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Demo Rough Draft Outline

A. Attention Gaining Device: Dolly’s wig is blond. She wears a gold dress, and strips to
reveal a bikini with a 38DD bra. Dolly Parton. Not quite, this is Dolly Do. Dolly is a frog.
She was trained by Bill Steed, professional frog trainer and Dean of Croaker College in
San Francisco.
B. Tie to Audiences: Bill Steed won numerous national contests with Dolly Do for over 5
years and made over $50,000. And Dolly Do only cost him $5 investment. Even one
you can afford.
C. Credibility: And how do I know so much about Bill’s techniques, well Bill is my Dad
and I went with him to more than 100 frog jumping contests
D. Thesis & Preview: Today, I’d like to use some of Bill’s methods to tell you how to train
your frog.
1. First, I will explain how to choose your frog
2. Then I will show you how to feed it
3. And finally, I will tell you how to handle it for that big frog jumping contest.
Transition: First, let’s look at the correct way to pick a frog.
A. There are three things you should know about choosing your frog.
1. Look in the right place.
a) Stream or ditch
b) Hops a lot
2. Look for the right factors.
a) Size
b) Legs
c) Determination
3. Test your frog
a) 3 hop test
b) Speed test
Transition: Okay, so you have your frog. Now you have to keep it alive. To do this, you have to
feed it.
B. Feeding your frog takes a strong stomach and determination.
1. Feed your frog chicken gizzards.
a) cut in quarters
b) it may be necessary to force-feed your frog
c) Pop it down their throats
2. Don’t eat well in captivity
Transition: Choosing and feeding your frog well will lead you to the big frog jumping contest.
The most important thing about the big day is handling your frog.
C. You need to know how to handle the frog before and during the contest.
1. The less you handle the frog the better.
a) Carry the frog in a burlap sack.
1. roll gently
2. warmth
b) Water
2. Contest handling is simple
a) Unroll
b) Let the frog go
Transition: None of these things are difficult to do but they are all important to result in a
winning frog like Dolly Do.
A. Restate Thesis: So now you know the three things Bill Steed did to train Dolly Do
B. Review Main Points: To be able to do this yourself, get a frog and follow the three main
steps of choosing, feeding, and handling
C. Memorable Close: Many trainers have bought $5 frogs and turned it into even more
winnings than Bill Steed did. Many make a 6 figure living off of their frogs. So hop
right up and jump on your opportunity to ribbit the rewards.