International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)
Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 438–444, Article ID: IJCIET_10_04_047
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=4
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316
© IAEME Publication
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Kudrya German Gennadyevich, Sysoev Ilya Vadimovich, Tikhonova Elena Igorevna,
Dubrovskaya Elena Alexandrovna, Yufereva Kseniya Andreevna, Pospelov Alexey
Maksimovich, Biryukov Aleksandr Nikolaevich, Pavlovets Saveliy Grigorievich
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU) National Research University,
26, Yaroslavskoye Shosse, Moscow, Russia
The results of studies of plate materials based on wood waste and recycled
polyethylene are considered. The granulometric composition of the feedstock and its
physicochemical properties are considered. The prescription composition of the
composites was optimized using the experiment planning method for compositionproperty diagrams. The optimal ratio of ingredients and the effective use of the
prototyped composites in construction has been established.
Key words: composite materials, production of goods, urea, melamine, phenolformaldehyde resins, ecology, raw materials, physicochemical properties.
Cite this Article: Kudrya German Gennadyevich, Sysoev Ilya Vadimovich,
Tikhonova Elena Igorevna, Dubrovskaya Elena Alexandrovna, Yufereva Kseniya
Andreevna, Pospelov Alexey Maksimovich, Biryukov Aleksandr Nikolaevich,
Pavlovets Saveliy Grigorievich, Building Composite Materials Based on the Recycled
Industrial Materials, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 10(4),
2019, pp. 438–444.
Currently, much attention is paid to the production of composite materials. The interest in the
latter is due to the possibility of creating compositions that, along with the properties of the
components, have fundamentally new useful properties [1].
In some cases, there is the possibility of qualified use of waste and recycled materials
industry as ingredients of composite materials. At the same time, along with the manufacture
of marketable products, prerequisites are created for improving the environmental situation
and increasing the efficiency of existing industries.
Binding materials based on thermosetting resins are widely used in the manufacture of
products from crushed wood [2]. Highly technological and operational indicators of binding
materials based on these resins are noted.
For example, good strength properties and water resistance indicators have been achieved
for products made from crushed wood using urea, melamine, and phenol-formaldehyde resins
Building Composite Materials Based on the Recycled Industrial Materials
[3]. However, in most cases, the use of these resins is difficult due to the increased
environmental requirements.
For the manufacture of products for which there are no high requirements for structural
strength, but a high level of environmental performance is preserved, in particular, children's
toys, decorative, heat and sound insulation panels, etc., thermoplastic polymers are used [4].
Along with high environmental performance, thermoplastics have a unique ability to melt
and harden repeatedly, which makes it possible to use thermoplastics waste as a binding
This article presents and discusses the results of research on the creation of wood-polymer
compositions based on wood waste and recycled polyethylene that can be used as decorative,
heat and sound insulating panels, gaskets, fillers, etc.
Sawdust is used as wood waste, which is formed in large quantities at woodworking
plants from circular saws, sawmills, etc.
Recycled polyethylene raw materials in accordance with TU 63-476-32-90 "Recycled
polymer raw materials" was a disused film and film products used in agriculture, for
packaging and transportation of industrial products, plastic film bags from under mineral
fertilizers and fish products.
The homogeneity of the composite material and its level of operational factor is
determined by the physicochemical compatibility of the ingredients, as well as the uniformity
of their distribution in the polymer matrix, which depends on the quality of mixing, and the
latter is on the dispersed composition of the components, i.e. on the degree of their grinding.
Therefore, at the initial stage of research there was the task of studying the process of
grinding polymer components and evaluating their grain-size distribution.
If there was no need for grinding sawdust, then the polyethylene film after preliminary
cutting with the help of an incandescent thread was fed into a typical knife crusher for film
polymeric materials.
Simultaneously with polyethylene, water was supplied to the crusher, which ensured the
separation of dirt particles from the polymer, as well as prevented from excessive overheating
and sintering of the polymer into large agglomerates. Further, the fractionation of sawdust and
crushed polyethylene was carried out using the averaging technique of the analyzed samples.
d fractions, mm
Figure 1. Fractional composition. 1 - wood particles; 2 - polyethylene
Kudrya German Gennadyevich, Sysoev Ilya Vadimovich, Tikhonova Elena Igorevna, Dubrovskaya Elena
Alexandrovna, Yufereva Kseniya Andreevna, Pospelov Alexey Maksimovich, Biryukov Aleksandr
Nikolaevich, Pavlovets Saveliy Grigorievich
The results indicate (Pic. 1) that the main fraction (~ 38%) for sawdust and polyethylene
are, respectively, particles with sizes of 1 and 2 mm. By the nature of the curves, it is possible
to note a more homogeneous fractional composition for wood particles (curve 1), which,
apparently, is determined by the homogeneity of the species composition of wood (pine) and
the same type of sawing equipment.
A wider fractional composition of crushed polyethylene (curve 2) is probably associated
with more complex processes that occur during the grinding of thermoplastics: along with
mechanical destruction (grinding), there is a competing physicochemical structuring
Further, some physical and chemical parameters of individual fractions of crushed wood
and polyethylene were evaluated (Tables 1, 2).
From the results it follows (Table 1) that the individual fractions of the sawdust mass are
characterized by approximately the same humidity and free formaldehyde content, with a
consistent decrease in bulk density with increasing fraction size.
The presence of free formaldehyde is probably due to the presence of methylol groups
both in the cellulosic component and in other components of wood that can split off at high
temperatures (under the conditions of analysis at 70-80 ° C) with the formation of the latter.
Table 1 - Properties of wood particles
Fraction size, mm
bulk density kg/m3
moisture, %
content of free formaldehyde, mg/100 g of
Table 2 - Polyethylene properties
density kg/m3
melting temperature, °C
tensile strength, MPa
water absorption of up to 30 days, %
Recycled polyethylene is a mixture of approximately equal amounts of high and low
pressure polyethylene. However, the level of indicators of recycled polyethylene is
significantly lower than HDPE and LDPE.
This feature is determined by the aging processes of a structurally destructive nature,
which products from conditional polyethylene were subjected to during operation under the
influence of light and heat.
The grinding process also made some contribution.
Thus, crushed recycled polyethylene is a polymer which macromolecule, in contrast to
HDPE and LDPE, has a more branched structure of disordered nature, as evidenced (Table 2)
by a decrease in physical and mechanical properties.
Building Composite Materials Based on the Recycled Industrial Materials
Taking into account the significant differences in the chemical nature of wood and
polyethylene, as well as the noted features of the initial waste, one can speak of a low
compatibility of the latter and a low probability of their chemical interaction. In order to
improve the compatibility of wood and polyethylene components, it is proposed to use the
third component - ethylene-propylene rubber (EPDM).
The manufacture of the composite material involved several stages: fractionation of the
filler, treatment of the studied fraction with a solution of EPDM in oil, followed by drying,
combination of modified wood particles with polyethylene by pre-mixing and heating. It was
followed by rolling on laboratory rolls with a roll diameter of 20 mm and a gap between them
of 1 mm, pressing the resulting mass in the mold of a hydraulic press of the PG-60 brand at a
temperature of 130-140 ° C and a pressure of 5 MPa.
In accordance with the stated method of making the compositions, the effect of the size of
the filler fraction on the physical and mechanical properties of the composite material is
further investigated. It is shown (Pic. 2) that with increasing size of wood particles, an
increase in physical and mechanical parameters is observed, which is most noticeable in the
interval of fractions from 0.25 to 1.50 mm.
Fraction sixe, mm
Figure 2 - Dependence of physic and mechanical parameters of composite materials on the size of
wood particles. 1 - tensile strength; 2 - water absorption; 3 - swelling
In order to select the region of the optimal ratio between the filler (sawdust), binder
(polyethylene) and modifier (EPDM), the experiment was planned for the compositionproperty diagrams, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the scope of the
experiment [4].
The local section of the diagram, which is an incorrect simplex with vertex coordinates,
was subjected to investigation.
Studied local area was determined by the condition
0  ai  xi  bi  1
where ai, bi - restrictions on the components.
Kudrya German Gennadyevich, Sysoev Ilya Vadimovich, Tikhonova Elena Igorevna, Dubrovskaya Elena
Alexandrovna, Yufereva Kseniya Andreevna, Pospelov Alexey Maksimovich, Biryukov Aleksandr
Nikolaevich, Pavlovets Saveliy Grigorievich
The construction of the experiment plan for the study of the properties of composite
materials and the optimization of the composition was carried out according to [4].
The contents of the components varied within the following limits:
*40  x1  100
0  x2  5
0  x3  55
where x1 is the content of recycled polyethylene, wt.d.,%; x2 - the content of EPDM,
wt.d.,%; x3 - the content of wood particles, wt.d.,%.
To determine the regression equation, a third-order simplex-lattice design was constructed
for a three-component mixture with respect to the pseudo-components z1, z2, z3, obtained
from x1, x2, x3 using the formula
where xi (u) is the content of components at any u-th point of the plan; zi (j) is the content
of pseudo-components at any u-th point of the experiment plan.
Taking into account the above limitations and dependencies, an experiment plan was
obtained with the vertices of the simplex lattice in the coordinates xi: A1 (100, 0, 0), A2 (40,
5, 55), A3 (45, 0, 55) shown in Table. 3
The following properties of composite materials were chosen as response functions to
determine the optimal compositional area of the compositions: tensile strength, MPa; water
absorption,%; bulging,%
The implementation of the plan made it possible to present the response functions in the
form of regression equations:
The experimental data used to obtain the coefficients of the given polynomial are shown
in Tabl. 3.4.
Table 3 Planning matrix for constructing the polynomial of a third degree
Building Composite Materials Based on the Recycled Industrial Materials
The coefficients of the polynomial calculated using a specially developed program were
used to construct the isolines of the properties of composite materials (Pic. 3). The adequacy
of the obtained equation is confirmed by the formulation of experiments at checkpoints.
Table 4
A comparative analysis of isolines allowed us to determine the region of the optimal
composition of the composite material for all response functions.
So, the highest value of tensile strength (excluding the area close to the top x1 of the
triangle - secondary polyethylene without the addition of other components), as well as the
lowest value of water absorption and bulging were observed in compositions of the content:
recycled polyethylene was 41/48 wt.cont.,% ; wood particles were 49/55, wt.cont.,%; EPDM
was 3/4 wt.cont.,%.
Figure 3. Isolines of properties of composite materials
Obviously, further research on the possibility of obtaining and applying is necessary to
conduct for compositions of the specified content.
Kudrya German Gennadyevich, Sysoev Ilya Vadimovich, Tikhonova Elena Igorevna, Dubrovskaya Elena
Alexandrovna, Yufereva Kseniya Andreevna, Pospelov Alexey Maksimovich, Biryukov Aleksandr
Nikolaevich, Pavlovets Saveliy Grigorievich
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