Michael Veneziano 1. A position within the fraternity I would like to hold is Sergeant at Arms. I would like this position because I enjoy keeping people in line and enforcing rules. I’m not one of those people who think rules are meant to be broken. It is one of my biggest pet peeves when I witness people deliberately disobeying rules. a. As Sergeant at Arms I would set up specific punishments for specific acts, not only fines but punishments as in forcing people to attend meetings where they will be told exactly what they have done wrong and basically be treated as a child if they are going to act like a child. b. Punishments will be enforced; I am a man of my word. When I say I am going to do something I will definitely do it. I don’t care who the culprit is I am good at keeping a nonbiased opinion. c. While under this position I will make sure J-Board is fair as well as justifiable but keeping a nonbiased jury during meetings of punishment. In the past I have been good a mediating and keeping the peace. One good example would be Zack Panzner and Michael Manz, I kept them from killing each other and calmed Zack down allowing him to realize both sides of the story. 2. Another position I would like to hold is Brotherhood Chair. I enjoy setting up fun events for people to do, I am very creative person and could come up with events most people wouldn’t think of. a. One event I could do would be to attend a fundraiser for a good cause, Toys For Tots. My father’s organization hosrts an event every year called The Turkey Shoot, where people come out and compete in a shooting competition with 22 caliber rifles. Its split into heats, if you win your heat, you win a frozen turkey or pie for Thanks Giving. Its always fun I’ve been attending since I was young and is always a hit. b. As Brotherhood Chair, I would like to set up events that involve all the brothers, as many as possible. I don’t know if this is true but from the outside looking in, it doesn’t seem like there are many event like that each semester. I would like to change that. c. Also, if possible I would I like to set up a retreat or get away where the brothers could go away as a whole and not worry about the fraternity as a business and just have fun. For example, a camping trip, snowboarding/tubing trip in Canada, and many other fun things have come to mind already. 3. Last position I would like to hold in the fraternity is Historian. As a graphic design major I work with computers and editing programs daily, I enjoy doing it. I recently went on a cross country trip to South Dakota, at the end of the trip I ended with over 600 pictures and over 7 hours of footage. a. I know every year someone takes the responsibility and records Pike Hike and edits it to posts it on social media. I am confident I would be able to make an amazing video. No offense to previous Historian but I feel I have more experience since it is a part of my major. b. While I am Historian, this will allow me access to pictures of events. Since I make majority of the flyers for events, using actual pictures from previous events helps the person you are trying to sell the event on see exactly what they would be attending. I would use these pictures and footage to further my designs for each event. c. Last, I would like to document each semester, within reason of course, and create a montage of events, parties, and any other exciting aspects of each semester. I feel that could be used a good tool for recruiting. I know there are some videos out that are shown to recruits but they aren’t always up to date. I would to tackle that task.