When objectives match up with the way you assess learning, you get a more accurate measure of success Without alignment: Students receive mixed messages about what’s important Students may feel like there’s too much or not enough going on in the course You may get poor results on tests and projects Students may not be prepared for the next level in their programs • Evaluation make judgments based on criteria Higher Order Thinking Skills • Synthesis compile information in a new way • Analysis break down information into parts • Application use information in a new situation • Comprehension interpret information • Knowledge recall information Lower Order Thinking Skills Bloom's Taxonomy -Affective Domain Ch a r: Acts consistently due to an intemaJ belief , Can articulate a philosophy or world-v ewI Can break down complex situations and respond accordingly based on values, develops and lives by a code of personal behav or Values become systematic, can compare and contrast values and choices, begins to order and prioritize values. chooses to commit to certain values and behaviors Motivated to invest, Chooses to behave in a certa in way frequen tly, Begins to ident ify with a behavior and commit to it Will ng to be awareof the setting or situation, gives attention by choice open to the e nee Valuing Willingly participating, obedient volunteers finds satisfaction in participating, ready to respond C ndi g by @henryth1ele Bloom's Taxonomy - Psychomotor Domain Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Psychomotor Domain watching Versio n 3 - October 2012 repeating activity Imitate - ability to copy. replicate the actions of others following observations. process replicate Manipulate - ability to repeat or reproduce actions to prescribed standard from memory or instructions. follow repeat performance identi fy adhere i mit ate Perfect- ability to perform actions with expertise and without interventions and the ability to demonstrate and explain actions to others. Articulate - ability to adapt existing psychomotor skills in a non-standard way, in different contexts, using alternative tools and instruments to satisfy need. copy steps match Imitate definitions operations Embo dy- ability to perform actions in an automatic, intuitive or unconscious way appropriate to the context. Atki nson 2011 - derived from RH Dave's version of the Psychom otor Doma in ('Developing and Writing Behavio ral Objectives', 197 0} specify Self-manage Dom ain refers to progressively complex manua l o r ph ysi cal skills Type of Objective How to Measure Discuss/Recall/Identify Discussion board, summary paper, objective test Apply/Use Essay or fill-in test, labs, report paper Analyze Problem-solving, analysis paper, case studies, presentations Create/Design Research paper, creative essays, art, prototypes, plans, student-created tests, presentations Evaluate/Judge Journals, case studies, debates, peer review, critiques Perform an action Performance review, plays, skits, demonstrations, presentations, peer and small group practice Going back to that example: After the course, students will be able to discuss at least three major outcomes from the American Civil War, including social and political implications. What types of activities could be used to help students reach this objectives? How would you assess attainment of this objective? Transform these scenarios into objectives with aligned activities and assessments 1. Students must learn how chlorophyll works in plants. 2. Students must take a position on an issue and defend it. 3. Students must assess someone’s blood pressure and heart rate. 4. Students must solve linear equations. Visit: http://www.qmprogram. org/myqm If you are in the Mentorship program: enter your email address and click Forgot Password Not in the Mentorship program? You are “new here” and “Purdue University-NorthCentral Campus” is your institution Click Course Review Management System from the toolbar Click My Course Reviews Click Self Reviews Click Complete New Self-Review to begin Review standards and annotations for help You can save and return anytime Carnegie Mellon Assessment page: http://www.cmu.edu/teaching/assessment/h owto/basics/objectives.html University of Colorado assessment tutorial: http://www.ucdenver.edu/faculty_staff/facult y/center-for-facultydevelopment/Documents/Tutorials/Assessme nt/index.htm Reach us at: pncolt@pnc.edu Twitter and Facebook: @PNCOLT http://www.pnc.edu/distance for all workshop notes, links, and training needs