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EU 'Right to Be Forgotten' Problem Set

International Legal Research
Spring 2019
Problem Set 4 – European Union and international courts
Due by 2:00 on April 11, 2019
This week’s homework problems are based on the European Union’s “right to be
For this week’s homework, use the sources listed with each question. Include the steps
you took in your research with your answer. Short answers are all that is required;
answer the questions but also include citations and dates. Bluebook citation form is not
required so long as all the necessary citation information is included. Submit your
answers through the class Canvas site.
1.a. Use the Oxford Law Reports on International Law database to find the Google
“right to be forgotten” judgment in the European Court of Justice. Cite the judgment
(case name, date, case number, and neutral citation).
1.b. Use the Oxford Law Citator entry with the judgment to find related items on the
case. Cite any secondary source (journal article, book, or encyclopedia entry) that
discusses the Google case.
2.a. Find and cite the 2016 regulation of the European Union on protection of
personal data of natural persons, using EUR-Lex. Include the regulation number and
the citation to the Official Journal. What is the article number within the regulation
on the “right to be forgotten?”
2.b. Use either EUR-Lex or the ECJ Curia database to find and cite any European
Court of Justice judgment citing the 2016 regulation.