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Evolution Crossword Puzzle: Biology Review

Name ________________________ Per. _______
Evolution Crossword
1. This type of selection is a form of evolution that favors both extremes of a trait.
4. This is occurring when new species originate through a gradual (slow and steady) change of adaptations.
6. Paleontologists find these in rocks. These let us know what prehistoric organisms looked like and when they lived.
9. Most organisms must engage in ____________ with even their own species due to limited food, resources, territory,
and mates.
12. Even though you and your siblings might have the exact same parents, you probably appear slightly different from
each other due to natural genetic ____________.
13. In nature animals that have genes that do not give them an advantage will usually die out (either by starving or
being eaten) due to “survival of the _____________
14. This is occurring when new species split off in relatively quickly and afterwards there are long periods very little
16. This has happened when two groups of insects no longer interbreed because one group is active only in the daytime
and the other is nocturnal (at nighttime).
17. This type of selection is a form of evolution that favors one extreme of a trait.
18. If you have this type of gene in your DNA it will overpower and cover up the presence of a weaker gene.
19. Your tailbone is this type of structure because it no longer serves a useful purpose in humans.
2. Bacteria and insects can evolve faster than most larger organisms because they have shorter lifespans and
_______________ cycles.
3. This is how a population of organisms changes over many generations.
5. This is any inherited characteristic that allows an individual to better survive and reproduce in a given environment.
Examples might include a snail’s protective shell or a male peacock’s colorful feathers.
7. This type of selection is a form of evolution that favors the average.
8. When people select for certain traits as they breed an organism in captivity, it is this kind of selection.
10. If you compared the codes of this lengthy biological molecule in both humans and mice, you would find that they
are 85% the same.
11. Having two of this type of gene in your DNA is probably the only way that it will become outwardly apparent.
15. This type of selection happens in nature as individual organisms with the most advantageous adaptations survive
and reproduce better.
Name __KEY_____________ Per. _______
Evolution Crossword
1. This type of selection is a form of evolution that favors both extremes of a trait.
4. This is occurring when new species originate through a gradual (slow and steady) change of adaptations.
6. Paleontologists find these in rocks. These let us know what prehistoric organisms looked like and when they lived.
9. Most organisms must engage in ____________ with even their own species due to limited food, resources, territory,
and mates.
12. Even though you and your siblings might have the exact same parents, you probably appear slightly different from
each other due to natural genetic ____________.
13. In nature animals that have genes that do not give them an advantage will usually die out (either by starving or
being eaten) due to “survival of the _____________
14. This is occurring when new species split off in relatively quickly and afterwards there are long periods very little
16. This has happened when two groups of insects no longer interbreed because one group is active only in the daytime
and the other is nocturnal (at nighttime).
17. This type of selection is a form of evolution that favors one extreme of a trait.
18. If you have this type of gene in your DNA it will overpower and cover up the presence of a weaker gene.
19. Your tailbone is this type of structure because it no longer serves a useful purpose in humans.
2. Bacteria and insects can evolve faster than most larger organisms because they have shorter lifespans and
_______________ cycles.
3. This is how a population of organisms changes over many generations.
5. This is any inherited characteristic that allows an individual to better survive and reproduce in a given environment.
Examples might include a snail’s protective shell or a male peacock’s colorful feathers.
7. This type of selection is a form of evolution that favors the average.
8. When people select for certain traits as they breed an organism in captivity, it is this kind of selection.
10. If you compared the codes of this lengthy biological molecule in both humans and mice, you would find that they
are 85% the same.
11. Having two of this type of gene in your DNA is probably the only way that it will become outwardly apparent.
15. This type of selection happens in nature as individual organisms with the most advantageous adaptations survive
and reproduce better.