Strategic Abilities: Negotiating the Disabled Body in Dance ANN COOPER ALBRIGHT From “Moving history/dancing cultures: a dance history reader,” by Ann Cooper Albright, c2001. T he dance's opening image haunted me long before I take my place in total darkness, carefully situating I ever choreographed the piece. Indeed, it was the myself in the backless wheelchair set center stage. power of this image-its visual and physical effect on Gradually a square frame of light comes up around me gave me the courage both co create a per- to reveal the glint of metal and the softness of my formance about the undoing of my life as I knew it and naked flesh. I am still for a long time, allowing the au- me-that to stage it in the middle of a dance concert. Through this dience time to absorb this image, and giving myself process of performing rhe unperformable, of telling the time to experience the physical and emotional vulnera- untold story, of staging the antithesis of my identity as a bility that is central to this performance. I focus on my dance professional, I began to reclaim the expressive breathing, allowing it to expand through my back. Soon, I can feel the audience beginning to notice the power of my body. What do you see' A back' A backless wheelchair' A small motions of the constant expansion and contrac- woman? A nude? Do you see pain or pleasure? Are you tion of my breathing. This moment is interrupted by a in pain or pleasure? How do you see me? recorded voice which tells the mythic story of another likely you don't see a dancer, for the com- woman many centuries ago, whose parents carved the bined discourses of idealized femininity and aesthetic names of their enemies onto her back. The first image virtuosity which serve to regulate theatrical dancing fades into blackness as my voice continues: Most throughout much of the Western world refuse the very possibility of this opening moment. As a dancer, I am a body on display. As a body on display, I am expected to reside within a certain continuum of fitness and bodily control, not to mention sexuality and beauty. Bur as a woman in a wheelchair, I am neither expected to be a dancer nor to position myself in front of an au- dience's gaze. In doing this performance, I confronted a whole host of contradictions both within myself and Two years ago, when I was severely, albeit temporarily, disabled, this scene from Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman warrior kept reappearing in my dreams. I see now that disability is like those knives that cur and marked her skin. Sometimes it leaves physical scars, but mostly it marks one's psyche, preying upon one's sense of well-being with a deep recognition of rhe frailty of life. within the audience. The work was a conscious at- Whar followed when rhe lighrs came up again was a tempt to both deconstruct the representational codes performance about disability-both of dance production and communicate cultural construc- an "other" tions of disability and the textures of my own experi- bodily reality. It was also one of the hardest pieces I've ences with disability. The spoken text was structured ever performed. around stories, stories about my son's frantic first days 8. Ann Cooper Albright performing a dance about disability. Phoro by John Seyfried. of life in intensive care, about my grandfather's life technical dancing (artistic interpretation), or was this with multiple sclerosis and the recent diagnosis of MS all that I could accomplish (aesthetic limitation)? And in one of my students, as well as the story of my own why would I, a dance professor, want to expose myself spinal degeneration and episodes of partial paralysis. (including my ample buttocks and disfigured spine) These bodily histories interlaced with my dancing to like that anyway? Given that Western theatrical dance provide a genealogy of gestures, emotional states, and has traditionally been structured physical experiences surrounding many of our personal mindset that projects a very narrow vision of a dancer and social reactions to disability. as white, female, thin, long-limbed, flexible, heterosex- Because my performance was staged on a body at by an exclusionary ual, and able-bodied, my desire to stage the cultural once marked by the physical and psychic scars of dis- antithesis of the fit, healrhy body disrupted the con- ability and yet unmarked ventional voyeuristic pleasures inherent in watching by any specifically visible physical limitation, I was consciously challenging the most dancers. Traditionally, when dancers take their usual representational place in front of the spotlight, they are displayed in codes of theatrical dance. In- deed, I wanted the audience to be put off balance, not ways that accentuate knowing whether this was an enactment of disability prowess and sexual desirability (the latter being im- or the real thing. Was this artistic expression or autobi- plicir in the very fact of a body's visual availability). In ographical contrast, the disabled body is supposed to be covered confession? Did I choose not to do more the double role of technical Strategic Abilities: Negotiating the Disabled Body in Dance I 57 up or hidden from view, to be compensated for or of the term disabiliry from an either/or paradigm ro a overcome (either lirerally or metaphorically) in an at- continuum which might include not only the most live as "normal"a life as possible. When a dis- easily identifiable disabilities, such as some mobility tempt to abled dancer takes the stage, he or she stakes claim ro a impairments, but also less visible disabilities, including radical space, an unruly location where disparate as- ones such as eating disorders and histories of severe me that all of these disabilitiespro- sumptions about representation, subjectivity, and vi- abuse. It seems sual pleasure collide with one another. foundly affect one's physical position in the world, al- This is an essay about dance and disability. It is an to though they certainly don't all affect the accessibility of essay which, on the one hand, will detail how Ameri- the world in the same way.) Each year, rhe list grows can culture constructs these realms of experience oppo- longer as groups such as Mobility Junction (NYC), sirionally in terms of either fit or frail, beautiful or Danceability ugly, and, on the other hand, will discuss the growing land), Cleveland Ballet Dancing Wheels (Cleveland), desire among various dance communities and profes- Light Motion (Seattle), and Candoeo (England) inspire (Eugene), Diverse Dance (Vachon is- sional companies ro challenge this binary paradigm by other dance communities to engage with this work. In reenvisioning just what kind of movements can consti- addition, there are several dance companies. such as Liz tute a dance and, by extension, what kind of body can Lerman's Dancers of the Third Age, which work with constitute a dancer. It is an essay about a cultural older performers. as well as various contemporary cho- movement (in both the political and physical senses of reographerswho consistently work with nontraditional the word) that radically revises the aesthetic structures performers from diverse backgrounds and experiences. of dance performances and just as radically extends the These include dance artists such as Johanna Boyce, theoretical space of disability studies into the realm of Ann Carlson, David Dorfman, and Jennifer Monson, mention only a few. Unfortunately, the radicalwork live performing bodies. This intersection of dance and to disability is an extraordinarily rich site at which of these groups is often tokenized in the dance pressin to ex- plore the overlapping constructions of the body's phys- terms of "special"human interest profiles rather than ical ability, subjectivity, and cultural visibility that are choreographic rigor. Of course this critical marginal- implicated within many of our dominant cultural par- ization implicitly suggests that this new work, while adigms of health and self-determination. important, won't really disrupt the existing aesthetic Excavating the social meanings of these constructions is like an ar- structures of cultural institutions. For instance, when chaeological dig inro the deep psychic fears that dis- Dancing Wheels, a group dedicated to promoting "the ability creares within the field of professional dance. In diversity of dance and the abilities of artistswith physi- order cal challenges," joined up with the Cleveland Ballet in to examine ablisr preconceptions in the dance world, one must confront both the ideological and t990 (to become Cleveland Ballet Dancing Wheels), it symbolic meanings that the disabled body holds in our was as an educational and outreach extension of the culture. as well as the practical conditions of disability. mainstream arts organization. The Dancing Wheels Watching disabled bodies dancing forces us ro see with dancers rarely perform in the company's regular reper- recognize that while a toire, and certainly never in classical works such as Bal- dance performance is grounded in the physical capaci- anchine's Serenade. Even in the less mainstream exam- ties of a dancer, it is not limited by them. ples of integrated a double vision, and helps us to dancing, the financial reality of Ovet the last seven years, I have followed the evolu- grassroots arts organizations often means that nondis- tion of various dance groups which are working to in- abled dancers receive much more touring and teaching tegrate work than even the most highly renowned disabled visibly disabled and visibly nondisabled dancers. (I use the term "visibly" to shift the currency dancers. It is still prohibitively expensive to travel as a 58 \ Moving History I Dancing Cultures disabled person, especially if one needs to bring an aide along. and radically reform the representational dance performances. Even though of disabled many of us are familiar with the work writers. artists, and musicians. physically structures of But just as all disabilities are not created equal, dances made with disabled dancers are not completely alike. Many of these dances recreate the disabled dancers arc still seen as a contradiction in representational terms. This is because dance, unlike other forms of cul- formances, emphasizing tural production technical expertise to reaffirm a classical body in spite such as books or painting, makes the frames of traditional proscenium per- the elements of virtuosity and body visible within the representation itself. Thus of its limitations. In contrast, some dances, particularly with those influenced by the dance practice of contact im- when we look at dance disabled dancers, we are looking at both the choreography and the disability. provisation, Cracking the porcelain image of the dancer as graceful tween the classical and rhe grotesque body, radically re- sylph. disabled dancers force the viewer to confront the structuring cultural opposite of the classical body-the all dance created on disabled bodies must negotiate the grotesque work to break down the distinctions be- traditional ways of seeing dancers. While body. I am using the term "grotesque" as Bakhtin in- palpable contradictions vokes it in his analysis of representation within Ra- and deviant bodies, each piece meets this challenge in a belais. In her discussion of carnival, spectacle, and different way. Bakhtinian theory, Mary Russo identifies these two bodily tropes in the following manner: between the discourses of ideal At the start of Gypsy, tall and elegant Todd Goodman enters pulling the ends of a long scarf wrapped The grotesque body is the open, protruding, around the shoulders of his parmer, M~ryVerdi- extended, secreting body, the body of becoming, Fletcher, gliding behind him. To the Gypsy Kings, process, and change. The grotesque body is op- he winds her in and out with the scarf Her bare posed to the classical body, which is monumental, shoulders tingle with the ecstasy of performing. She static, closed and sleek, corresponding rations of bourgeois individualism; to the aspi- the grotesque to the rest of the world.' body is connected It is not my intention to invoke old stereotypes of dis- abled bodies as grotesque bodies. I employ rhese rerms not to describe specific bodies, but rather to call upon cultural constructs that deeply influence our attitudes flings back her head with trusting abandon as he dips her deeply backward. Holding the fabric she glides like a skater, alrernately releasing and regaining COntrol. At the climax he swoops her up in her chair and whirls her around. Did I mention Verdi-Fletcher dances in her Gus Solomons's toward bodies, particularly dancing bodies. Over the scribes past few years, I have felt this opposition Cleveland of classical and grotesque bodies profoundly as I have fought my dance account of a romantic one of the first choreographic Ballet Dancing company Wheels, comprised that wheelchairi" duet de- ventures of a professional of dancers on legs and way back to the stage. Look again at the opening image dancers in wheelchairs. of my performance legs and wheels, Gypsy exrends the aesthetic heritage of dancer and then at any other image of a in Dancemagazine, or another popular dance nineteenth-century Essentially Romantic a pas de deux for ballet into several in- journal. The difference is striking, and I believe that it triguing has much duet, Gypsy is built on an illusion of grace provided by to do with the cultural separation between these bodies." Like a traditional balletic the fluid movements and physics of partnering. The In the rest of this essay, I would like to explore the transgressive new directions. nature of the "grotesque" body in order to see if and how the disabled body could deconstruct use of the fabric in conjunction the movement a continuous to achieve on legs. When with the wheels gives quality Solomons Strategic Abilities: Negotiating the Disabled Body in Dance I 59 that is difficult describes Verdi- Fletcher's dancing as "gliding," he is describing mote structural inclusion of people with disabilities in dance than a metaphor; rather, he is transcribing the physical training programs and performance venues, the con- reality of her movement. Whether they are physically servative aesthetic which guides much of Cleveland touching Ot connected only by their silken umbilical Ballet Dancing Wheels' performance work paradoxi- cord, the dancers in this pas de deux partner one an- cally reinforces, rather than disrupts. the negative con- other with a combination of the delicacy of ballet and notations of disability. the mystery of tango. The early 19800 genesis of Cleveland Ballet Dancing Solomons is an African American dance critic and independent choreographer who has been involved in the contemporary Wheels is anecdotally related by Cleveland Ballet's artistic director Dennis Nahar, who recalls meeting dance scene since his days dancing Verdi-Fletcher at a reception when she introduced her- in the 19705. An active mem- self as a dancer and told him that she was interested in for Mcree Cunningham ber of the Dance Critics Association, he has spoken dancing with the Cleveland Ballet. In the annotated eloquently about the need to include diverse commu- biography of Verdi-Fletcher's dance career which was nities within our definitions of mainstream dance. And commissioned for Dancing Wheels' fifteenth anniver- yet Solomons, like many other liberal cultural critics sary gala, Nahat is quoted as saying: "When I first saw and arts reviewers, sets up in the above passage a pecu- Mary perform. I said 'That is a dancer.' There was no liar rhetoric which tries to deny difference. His remark, mistake about it. She had the spark, the spirit that "Did I mention makes a dancer.t" I am interested in pursuing this no- that Verdi-Fletcher dances in her wheelchair?" ·suggests that the presence of a dancer in a tion of "spirir" a bit, especially as it is used frequently wheelchair is merely an incidental detail that hardly in- within the company's own press literature. For in- terrupts the seamless flow of the romantic pas de deux. stance, in the elaborate press packet assembled for a In assuming that disability does not make a (big) differ- media event to celebrate the collaboration with 10- ence, this writer is, in fact, limiting the (real) difference vacare Corporation's that disability can make in radically refiguring how we wheelchairs that are designed for extra case and mobil- "Action Technology" (a line of look at; conceive of. and organize bodies in the twenty- ity), there is a picture of the company with the caption first century. Why, for instance, does Solomons begin ''A Victory of Spirit ovet Body" underneath. with a description of Goodman's able body as "tall and I find this notion of a dancing "spirit" that tran- elegant," and then fail to describe Verdi-Fletcher's body scends the limitations of a disabled body rather troubling. at all? Why do most articles on Verdi-Fletcher's seminal Although it seems to signal liberatory language-one dance company spend so much time celebrating how should not be "confined" by social definitions of iden- she has "overcome" her disability to "become" a dancer tity based on bodily attributes (of race, gender, ability, rather than inquiring how her bodily presence might etc.)-this radically refigure the very categoty of dancer itself? of overcoming physical handicaps (the "supercrip" the- The answers to these questions lie not only in an ex- rhetoric is actually based on ablist notions ory) in order to become a "real" dancer, one whose amination of the critical reception of Gypsy and other "spirit" doesn't let the limitations of her body get in the choreographic ventures by Cleveland Ballet Dancing way. Given that dancers' bodies are generally on dis- Wheels, but also in an analysis of the ways in which play in a performance. this commitment to "spirit over this company paradoxically acknowledges and then body" risks covering over or erasing disabled bodies covers over the difference that disability makes. There altogether. Just how do we represent spirit? Smiling are contradictions embedded within this company's faces, joyful lifts into the air? The publicity photo- differing aesthetic and social priorities; while their out- graph of the company on the same page gives us one reach work has laid an important groundwork for the example of the visual downplaying of disabled bodies. 60 \ Moving History I Dancing Cultures In this studio shot. the three dancers in wheelchairs Verdi-Fletcher seems here are arristically surrounded by rhe able-bodied dancers which is doubly disempowering. such that we can barely see the wheelchairs at all; in Mary Verdi-Fletcher to be embracing a position is a dancer, and like many fact, Verdi-Flercher is raised up and closely flanked by other dancers, both disabled and nondisabled, she has four men such that she looks as if she is standing in internalized an aesthetic of beauty, grace, and line the third row. But most striking is the way in which which, if not centered on a completely mobile body, is the ballerina sirring on the right has ber long, slender nonetheless beholden to an idealized body image. legs extended across the bottom of the picture. The There are very few professions where the struggle to effect, oddly enough, is to fetishize these working legs maintain a "perfect" (or at least near-perfect) body has while at the same time making the "other" mobility- taken up as much psychic and physical energy as in the the wheels-invisible. dance field. With few exceptions, this is true whether I am not suggesting that this minimize the visual one's preferred technique is classical ballet. American representation of disability. But this example shows us modern dance, bharata naryam, or a form of African photo was deliberately set up to that unless we consciously construct new images and American dance. Although the styles and looks of bod- ways of imaging the disabled body, we will inevitably end ies favored by different dance cultures may allow for up reproducing an ablist aesthetic. Although the text some degree of variation (for instance, the director jubilantly claims its identity, "Greetings from Cleve- of Urban Bush Women, Jawole Willa Jo Zollae, talks land Ballet Dancing Wheels," the picture normalizes about the freedom to have and move one's butt in the "difference"in bodies, reassuring prospective pre- African dance as wonderfully liberating after years of senters and the press that they won't see anything roo being told discomfiting. professional dance is still inundated to tuck it in in modern dance classes), most by body image In a short but potent essay reflecting on the inter- and weight issues. particularly for women. Even com- connected issues of difference, disability, and identity panies, such as the Bill T. Jones and Arnie Zane Dance politics entitled "Tbe Other Body," Ynestra King de- Company, who pride themselves on the physical diver- scribes a disabled woman in a wheelchair whom she sity of their dancers, rarelyhave much variation among sees on her way to work each day. "She can barely the women dancers (all of whom are quite slim). Any move. She has a pretty face, and tiny legs she could not time a dancer'sbody is not completely svelte, the press possibly walk on. Yet she wears black lace stockings usually mentions it. In fact, the discourse of weight and spike high heels. [ ... ] That she could flaunt her and dieting in dance is so pervasive (especially, but sexual being violates the code of acceptable appearance certainly not exclusively for women) that we often for a disabled woman.'" What appeals to King about don't even register it anymore. I am constantly amazed this woman's sartorial display is the way that she at at dancers who have consciously deconsrructed tradi- once refuses her cultural position as an asexual being tional images of female dancers in their choreographic and deconsrructs the icons of feminine sexuality (who work, and yet still complain of their extra weight, can really walk in those spike heels anyway?) Watching wrinkles, gray hair, or sagging whatevers. As a body Verdi-Fletcher perform btings us face to face with the on display, the female dancer is subject to the regulat- contradictions involved in being positioned as both a ing gaze of the choreographer and the public, but nei- classical dancer (at once sexualized and objectified), ther of these gazes is usually quite as debilitating or op- and a disabled woman (an asexual child who needs pressive as the gaze which meets its own image in the help). Yet instead of one position bringing tension to mirror. or fracturing the other (as in King's example of the dis- I find it ironic that just as disability is finally begin- abled woman with high heels and black lace stockings), ning to enter the public consciousness and the inde- Straregic Abilities: Negotiating the Disabled Body in Dance / 61 pendent living movement is beginning to gain mo- and control within the disabled body. These groups mentum, American culture is emphasizing with a pas- have surely broadened the cultural imagination about sion heretofore unfarhomed rhe need for physical and who can become a dancer. However, they have not, to bodily control." As King makes clear in her essay, this my mind, fully deconsrructed the privileging of a cer- ferishization of control marks the disabled body as the tain kind of ability within dance. That more radical anrithesis of the ideal body: cultural work is currently taking place within the con- It is no longer enough to be thin; one must have ubiquitous muscle definition, nothing loose, flabby, or ill defined, no fuzzy boundaries. And of course, there's the importance of control. Control over aging, bodily processes, weight, fertility, muscle tone, skin quality, and movement. Disabled women, regardless of how thin, are without full bodily control. (74) tact improvisation community. Giving a coherent description of contact improvisation is a tricky business, for the form has grown exponentially over time and has traveled through many countries and dance communities. Although it was developed in the seventies, contact improvisation has recognizable roots in the social and aesthetic revolurions of the sixties. Contact at once embraces the casual, individualistic, improvisatory ethos of social dancing in This issue of control is, I am convinced, key to under- addition to the experimentation with pedestrian and standing not only the specific issues of prejudice task-like movement favored by early postmodern against the disabled, but also the larget symbolic place dance groups such as the Judson Dance Theater. Re- that disability holds in our culture's psychic imagina- sisting both the idealized body of ballet as well as the tion. In dance, the contrast between the classical and dramatically expressive body of modern dance, contact grotesque bodies is often framed in terms of physical seeks to create what Cynthia Jean Cohen Bull calls a control and technical virtuosity. Although the dancing "responsive"body, one based in the physical exchange body is moving and, in this sense, is alwayschanging and of weight." Unlike many genres of dance which stress in flux, the choreography or movement style can em- the need phasize images resonant of the classical body. For in- tions to pull up, tighten, and place the body), the stance, the statuesqueposes of ballet areclearicons of the physical training of contact emphasizes the release of classical body. So too, however, are the dancers in some the body's weight into the floor or into a partner's modern and contemporary companies which privilegean body. In contact, the experience of internal sensations abstract body, for example those coolly elegant bodies and flow of the movement between two bodies is more performing with the Merce Cunningham Dance Com- important than-specific shapes or formal positions. to control one's movement (with admoni- pany these days. Based as it is in the live body, dance con- Dancers learn tains the cultural anxiety that the grotesque body will physical communication implicit within the dancing. erupt (unexpectedly) through the image of the classical Curt Siddall, an early exponent of contact improvisa- body, shattering the illusion of ease and grace by the tion, describes the form as a combination of kines- disruptive presence of fleshy experience-heavy to move with a consciousness of the breath- thetic forces: "Contact Improvisation is a movement ing, sweat, technical mistakes, physical injury, even evi- form, improvisational in nature, involving the two dence of a dancer'sage or mortality, Although companies bodies in contact. Impulses, weight, and momentum such as Cleveland Ballet are communicated through a point of physical contact Dancing Wheels are producing work that stretches the that continually rolls across and around the bodies of categories of dance and dancing bodies, I feel that the dancers."! much of their work is srill informed by an ethos that But human bodies, especially bodies in physical reinstates classical conceptions of grace, speed, agility, contact with one another, are difficult to see only 62 \ Moving History I Dancing Cultures in terms of physical counterbalance, weight, and mo- My first physical experience with this work occurred in mentum. the body as both literal the spring of 1992 when I went to the annual Breitenbush (the physics of weight) and metaphoric (evoking the dance jam. Held in a hot springs retreatin Oregon. the By interpreting community body, for example), contact exposes the in- Breirenbush Jam is not designed specifically for people terconnectedness of social, physical, and aesthetic con- with physical disabilities as are the DanceAbility work- cerns. Indeed, an important part of contact improvisa- shops, so I take it to be a measureof the successof true in- tion today is a willingness to allow the physical tegration within the contact community that people metaphors and narratives of love. power, and competi- with various movement styles and physical abilities tion come to evolve from an original emphasis on the work- to participate as dancers. At the beginning of the ings of a physical interaction. On first seeing contact, jam, while we were introducing ourselves to the group, people often wonder whether this is, in fact. pro- Bruce Curtis, who was facilitating this particularexercise, fessional dancing or rather a recreational or therapeutic suggested that we go around in the circle to give each form. Gone ate the formal lines of much classical dancer an opportunity dance. Gone are the traditional approaches to choreog- physical needs and desires for the week of non-stop raphy and the conventions of the proscenium stage. In dancing. Curtis was speaking from the point of view their place is an improvisational movement form based that lors of people have special needs-nor on the expressive communication involved when two most obviously "disabled" ones. This awareness of ability people begin to share rheir weight and physical sup- as a continuum and not as an either/or situation al- port. Instead of privileging an ideal type of body or lowed everyone present movement style, contact improvisation privileges a necessarily categorizing oneself as abled or disabled willingness to take physical and emotional risks, pro- solely on the basis of physical capacity. ducing a certain psychic disorientation in which the to to talk about his or her own just the speak without the stigma of Since that jam, I have had many more experiences seemingly stable categories of able and disable become dancing with people (including dislodged. physically disabled. Yet it would be disingenuous Disability in professional dance has often been a code for one type of disability-namely the paralysis of children) who are to suggest that my first dancing with Curtis was just like doing contact with anybody else. It wasn't-a fact that the lower body. Yet in contact-based gatherings such as had more to do with my preconceptions than his phys- the annual DanceAbility workshop and the Breiten- icality. At first, I was scared of crushing his body. Afrer bush Jam, the dancers have a much wider range of dis- seeing him dance with other people more familiar with abilities. including vision impairments, deafness, and him, I recognized that he was up for some pretty feisty neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy. Steve dancing, and gradually I began to trust our physical Paxton, one of the originators of the form, createsan apt communication enough to be able to release the inter- metaphor for this melange of talents when he writes: nal alarm in my head that kept reminding me I was dancing with someone with a disability (i.e., a fragile A group including various disabilities is like a body). My ability to move into a differenr dancing United Nations of the senses. Instructions must be relationship with Curtis was a result not only of con- translated into specifics appropriate for those on tact improvisation's open acceptance of any body, but legs, wheels, crutches, and must be signed for the also of irs rraining (both physical and psychic), which deaf. Demonstrations must be verbalized for those gave me the willingness to feel intensely awkward and who can't see, which is in itself a translating skill, uncomfortable. The issue was not whether I was danc- because English is not a vety flexible language in ing with a classical body or not, but rather whether I terms of the body.' could release the classical expectations of my own Strategic Abilities: Negotiating the Disabled Body in Dance I 6) body. Fortunately, the training in disorientation that is with excess energy. Alessi responds in kind, and the fundamental to contact helped me recreatemy body in two men briefly engage in a good-natured rough and response to his. As I move from dancer to critic, the tumble wrestling march. After a while they become ex- question which remains for me is: does contact im- hausted and begin to settle down, slowly rolling side by provisation reorganize our viewing priorities in the side out of the performance space. same way that it reorganized my physical priorities? Earlier I argued that, precisely because the disabled Emery Blackwell and Alito Alessi both live in Eu- body is culturally coded as "grotesque," many inte- gene, Oregon. a city specifically designed to be wheel- grated dance groups emphasize the classical dimen- chair accessible. Blackwell was the president of OIL sions of the disabled body's movements-the (Oregonians for Independent Living) until he resigned wheelchair's gliding, the strength and agility of people's in order dance. Alessi, a veteran upper bodies, etc. What intrigues me about Blackwell's contacrer who has had various experiences with physi- dancing in this duet is the fact that his movement at cal disabilities (including an accident which severed the once evokes images of the grotesque and then leads our tendons on one ankle), has been coordinating the eyes through the spectacle of his body into the experi- DanceAbility ence of his particular physicality. Paxton once wrote a to devote himself to workshops in Eugene for the last five grace of a years. In addition to their participation in this kind of detailed description of Blaekwell's dancing which re- forum, Blackwell and Alessi have been dancing to- veals just how much the viewer becomes aware of the gether for the past eight years. creating both choreo- internal motivations as well as the external conse- graphic works, such as their duet Wheels of Fortune. quences of Blackwell's dancing. and improvisational duets like the one I saw during a performance at Breirenbush Jam. Blackwell and Alessi's duet begins with Alessi rolling around on the floor and Blackwell tolling around the periphery of the performance space in a wheelchair. Their eyes are focused on one another, creating a connection that gives their separate rolling motions a certain synchrony of purpose. Afrer several circles of the space, Blackwell stops his wheelchair, all the while looking at his partner. The intensity of his gaze is reflected in the constant vibrations of movement impulses in his head and hands, and his stare draws Alessi closer to him. Blackwell offers Alessi a hand and initi- ates a series of weight exchanges which begins with Alessi gently leaning away from Blackwell's center of weight and ends with him riding upside down on Blackwell's lap. Later, Blackwell half slides. half wriggles out of his chair and walks on his knees over to Alessi. Arms outstretched, the two men mirror one an- Emery has said that to get his arm raised above his head requires about 20 seconds of imaging to accomplish. Extension and contraction impulses in his muscles fire frequently and unpredictably, and he must somehow select the right impulses consciously, or produce for himself a movement image of the correct quality to get the arm to respond as he wants. We observers can get entranced with what he is doing with his mind. More objectively, we can see that as he tries he excites his motor impulses and the random firing happens with more vigor. His dancing has a built-in Carch-zz. And we feel the quandary and see that he is pitched against his nervous system and wins, with effort and a kind of mechanism in his mind we able-bodied have not had to learn. His facility with them allows us to feel them subtly in our own minds. to Steve Paxton is considered by many people to be the other until an erratic impulse brings Blackwell and father of contact improvisation, for it was his work- Alessi the floor. They are rolling in tandem across shop and performance ar Obetlin College in 1972 that the floor when suddenly Blackwell's movement fre- first sparked the experimentations that later became quency fires up and his body literally begins to bounce this dance form. Given Paxton'sengagement with con- to 64 \ Moving History I Dancing Cultnres tact for twenty-five years, it makes sense that he would that I never once thought of giving up dancing. Con- be an expert witness to Blackwell's dancing. Paxton's tact helped me imagine other ways of moving, other description of Blackwell's movement captures the way ways to be fully present in my body. Although I still in which contact improvisation focuses on the becom- struggled with my own preconceptions about how to . ing-the dance, and although I still found it difficult to accept improvisational process of evolving which never really reaches an endpoint. Contact improvisa- the limitarions and boundaries of my changed physical tion can represent rhe disabled body differently pre- possibilities, I was deeply grateful for the model that cisely because it doesn't try to recreate the aesthetic the DanceAbiliry work gave me. Yet perhaps more im- frames of the classical body or traditional dance con- porrant than helping me to imagine how to dance with texts. Despite their good intentions, these situations my disability, contact helped me continue to recon- tend to marginalize anything but the most virtuosic ceive dancing even as I began to regain my range of movements. Contact, on the other hand, by concen- motion and strength in my back. Suddenly I wasn't in- trating on the becoming of a particular dance, refuses a reresred in getting, as one self-help book put it, "back static representation of disability, pulling the audience into shape," for I didn't want simply to return to danc- in as witness to the ongoing negotiations of that physi- ing as I had experienced it before. Rather, I wanted to cal experience. It is important acknowledge this powerful legacy of disabiliry, ro keep to realize that Alessi's dancing, by being responsive but not precious, helps to provide the context for this kind of witnessing engage- ir marked on my body. Many of our ideas about autonomy, health, and ment as well. In their duet, Alessi and Blackwell are en- self-determination gaged in an improvisational in this late-twentieth-century cul- dialogue in ture are based on a model of the body as an efficient which each partner is moving and being moved by the machine over which we should have total control. This other. I find this duet compelling because it demon- is particularly true of the current medical establish- strates the extraordinary potential of bringing two peo- ment, which is based upon an arrogant belief that doc- ple with very different physical abilities together to tors should be able to "fix" whatever goes wrong, re- share in one another's motion. In this space between turning us all as quickly as possible to that classical movement social dancing, combat, and physical intimacy, lies a ideal. Talking over with doctors all the possible inter- dance form whose open aesthetic and attentiveness to ventions into my condition the flexibility of movement identities can inform and wasn't sure I wanted to take part in such a system. In- be informed by any body's movement. deed, these medical personnel never seemed to notice Needless to say, my involvement with contact improvisation-training, teaching, and researching the made me realize that I the irony in their contradictory advice, suggesting, on the one hand, that I should retire from dancing (at the form-s-during the last fifteen years has primed me to ripe old age of thirty-four], see these liberatory and on the other hand possibilities in this work. That claiming that they could fix me up "as good as new" training has also allowed me to reimagine my own with the latest technological advances in surgery. What physicaliry in the midsr of a disability. Although they could never envision is that the experience of dis- would not want to I minimize the excruciatingly painful ability was tremendously important to me-through it ptocess of dealing with a sudden and severe mobiliry I began to really understand my own body and recog- impairment-the nize that no matter how limited, mine were strategic exhaustion, the intense and unre- lenting pain, not to mention the aggravating bureaucracy of American medical insritutions-c-I was grateful abilities. I refused the surgery and made a dance. Srraregic Abilities: Negotiating the Disabled Body in Dance / 65 Notes Mary Russo, "Female Grotesques: Carnival and The- nism, western Culture, and the Body (Berkeley: University of ory," in Feminist Studies/Critical Studies, ed. Teresa de Lau- California Press, 1993), and Emily Martin, Flexible Bodies: retis (Bloomington: The Role of Immunity in American Culture from the Days of Polio to the Age of AIDS (Boston: Beacon Press, 1997). 7. Cynthia Jean Cohen Bull [Cynrhia Novack], Sharing the Dance: Contact Improvisation and American Culture 1. 2. Indiana University Press, 1986), Of course, it is important 219. to recognize that almost every category of cultural identity predicated on the body (gender, class, race, sexuality, age, as well as ability) fits into this classical/grotesque divide. (Madison: 3. Gus Solomons Jr., "Seven Men," Village 1iJice, March University of Wisconsin Press, 1990), 186. For references to Judson Dance Theater, see Sally Banes's work on the era, especially Terpsichore in Sneakers and Democracy's 17,1992. 4. Melinda Ule-Grohol, Dance Movements in Time (Cleveland: Professional Flair, 1995), r. 5. Ynestra King, "The Other Body," Ms., March/April 1993,74· 6. One might argue that this is no mere historical coincidence, but rather a very specific social backlash against proactive groups working on disability issues. For further discussions of how society molds bodies into its own ideo- Body: Judson Dance Theater, 1962-1964. 8. Curt Siddall, "Contact Improvisation," East Bay Review, September 1976, cited in John Gamble, "On Contact Improvisation," Painted Bride Quarterly 4, nO.1 (spring 1977): 36, 9. Steve Paxton, "3 Days," Contact Quarterly 17; no. 1 (winter 1992): 13. ro. Ibid., 16. logical images, see Susan Bordo, Unbearable Weight: Femi- 66 \ Moving History / Dancing Culrures