Name: Date: Comma Worksheet 1 Add commas or semicolons to the following sentences as they are needed. 1. Spring Break a week of relaxation before the final push of the semester is usually in March. 2. It is I believe badly needed by many students and teachers at about this time. 3. It is nice to stay home and work in the yard however the weather isn’t always wonderful. 4. In fact sometimes it is pretty awful in March one of the windiest months in Idaho. 5. If I had enough money I could travel and see my favorite country Mexico during this time. 6. But since I have no money my biggest treat will be watching basketball on television. 7. It is not coincidence by the way that most college tournaments are scheduled at this time. 8. Most college schedules I am sure are adjusted to accommodate sports tournaments. 9. I believe they want to make things easier for college athletes a relatively small population. 10. Some people would rather have spring break at the same time as their children however. 11. This would make sense but not all area schools have the same week for their break. 12. It does make things difficult for those with children when their breaks are different weeks. 13. There are on the other hand some considerations other than athletics when breaks are scheduled. 14. This badly-needed time spring break should fall near the tenth week of classes shouldn’t it? 15. It would be nice if all schools started at the same time unfortunately they don’t. 16. I’m sure if they knew how difficult this is for some students things could be changed. 17. This is for the most part one of the questions for student body officers to address. 18. They should look at schedules and ask if they are fair to most students don’t you think? 19. If the schedules need to be changed the student body can make suggestions and they should. 20. Students do have some say after all they are the reason for colleges to exist. 21. They should therefore make their wishes known so that administrators can schedule well. 22. This would however still leave one problem the difficulty of scheduling basketball tournaments. 23. There are many attractions which people can visit right here in Idaho. 24. One of these is Shoshone Falls which is close and easy to get to. 25. These falls which are higher than Niagara Falls are quite spectacular during a wet spring. 26. If not much water is flowing however Shoshone Falls isn’t a place that I want to visit. 27. Another trip which is easy and interesting is to Balanced Rock an unusual rock formation. 28. This natural phenomenon which is a few miles from Castleford is fun to visit. 29. Nearby is a little park which provides quiet camping spots for a few visitors. 30. People who want a little more excitement in their lives might be bored with Balanced Rock. 31. They may want to try skiing in the mountains which are all around this area. 32. A number of ski areas which offer fun for skiers of all ability levels are only a short drive away. 33. One of my favorite areas is Pomerelle which is near Burley a town just east of Twin Falls. 34. People who have never skied before will still enjoy some of the local ski areas. 35. On the other hand people like Stacey who lives for thrills will like some more challenging areas. 36. Sun Valley has several lifts for those who want to have a major adrenaline rush. 37. Some people may not enjoy skiing which can often be quite expensive. 38. They may want to try rafting the Snake River which has a number of fun rapids. 39. Those who go rafting should be very careful however the river can be dangerous. 40. Last year my best friend who should have known better went rafting when the water was high. 41. He hit some treacherous rapids which he had not expected and his raft flipped. 42. Although he had a life jacket which is essential for river rafting he still was afraid for his life. 43. The river is full of currents and eddies which can drown the best of swimmers. 44. It is therefore wise to always go rafting with experienced people who know the river well. 45. Other water sports which appeal to many people in this area are swimming and fishing. 46. One of my favorite swimming pools which offers warm water all year is near Hagerman. 47. People who enjoy trout fishing can find some of the best streams in Idaho within a few miles.