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British Easy Jet Airlines Review

A Review of British Easy Jet Airlines
Institution Affiliation:
British Easy Jet Airlines
Everything in this life requires planning. Strategic planning is essential to any
organization. It helps managers to communicate the direction to employees in an organization.
Enterprises that employ strategic planning as a business strategy are successful. Strategic
planning is certainly a global business management best practice.
Easy Jet Airline Company Limited
Easy Jet Airline Company Limited, also known as Easy Jet is headquartered in London. It
is styled as British low cost airline. It operates as London Luton Airport. Its services are of
domestic and international nature. Easy Jet prides for operating more than 1,000 routes across
more than 3 countries of the world. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange as well as
constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. Easy Jet Airline Company Limited as the name suggest is a
public company and therefore it invites members of the public to subscribe to the shares of the
company. The Airline employs more than 11,000 people across Europe but mainly in the United
Easy Jets Journey of Growth and Expansion
Easy Jet Airline Company Limited has experienced tremendous growth since it was
established in 1995.It has gone through series of merger and base openings triggered by
consumers urge for low cost air travel plans.
Strategic Planning as a Process and its Role in an Airline Industry: the case of Easy
Jet Airline Company Limited
Strategic planning is a process of organizing and aligning business policies to the future
goals of an organization. In this regard, business priorities are identified and implemented.
Strategic planning is a critical tool that can drive organizational change. Business strategy should
be about achieving business goals in the most cost and time effective manner. In all
organizations including British Jet Airline, strategic planning should be geared towards
understanding business challenges, trends and other problems affecting an organization. It
involves having a clear understanding of business top priorities, essential beneficiaries, what they
require and assessing the basic effective and efficient workable method to arrive at the relevant
mandate. A good business strategy should be founded on focus, responsibility, accountability
and results.
Easy Jet Airline Company Limited should carefully understand the airline market and
cultural dynamics of China before it implements its expansion plans. There will certainly be
heated competition from local and international airlines plying China route for example Air
China, and Hainan Airlines, Southern Airlines and Eastern Airlines.
Business strategy should clearly define business mission, sense of urgency, vision
statement, knowledge creation and dissemination, values and business service charter. Easy Jet
Airline should clearly its competition and international market expansion strategy. This will
clearly manage all risks and threats related to foreign airline markets.
How and where to Use strategic planning
Strategic plans should be developed with an aim to spearhead the delivery of the overall
mandate of an organization, thereby directing many streams of work. Sub-entities in an
organization should be developed to create workable and relevant strategies consistent with their
size, management, and operational focus. Smaller groups in an entity with a departmental office
do not require developing strategies as matter of best practice. Strategic plans should always be
aligned with the budgetary process of an organization. Moreover, strategic plans should
incorporate and be relevant to work-planning efforts within a particular business. Operational
plans should avail the particular short-term operational goals and objectives, out-puts and
processes of an organization.
Environment: a serious challenge for Easy Jet Airline
Pollution entails the release of toxic substances in to the environment. It is a serious
challenge in U.K. and beyond. Environment pollution not only affects the environment, but
damages it as well. World Health Organization report, in 2014, indicated that around 7 million
people in 2012 died globally as result of air pollution. It is part of the wider problems that are
causing global warming in our mother planet. It causes a lot of health problems in including
cancer and heart complications. United Kingdom has been affected by the problem of air
pollution. This may be because of her industrialized nature and also because of her high
population. U.K. government policies are also to blame for this fatal problem of air pollution.
Weak government policies related to the environment management and increased corruption in
the government circles depletes the much needed resources to manage air pollution. Moreover,
lack of political goodwill particularly from the top leadership is also to blame, for where we find
ourselves, in matters air pollution and climate change in general. Development is important but
also there is a need to ensure that the development projects that we undertake are sustainable and
do not destroy the environment. Air pollution contributed by many factors including Airport
Low Carbon British Easy Jet Airlines
British Easy Jet Airlines is committed to minimizing carbon emissions in line with the
government's policy of zero tolerance to carbon emissions. The Airport has invested heavily,
over $ 1 billion, in an aim of reducing greenhouse gases emissions (Filimonau, et al, 2014, 628638). There is no doubt that the future of this Airline is to be determined by its commitment to
environment and sustainability. It should communicate its low carbon strategy effectively, if it
has to be successful in its policy of carbon management and reduction.
The Management of Air Quality
British Easy Jet Airline’s approach to environmental management includes an attempt to
secure the trust of the surrounding communities through cultivation of a culture of consultation
and independent reporting on the quality of air. The organization manages emissions emanating
from airport activities in a professional, accountable and responsible manner. It also ensures
strict adherence to air quality policies. The company's strategic approach towards air
management is founded on acting on all sources of air pollution and manages local area quality
(Postorino, M.N. and Mantecchini, L., 2014, 76-86,).
The Airline in its commitment to air pollution management has entered into agreements
for the purpose of managing the airport in a sustainable manner. The management of air quality,
there is no doubt, is critical in the achievement of this sustainability (Howard, J.H., 2014). The
airport has applied mutual collaborations as a strategy to manage air pollution and guarantee
economic and environmental sustainability.
Managing and Understanding Noise Impacts
British Easy Jet Airlines is committed to be a market leader in global noise management.
It is committed to working with all stakeholders including business leaders, policy makers and
local communities among others in an aim to minimize aircraft noise effects. The company
believes that its operating license is based on its commitment to reducing noise impacts. British
Easy Jet Airlines has enacted a detailed noise policy that will see that impacts of noise are
reduced for the better of humanity. The company also invests heavily on best practice and in the
dissemination of airport management experience.
Economic and Social Impact of British Easy Jet Airlines
British Easy Jet Airlines is a critical structure of national infrastructure, employing, both
directly and indirectly, thousands of people, while supporting England’s Gross Domestic
Product. Its operations and services have essential benefits for the whole of the United Kingdom.
It enables millions travellers to reach their destinies annually. It has indeed enhanced the local
economy. The airport has an extensive impact superseding its direct airline services to
passengers that is felt in outside England’s economy. British Easy Jet Airlines facilitates
economic activities in the whole of United Kingdom
British Easy Jet Airlines is geared towards serving the increasing number of customers by
2025. Its intensive and use of single run-way has been it advantage and business model.
The Company plans to reduce its operational costs as a strategy to remain economically
relevant. In this regard, it plans to use airport's assets in a prudent and sustainable manner,
thereby driving efficiencies throughout its operations (Ison, et al 2014, 265-274). This will also
mitigate the impacts on the environment. The company has been reducing the cost of electricity,
gas and water therefore making the airport to be sustainable and competitive.
Building a Sustainable Future for British Easy Jet Airlines
The face of British Easy Jet Airlines must be changed, if the company is to be sustainable
and competitive. Therefore, investment is crucial to protect British Easy Jet Airlines’ growth
targets. All this, when implemented will transform British Easy Jet Airlines as an airline of
choice in the United Kingdom and beyond. British Easy Jet Airlines aspires to be a bright and
modern Airport that delivers customer satisfaction at limited costs (Kılkış, Ş. and Kılkış, Ş.,
2016, 248-259). The company is also working on expansion so as to meet the growing number of
customers. The reforms which are being implemented by the company include increased
capacity at the check-in, in the terminals as well as in the airfield (Neath, S., R. and Codd, A.,
2014, 81). British Easy Jet Airlines Company has procured the services of a shuttle system and
also enhanced baggage system. In all these, environmental management has been central.
British Easy Jet Airlines has invested in corporate social responsibility activities
including funding of hospitals, face-lifting of public schools and in offering scholarship
opportunities to needy but deserving students. The Company values public participation in
decision making. British Easy Jet Airlines has also employed many locals in its various
capacities, thereby acting as an agent of social and economic change.
Why British Essay Jet has failed OR is Likely to fail in its Expansion Pursuits
Insufficiency of Manual Freights
Insufficiency of manual freights for British Essay Jet pilots’ has led to several aeroaccidents. This has led to loss of lives and destruction of property. Indeed, this has dented the
airline’s reputation
Lack of Competence
Lack of understanding of the damage potential due to high horizontal forces in aviation
accidents is also stated as one of the reasons why the United Airlines has been accused of
contributing to several aviation accidents. The occupants of this relevant freight before, during,
and after the disasters face significant lateral forces which complicates the fatalities.
Filimonau, V., Dickinson, J. and Robbins, D., 2014. The carbon impact of short-haul tourism: A
case study of UK travel to British Easy Jet Airlinesern France using life cycle analysis.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 64, pp.628-638.
Howard, J.H., 2014. The Canadian Sioux. U of Nebraska Press.
Ison, S., Merkert, R. and Mulley, C., 2014. Policy approaches to public transport at airports—
Some diverging evidence from the UK and Australia. Transport Policy, 35, pp.265-274.
Kılkış, Ş. and Kılkış, Ş., 2016. Benchmarking airports based on a sustainability ranking index.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 130, pp.248-259.
Neath, S., Hulse, R. and Codd, A., 2014. Building information modelling in practice:
transforming Gatwick airport, UK. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers,
167(2), p.81.
Postorino, M.N. and Mantecchini, L., 2014. A transport carbon footprint methodology to assess
airport carbon emissions. Journal of Air Transport Management, 37, pp.76-86.