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Five years of Mastery Learning – What did we learn?
Claudia Ott
Brendan McCane
Nick Meek
Dept. Computer Science
University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand
Dept. Computer Science
University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand
Dept. Computer Science
University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand
Over the last five years we have developed our first year, first semester programming course into a mastery learning oriented
course – a delivery format allowing students to work at their own
pace towards the achievement level they aim for. In this paper,
we report on a series of changes to the course and how these impacted students’ engagement, their learning progress and their final grades. We aim to initiate a discussion on fostering selfregulated learning early on in a course.
ter one level before they can move on to the next level can be seen
as a multi-stage assessment supporting self-monitoring of progress. If during practical exercises one-to-one tutor support is
readily available, dialogical feedback to advise students on shortcomings, improvements and ways to practice can be provided to
promote students’ self-evaluation. However, the self-paced nature
of a mastery inspired learning model requires a certain level of
self-regulation to stay focused and engaged throughout the course.
How students reacted to the challenges of self-regulated learning
in a mastery oriented course is discussed in this paper.
• Social and professional topics -> Computing Education
Mastery Learning, Student Engagement, Self-Regulated Learning,
Introductory programming, CS1
Ideally, self-regulated learners work in cycles of setting their
goals, selecting suitable strategies to reach those goals, selfmonitoring their progress, adjusting the strategies if necessary,
and critically reflecting at the end of the learning cycle, which
leads to improvements for the next cycle [8]. The importance of
self-monitoring is highlighted in a model of self-regulated learning that emphasizes student’s ability to generate internal feedback
during the learning process [1]. Further work on “sustainable”
feedback followed with a focus on strategies and practices to support students’ development into self-regulated learners (e.g. [4],
[2]). Sustainable feedback practices are described as “dialogic
processes and activities which can support and inform the student
on the current task, whilst also developing the ability to selfregulate performance on future tasks” ([2], p. 397). Those practices include multistage assessments, dialogical feedback and the
promotion of students’ self-evaluation.
Mastery Learning [e.g. 3], where students are required to masPermission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
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Koli Calling '18, November 22–25, 2018, Koli, Finland
© 2018 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6535-2/18/11.
Motivation and Phases of Change
An elective first year Python course was introduced in 2009 as a
gentle introduction to computer programming in a traditional format of two weekly lectures and two accompanying laboratory sessions [6]. The course is offered in first semester with approx. 250
students enrolled. Based on an inquiry into students’ performance
in second semester [7] we suspected that students acquired programming skills at a superficial level only. By the end of 2013 we
decided to change the format to a mastery learning model where
credits are gained by mastery tests, called progression levels (PLs)
and scheduled practical tests. Successive changes were administered and can be divided into three distinctive phases.
Phase 1 (2014 & 2015): Mastery Learning
Model introduced and adjusted
In 2014 we introduced 7 PLs contributing 35% towards the final
mark. Other credits were gained by a practical test (15%) and a
written final exam of multiple choice questions (50%). To pass
the course students needed to gain 50% of all credits.
Students were scheduled for two weekly lab sessions (2 hours
each) with tutors available to assist students with their lab tasks.
During their lab time students could take a test (20 to 30 minutes)
to complete a PL (no textbook or online resources allowed). Students passing the test could attempt the next PL whereas students
failing the test were advised to review the lab work and ask tutors
for help if needed. Those students could repeat the test during one
of their next lab sessions with no penalty until they passed the PL.
To discourage rote learning one of several PL versions was randomly assigned. As the statically paced lectures became irrelevant
for a lot of students working at their own pace, the lecture content
was delivered by podcasts from 2015 onwards. One lecture per
week was scheduled for questions and to discuss concepts.
Koli Calling’18, November, 2018, Koli, Finland
Phase 2 (2016 & 2017): Final Exam replaced
In 2016 we felt confident that the mastery tests were a fair assessment of students’ programming ability which made a written
final exam unnecessary. By administering mastery tests (60% towards the final grade) and two scheduled practical tests (40% of
the final grade) we adopted the idea of “contract grading” (e.g.
[5]) where summative assessments are obsolete and students can
decide on their level of achievement and work towards that level
without the uncertainty of a final exam. We assumed that such a
change would promote students’ self-regulated learning in terms
of setting their own goals and self-monitoring of their performance. Based on student feedback, which indicated that the weekly Q&A lecture was perceived as unorganized and not well prepared, we went back to scheduled topics covered in a weekly lecture. In 2017 we made lab attendance compulsory as we had observed in 2016 that students attended labs more infrequently and
completed fewer progression levels as compared to 2014 & 2015.
Phase 3 (2018): Remedies introduced
By the end of 2017 we realized that there was an urgent need to
motivate students to continuously engage in the course rather than
to take a last-minute approach to completing the progression levels. In 2018 we required students to make at least one attempt per
week on a PL and late penalties were applied after certain cut-off
dates to encourage students to attempt progression levels earlier.
The progression levels after PL6 were split into four different
pathways students could choose from: Object Oriented, Complex
(Algorithms & Math), Graphical User Interfaces and Data Structures. We hoped that students would “buy-in” to higher progression levels by having a choice of topics to study.
The most successful year in terms of students’ engagement was
the first year of mastery learning. Students were working continuously and completed 87% of the PLs available. The low submission rate during the last two weeks of the semester (6% of all
submissions) indicated that students were on track with their
work. 19.0% of students failed the course which was the lowest
failure rate of all five years. When lectures were replaced by podcasts to allow students a more self-paced approach, we observed
that students became increasingly inactive with 2.5 weeks of no
attempts on PLs on average (up from 0.9 weeks of inactivity in
2014). This temporal disengagement resulted in a rush towards the
end of the semester with 15.5% (up from 6%) of all PL attempts
during the last two weeks. As a side effect the overall completion
rate of PLs dropped to 82%. 24.3% of students failed the course
after sitting the final exam.
In phase 2, when the final exam was replaced by a practical
test, students’ engagement with the course became even more concerning. An average inactivity of 3.2 and 3.0 weeks respectively in
2016 and 2017 lead to a further drop in completion of PLs to
69.9% and 75.6% despite high activity within the last two weeks
(23% of all attempts). Most noticeable during this phase was an
increase of the group of students just passing the course with a
C. Ott et al.
mark of 50% to 60% (25% of students in 2016 up from 12% in
2015 and 6% in 2014) despite an unchanged failure rate and a large
group students (about 20%) achieving 90% and more.
Phase 3 introduced remedies to increase engagement with the
course which did not prove to be particularly successful as only
70.5% of all PLs were completed. The changes seemed to motivate
the top students but did not help the lower achieving students to
stay focused and pass the course to a higher degree. In fact, the bimodality of the final grades was more pronounced than ever with
29.7% finishing with 90% and more and 26.7% failing the course.
Note: There were no late penalties applied for this study.
Based on the observation that the first year of the mastery learning
offering showed high engagement with a high completion rate of
PLs we conclude that the quality of teaching and feedback in the
computer labs is on a level where the majority of students can
complete all PLs in a timely manner. If students take the opportunity to attempt PLs on a regular basis (e.g. once a week) selfmonitoring of progress is basically a side effect. The one-to-one
discussion with a tutor regarding a failed attempt is a great opportunity for the student to get feedback on how to improve.
The cycle of self-monitoring and feedback is broken when students disengage from the course. One way to get students back on
board would be to roll back the changes made. However, we do
believe that intrinsic motivation and a genuine interest to proceed
are more valuable for students’ learning experience than a set pace
and the “threat” of a final exam. Allowing students to work at
their own pace and setting up their own goals creates a responsibility we want the students to experience in order to foster selfregulated learning. Our experiences highlight that this is not an
easy undertaking, especially in a first year, first semester course
which is for most students their first encounter of studying at university level. Unfortunately, the question of how to help first year
students, who are accustomed to a schooling system which provides a high degree of structure, rigid schedules and continuous
encouragement, to develop into pro-active learners in charge of
their own learning, still remains.
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[2] D. Carless, D. Salter, M. Yang and J. Lam. 2011. Developing sustainable feedback practices. Studies in Higher Education, 36(4), 395–407.
[3] E. J. Fox. 2004. The Personalized System of Instruction: A Flexible and Effective Approach to Mastery Learning. In D. J. Moran & R. W. Malott (Eds.), Evidence-based educational methods. San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press.
[4] D. Hounsell. 2007. Towards more sustainable feedback to students. In: D. Boud
and N. Falchikov (Eds.) Rethinking Assessment in Higher Education: learning
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[5] N. LeJeune. 2010. Contract grading with mastery learning in CS 1. Journal of
Computing Sciences in Colleges, 26(2), 149–156.
[6] B. McCane. 2009. Introductory Programming with Python Curriculum. The
Python Papers Monograph, 1, 1–11.
[7] B. McCane, C. Ott, N. Meek and A. Robins. 2017. Mastery Learning in Introductory Programming. In Proceedings of the Nineteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference on - ACE ’17. New York, USA: ACM Press.
[8] B. J. Zimmerman. 1998. Developing self-fulfilling cycles of academic regulation: An
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Self- regulated learning: From teaching to self-reflective practice. NY: Guilford Press.