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Fluid Mechanics Pipeline Assignment

Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Gr.Noida
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
Q1. What do you mean by the minor energy losses in pipeline.
Q2. What is the maximum efficiency of transmission of power in pipelines.
Q3. Prove that for equivalent pipe L/d5 = L1/d15 + L2/d25 + L3/d35
Q4. Prove that the Darcy equation for head loss due to friction in pipe is hf = ρLv2/(dx2g)
Q5. What do you mean by water hammer in pipes? Describe the water hammer in pipes due to gradual
closure of valve.
Q6. A pipeline AB of diameter 300 mm of length 400 m carries water at the rate 50 litres/s. The flow
takes place from A to B where point B is 30 m above A. Find the pressure at A if pressure at A if the
pressure at B is 19.62 N/cm2. Take f = 0.008.
Q7. A syphon of diameter 200 mm connects two reservoirs having a difference in elevation of 20 m. The
length of the siphon is 500 m and the summit is 3 m above the water level in the upper reservoir. The
length of the pipe from the upper reservoir to the summit is 100 m. Determine the discharge through
the syphon and also the pressure at the summit. Neglect the minor losses. The co-efficient of friction
Q8. A pipeline of length 2000 m is used for power transmission. If 110.3625 kW power is transmitted
through the pipe in which water having a pressure of 490.5 N/cm2 at inlet is flowing. Find the
diameter of pipe and efficiency of transmission if the pressure drop over the length of the pipe is
98.1 N/cm2. Take f = 0.0065.
Q9. The difference in water surface levels in two tanks which are connected by three pipes in series of
length 300 m, 170 m and 210m and of diameters 300 mm, 200 mm and 400 mm respectively is 12 m.
Determine the rate of flow of water if co-efficient of friction are 0.005, 0.0052 and 0.0048
respectively, considering the minor losses also.
Q10. Find the head lost due to friction in a pipe of diameter 300 mm and the length 50 m through which
water is flowing at a velocity of 3 m/s. Using (i) Darcy formula (ii) Chezy’s formula for which C =
60. Take kinematic viscosity ν = 0.01 stoke.