that the fiber of various geometric parameters used for this ensures the formation of spatial cells at different levels of the concrete structure. Larger cells are superimposed on smaller ones, while the sizes of the structural cells of each level depend on the reinforcement options. Thus, the fibers of small diameters will be in the cramped conditions of larger cells, and the larger fiber fibers are placed in the matrix of the composite, which has microreinforcement. In this case, microfibers impede the development of microdefects at the cracking stage, being in the contact zone of larger diameter fibers, and reduce the stress concentration, thereby contributing to their redistribution to a larger amount of concrete. In this embodiment, there is an increase in the adhesion strength of fibers of a larger diameter with the matrix, which ultimately allows increasing the strength of the composite. However, over the time, after many experimental and theoretical studies, this approach to the structure formation of fibrous concrete became irrelevant, as it is purely theoretical in nature and therefore gives a very idealized idea of the structure of fibrous concrete, which is based on the classical laws of composite materials, but does not take into account the important structureforming role and originality of the concrete matrix, and also practically does not affect the role of the contact zone at the interface of the "fiber-matrix" phase, the state of which largely determines the most important characteristics of dispersed reinforced concrete. Y.V. Pukharenko formulated a new concept [7], which consists the fact that at each structural level of fiber-reinforced concrete two phases can be distinguished, which interact with each other across the interface through the contact zone at all stages of structure formation and subsequent work of the material: • Dispersed phase, representing a set of segments of fibers of a given size; • Dispersion medium - a matrix in which significant changes occur in the process of formation of the structure and properties of the composite. Thermodynamically, the structure of dispersed reinforced concrete is formed due to the tendency of the phases to equilibrium by reducing their internal surface energy. At the same time, as shown by comparative tests of the kinetics of the increasing ductile strength of concrete with and without fibers, the formation of structural aggregates, a system consisting of a fiber surrounded by a dense and durable layer of cement neoplasms, is leading. The high energy of interconnection of particles inside the system allows such aggregates to be considered as independent elements of the structure that come into contact with the dispersion medium 1344 Fiber-Reinforced Concrete: Polydisperse Reinforcement through the interface. At the same time, the interdependent arrangement of these elements can be maintained only up to a certain critical concentration of reinforcing fibers. By an increase in the percentage of reinforcement or a geometrical factor, they approach each other with the final formation of a fiber-cement framework with monolithing at the points of contact and filling the resulting cells with a matrix material of lower density and strength. The options of dispersed reinforced concrete are determined by the degree of anisotropy of the fiber-cement frame, the volume concentration of the phases and the interaction energy, as well as the length of the internal interfaces, which in turn depends on the type and dispersion of the initial components, the composition of the dispersion-reinforced concrete and the technology of manufacturing products. 5. CONCLUSION Fiber concretes are the most prominent representatives in a series of building composites, which brings together the best qualities of the original components - reinforcing fibers and concrete. Dispersed-reinforcement by the fibers of various nature and sizes helps to improve the strength, deformative and energy characteristics of concrete. At the same time, reinforcement of several types of fibers simultaneously is particularly effective, which allows to control the complex of necessary characteristics in a single composite. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] V. P. 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