OCEAN CURRENTS HOW DOES WATER MOVE IN THE OCEAN? Ms. May WHAT ARE OCEAN CURRENTS? “STREAM LIKE” MOVEMENTS OF WATER SURFACE CURRENTS: occur near the surface and are caused by wind. Surface currents usually reach depths of 100 meters, but some can be as deep as 1000 km. Example: The Gulf Stream. WHAT AFFECTS SURFACE CURRENTS? 1. CONTINENTAL DEFLECTIONS: Currents change direction when they meet continents. WHAT AFFECTS SURFACE CURRENTS? 2. Coriolis Effect: Deflection of moving objects from a straight path due to Earth’s rotation. Deflection means to “turn away” or “turning aside”. Example: wind and water traveling south from the North Pole actually go towards the southwest instead of straight south because of the rotation of earth. In the Northern Hemisphere currents are deflected to the right, and in the Southern Hemisphere to the left. WHAT AFFECTS SURFACE CURRENTS? WHAT AFFECTS SURFACE CURRENTS? Global Winds: winds that blow across the surface of Earth’s oceans push water across Earth’s surface. WHAT POWERS SURFACE CURRENTS? The Sun: heats up the water in the equator and causes pressure changes. Warm water goes up (less dense), cool water goes down (more dense). HOW DO DEEP CURRENTS FORM? Deep Currents occur far below the surface and they are caused by differences in water density and temperature. Salinity affects the density of water (more salt more density) and Cold water is denser than warm water. When water gets cold it goes to the bottom and when it gets warm it goes to the surface. CONVECTION CURRENTS Movement of water that results from density differences. WHAT IS UPWELLING? During Upwelling, cold nutrient-rich (Iron, Nitrate) water from the deep ocean rises to the surface. This process is EXTREMELY important for life because the nutrients that are brought to the surface support the growth of phytoplankton and zooplankton. PLANKTON WHAT DO CURRENTS TRANSPORT? Ocean water circulates through all of Earth’s ocean basins. Global circulation transports energy in the form of heat, matter like salt (NaCl), nutrients (N, P) and gases like O2 ,N, CO2, OCEAN CURRENTS VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuGrBhK2c7U