International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)
Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 188-194, Article ID: IJCIET_10_04_020
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijciet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=04
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316
© IAEME Publication
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V. Ivashova
Associate Professor, Candidate of Sociological Science, Sociological Research and
Marketing Department, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Stavropol, Russia
Professor, Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, North Caucasus Federal
University, Stavropol, Russia
A. Erokhin
Doctor of Social Science, Department of Philosophy, North Caucasus Federal University,
Stavropol, Russia
O. Kolosova
Professor, Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Socio-economic and Humanitarian
disciplines Stavropol branch of Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of
Russia, Stavropol, Russia
M. Migacheva
Candidate of Sociological Sciences, the Center for the Promotion of Employment and
Professional Support for Graduates, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute, Stavropol, Russia
V. Berkovsky 6
Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Department of Philosophy and Culture studies, Stavropol
State Pedagogical Institute, Stavropol, Russia
The article analyzes the role of education in a digital society and its influence on
the formation of the information culture of the younger generation. The results of the
expert survey of teachers in the general education system of the Stavropol Territory are
presented. An expert assessment of the digital competencies of school teachers and the
electronic educational environment of educational organizations was carried out. As
an important conclusion of the study, problem areas have been formulated in general
V. Ivashova, V.Goncharov, A. Erokhin, O. Kolosova, M. Migacheva and V. Berkovsky
user, general pedagogical, subject-pedagogical digital competencies of teachers who
work today in general educational organizations of the south of Russia.
In addition, according to survey participants, there are a number of strategically
important skills that need to be developed in the learning process, regardless of
disciplines, so that school graduates are in demand in a digital transformation of the
economy. This is the flexibility of thinking, the ability to identify important in the flow
of information and use special techniques to expand their thinking capabilities and
social intelligence. The importance of the study of the readiness of teachers to form and
effectively transmit digital competencies to students is also emphasized by the broad
scientific discussion of the development of the electronic educational environment as
an important condition for ensuring educational activities and preparing the younger
generation for work in the digital economy.
Keywords: digital competence of the teacher; e-learning environment; education in a
digital society; information culture.
Cite this Article: V. Ivashova, V.Goncharov, A. Erokhin, O. Kolosova, M. Migacheva
and V. Berkovsky, Education in a Digital Society: The Problem of Formation of
Information Culture, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology,
10(04), 2019, pp. 188–194
The massive introduction of digital technologies in everyday household and working practices
of the population of almost all age categories of Russian citizens, it has actualized the issue of
digital literacy. The fundamentals of digital literacy must be laid in the period of study
beginning in early childhood. In this situation, educational organizations are objectively one of
the key agents of the digital transformation of the economy, since they ensure the formation of
digital competencies of the younger generation.
In this regard, it became necessary to address at least two key issues in the education
system: to what extent teachers have digital competencies by themselves and how the electronic
educational environment of educational organizations is developed.
Thus, the requirements for information and communicative competence of teachers are
fixed at the level of state qualification requirements, where the term “Information Competence”
has been registered as one of the main components of competence of both managers and
Information competence is the quality of employee actions, ensuring effective search,
structuring of information, its adaptation to the peculiarities of the pedagogical process and
didactic requirements, the formulation of the learning problem in various information and
communication methods, skilled work with various information resources, professional tools,
ready-made software and methodical complexes. These allow to design the solution of
pedagogical problems and practical tasks, the use automated teacher jobs in the educational
process; regular independent cognitive activity, readiness to conduct distance education
activities, the use of computer and multimedia technologies, digital educational resources in
the educational process, maintaining school documentation on computer media.
Education in a Digital Society: The Problem of Formation of Information Culture
The importance of the study of the readiness of teachers to form and effectively transmit digital
competencies to students is emphasized by the broad scientific discussion of the development
of the electronic educational environment as an important condition for the provision of
educational activities and preparing the younger generation for work in the digital economy.
In total, on request “e-learning environment” in the high-tech base Scopus a rather
extensive list of publications is defined 16530 items. The presented works are segmented by
branches of science, among which the first five are the most voluminous in terms of their
quantitative composition: computer science (11,783 publications), social sciences (6,985
publications), engineering sciences (3,939 publications), mathematics (2001 publication) and
business management (722 publications).
In the article “The impact of multimodal collaborative virtual environments on learning: A
gamified online debate,” the authors of Doumanis, I., Economou, D., Sim, GR, Porter, S.
Introduce us to the results of a study conducted with teachers and secondary school students.
The success of learning in virtual environments, according to the authors, can be achieved by
increasing the motivation and involvement of students through gamification of the educational
task. The study shows how multi-dimensional interaction, which combines multimodal
stimulation and gamification of educational experience, increases student motivation and
improves learning outcomes [10].
The authors of Topu, F.B., Goktas, Y. in the article “The effects of guided-unguided
learning and achievement” present the results of a study conducted in the control and
experimental groups. It was established that in the experimental group, where the training was
conducted in a three-dimensional virtual environment, higher results were obtained for the
students' academic performance and cognitive activity. This confirms the positive impact of
the e-learning environment developed in the SecondLife 3D virtual platform on learning
outcomes [7].
Chung, C.-J., Hwang, G.-J., Lai, C.-L. in the article “A review of the theory of mobile
learning”, it is noted that in most of the considered experiments, the use of mobile learning
tools was implemented on the basis of existing educational programs and gave steady positive
results. As an example, the facts are given when newcomers and students with low
achievements, using mobile devices to search and learn educational information, have achieved
significant progress in learning outcomes [6].
Rubio, MP, Vergara, D., Rodríguez and S., Extremera, J. in the article “Virtual Well
Learning”, emphasize that the use of advanced information technologies is especially relevant
in the field of engineering, where many teachers start use complex virtual laboratories and
computer applications in training. The use of video game environments increases students'
motivation to learn and greatly simplifies it. The authors emphasize that it is important to use
the opportunity to identify potential areas for improvement based on taking into account student
views [21].
The topic of feedback with students on the e-learning process was touched by the authors
Simonette, M., Queiroz, V and Spina, E. in the paper “Human factors in e-learning” [23].
According to the authors, the main thing in e-learning is the emergence of productive virtual a
learning community in which knowledge is shared and socio-pedagogical connections are
reproduced. It is necessary to understand that electronic technology is only an effective
communication channel. It is important how teachers use these technologies to interact with
Thus, we can say that researchers assign an important place to the digital competence of
teachers and the quality of the electronic educational environment in the modern educational
V. Ivashova, V.Goncharov, A. Erokhin, O. Kolosova, M. Migacheva and V. Berkovsky
The aim of this study is to determine the real level of digital competence of teachers and
the quality of the electronic educational environment on the example of educational
organizations of the South of Russia.
The research method is an expert survey of teachers with subsequent analysis and
generalization of their ideas about the quality of the electronic educational environment in
general educational organizations of the Stavropol Territory and the assessment of the level of
digital competence of teachers, taking into account the professional standards of a teacher
operating in the Russian Federation.
In total 127 experts from among the teachers of educational institutions of the Stavropol
Territory took part in the survey.
The data was collected in 2019 and processed in the SPSS program (version 23).
On the basis of their experience in educational institutions of secondary general education in
the South of Russia, survey participants described in general the level of teacher skills
development related to information and communication technologies. In their opinion, only
2.2% of teachers have the “Mastery” level. It is the level of informational and communicative
competence at which teachers are authorities and experts. 11.1% of teachers are advanced users
with a high degree of information and communication technology. Experienced users with fully
mastered skills are 26.7% of teachers. Experts believe that 42.2% of teachers are developing.
“Insufficient level”, when teachers do not fully master the skills according to experts, 17.8%
of teachers of secondary schools in southern Russia are noted.
The development of digital educational resources, which are used in educational
institutions, confirms the need for close attention to the quality of the electronic educational
environment in the modern educational system. Among the most developed conditions of the
digital educational environment, experts named multimedia and interactive resources (71.1%),
broadband Internet (48.9%), educational applications (35.6%) and online services (35.6%).
Cloud services (13.3%), educational platforms (22.2%), and electronic textbooks (26.7%) are
Table1. Assessment of the quality of the information and educational environment in
educational organizations, where experts work on a 10-point scale (10 points – high quality, 1
point – low quality)
The quality of the information and educational environment
Information and methodological support of educational activities
Planning of educational activities and its resource provision
Monitoring and recording the progress and results of educational activities
Student’s Health Monitoring
Modern procedures for creating, searching, collecting, analyzing, processing,
storing and presenting information
Remote interaction of all participants of educational relations (students, their
parents (legal representatives), teachers, authorities in the field of education)
Distant interaction of an educational organization with social organizations:
cultural institutions, health care, sports, leisure, employment services, etc.
Expert opinion
in points ,
average score
Education in a Digital Society: The Problem of Formation of Information Culture
On the average, the level of development of the constituent elements of the information and
educational environment does not even reach 7 points on a ten-point scale. The most developed
are students' health monitoring and modern procedures for creating, searching, collecting,
analyzing, and processing, storing and presenting information. The systems and mechanisms
of remote interaction of all participants in educational relations (students, their parents (legal
representatives), teachers, and education authorities) require additional attention.
The study analyzed the opinions of experts on the level of development of general user,
general pedagogical, subject-pedagogical and informational and communicative competencies
of teachers who work today in general education organizations.
Among general user informational and communicative competencies, the modern teacher
lacks the ability to solve problems and provide equipment (68.9%) with consumables, use
video-audio-fixation in the educational process (48.9%) and audio-video-text communication
(two-way communication, conference, instant and pending messages, automated text
correction and translation between languages) (48.9%).
Among general pedagogical informational and communicative competencies, the modern
teacher lacks the skills of organizing and conducting group (including interschool) activities in
the telecommunications environment (44.4%), conducting educational activities in an open
controlled information space (follow citation and reference standards) (42.2 %), the use of
design tools activities (including collective), visualization of roles and events (40.0%).
Among the subject-pedagogical informational and communicative competencies, the
modern teacher lacks the skills to conduct subject experiments in virtual laboratories (64.4%),
use digital technologies of visual creativity (animation, animation, three-dimensional graphics)
(48.9%), design virtual and real devices with digital control (40.0%).
As a result the problem field of the formation of information culture for the digital society is
localized by the issues of training personnel for pedagogical universities, capable of training
new generation teachers, modern material and technical base and educational technologies for
training teachers for digital education.
In addition, according to survey participants, there are a number of strategically important
skills that need to be developed in the learning process, regardless of disciplines, so that school
graduates are in demand in a digital transformation of the economy. This is the flexibility of
thinking, the ability to identify important in the flow of information and use special techniques
to expand their thinking capabilities and social intelligence.
Information obtained in the course of the study is important for understanding the problem
field in the general education system of the South of Russia, which has a significant impact on
the development of digital competencies of modern teachers and, accordingly, in the future will
affect the digital literacy of the younger generation and digitalization of the regional economy.
In the future, of interest are monitoring in the region and comparative studies with other
territories, both in Russia and in other countries of the world.
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