Neurotransmitter Poster Project Research a particular neurotransmitter and create an A4 sized poster. Consider the following questions when conducting your research: -What is its function? / What aspects of mental or physical function does it affect or control? -How does it do so? / What parts of the nervous system does it affect? -What is its chemical formula? / Are there other neurotransmitters that are chemically related to it? / Are there any particular drugs that impact the function of this neurotransmitter or are chemically similar to it? -Are there any disorders associated with an increased or decreased presence of this neurotransmitter? Below is a list of several neurotransmitters you may research. (First come, first served) Acetylcholine Anandamide Arginine Aspartate Beta Endorphin Dimethyltriptamine Dopamine Epinephrine GABA Glutamate Glycine Histamine 5 Coverage of the Topic Use of Graphics Details on the poster capture the important information about the topic and increase the audience’s understanding. Norepinephrine Octopamine Oxytocin Prolactin Phenethylamine Serotonin 4 3 Details on the poster include important information but the audience may need more information to understand fully. Details on the poster relate to the topic but are too general or incomplete. The audience needs more information to understand. Substance P Synephrine Virodhamine Vassopressin 2-1 Details on the poster have little or nothing to do with main topic. All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. All graphics are All graphics relate to the Graphics do not related to the topic topic. relate to the topic. and most make it easier to understand. Organization Information is very organized and clear titles/ subheadings. Information is organized with titles/ subheadings. Information is organized, The information but titles/ subheadings appears to be are missing or do not disorganized. help the reader understand. Mechanics No grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Almost no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. A few grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Exceptionally attractive in terms of design, color, layout, neatness, and creativity. Attractive in terms of design, color, layout, neatness, and creativity. Acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. Distractingly messy or very poorly designed. Neatness/ Effort