QUESTION1 a. When you move the NIC cards from one PC to another PC, does the MAC address gets transferred as well? /20Marks /2Marks b. Observe this diagram and determine the network information asked where the ip address is i. What is the use of a default gateway?? ii. Find the broadcast, Minimum, Maximum ip addresses and the network mask iii. Determine the network hosts /4Marks iv. Define computer network /1Marks iv. How can you identify the IP class of a given IP address? QUESTION2 1. 2. Explain the four (4) elements of computer network a. What is IP address and MAC addresses? b. Give two examples of IPV6 and two for IPV4 3. Establish the difference between IPV4 and IPV6 address /1Mark /10Marks /2 Marks /20 Marks /4Marks /2Marks /2Marks /4Marks 4. Describe the use and port number of POP3, DNS, HTTP, ICMP, ARP, FTP, and DHCP. /4Marks 5. Give and explain the 7 layers of OSI reference model /4Marks QUESTION3 1. Give the difference between Static routing and dynamic routing 2. Establish the advantages of and difference between EIGRP and OSPF 3. List types of routing protocol 4. What are commands to configure OSPF for two routers connected in three different networks /20Marks /4Marks /4Marks /2Marks /2Marks 5. Give the use of these commands Copy running-config startup-config Show running-config Configure terminal Show ip interface brief Ipconfig /2Marks /1Mark /2Marks /2Marks /1Mark QUESTION4 20MARKS A) Given the Class C network of, subnet the network in order to create the network in the figure above, with the host requirements shown. All departments are connected with each other via wan links. Each wan link requires two IP addresses. B) Configure this topology using EIGRP protocol; remember Console password is needed. SUCCESS!!!!!!!