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Journal of Network and Computer Applications 103 (2018) 185–193
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Blockchain-based publicly verifiable data deletion scheme for cloud storage
Changsong Yang , Xiaofeng Chen , Yang Xiang
State Key Laboratory of Integrated Service Networks (ISN), Xidian University, Xi'an, PR China
Digital Research & Innovation Capability Platform, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Australia
Cloud storage
Secure deletion
Public verification
With the rapid development of cloud storage, more and more data owners store their data on the remote cloud,
that can reduce data owners’ overhead because the cloud server maintaining the data for them, e.g., storing,
updating and deletion. However, that leads to data deletion becomes a security challenge because the cloud
server may not delete the data honestly for financial incentives. Recently, plenty of research works have been
done on secure data deletion. However, most of the existing methods can be summarized with the same protocol
essentially, which called “one-bit-return” protocol: the storage server deletes the data and returns a one-bit
result. The data owner has to believe the returned result because he cannot verify it. In this paper, we propose a
novel blockchain-based data deletion scheme, which can make the deletion operation more transparent. In our
scheme, the data owner can verify the deletion result no matter how malevolently the cloud server behaves.
Besides, with the application of blockchain, the proposed scheme can achieve public verification without any
trusted third party.
1. Introduction
Cloud computing is the fusion and development of the parallel
computing, distributed computing and gird computing, and it connects
large scale storage and computing resources together through the
Internet (Miao et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2015). With an attractive
computing paradigm, cloud computing allows clients to conveniently
and ubiquitously enjoy various data services such as cloud storage
service, outsourcing computing service, on-demand self-service, etc.
(Buyya et al., 2009; Chen et al., 2016, 2015, 2014; Miao et al., 2017). In
the cloud storage service paradigm, the resource-constraint users can
outsource the expensive storage into the remote cloud and enjoy
unstinted storage services.
Despite the tremendous benefits, cloud storage inevitably suffers
from some new security problems. Firstly, the outsourced data may
often contain some sensitive information, which should be kept so
secret that it does not expose to the cloud server. Thus, the secrecy of
outsourced data is a security challenge: the cloud server should learn
nothing about what it stores actually. The traditional encryption
technique should be thought a solution to this problem. However, it
is merely a partial solution because performing meaningful operation
over the ciphertext is very difficult. Secondly, the data owner stores
data on the remote cloud and the cloud server manages the data for
him. When the data owner wants to delete the data, he sends a deletion
command to the cloud server and the server executes the deletion
operation. However, the cloud server is semi-trusted, that is, it may not
delete the data honestly for financial incentives. Therefore, how to
delete the data permanently and verify the deletion outcome efficiently
is another security problem. That is, the verification should only
contain some simple computations. Trivially, it must be far more
efficient than maintaining the data task itself at least.
The primitive of secure data deletion (also called data erasure) has
been extensively studied in the past decade (Cachin et al., 2013; Hao
et al., 2016; Luo et al., 2016; Perito and Tsudik, 2010; Sun et al., 2008;
Wright et al., 2008, 2003). Most of the existing data deletion methods
can be summarized with the same protocol essentially, which called
“one-bit-return” protocol. That is, the data owner usually sends a
command to delete data from physical medium, and then receives a
one-bit reply (Success/Failure) indicating the result of the deletion
operation. For example, operation system achieves deletion by removing the link. When receives the deletion command, data management
system deletes the link of the file from the underlying file system, and
then returns a one-bit result (Success/Failure) to the data owner. While
the deletion result of being returned can be misleading. The system
only deletes the link of the file, however, the content of the file still
remains on the disk, attackers can recover the file by scanning the disk
(Garfinkel and Shelat, 2003).
Obviously, deletion by unlinking is not sufficient in the real
applications. To delete the content of the file, researchers apply
overwriting technology to design secure data deletion schemes. They
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: xfchen@xidian.edu.cn (X. Chen).
Received 12 May 2017; Received in revised form 31 August 2017; Accepted 28 November 2017
Available online 07 December 2017
1084-8045/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 103 (2018) 185–193
C. Yang et al.
delete the content of the file by overwriting the physical disks with
random data, and many protocols have been proposed (Diesburg and
Wang, 2010; Gutmann, 1996, 2001; Hughes et al., 2009; Kissel et al.,
2006). By overwriting the storage medium, although the problem of
secure data deletion has been theoretically solved in general, the
proposed schemes still have two inherent limitations. Firstly, most of
the proposed schemes with overwriting method can not support
verification. In those protocols, the data owner has to believe the data
management system because they can not verify the result of the
deletion. Although some schemes provide verification, they need to
introduce a trusted third party. The other inherent limitation is that the
proposed protocols are much inefficient for practical applications.
Therefore, it is still significant to design secure data deletion schemes
to delete data permanently and efficiently.
Bonehand and Lipton (1996) presented the first cryptograph-based
scheme to solve the secure data deletion problem in 1996. In their
scheme, they encrypt all the data before saving it and then delete the
plaintext. Later, they delete the decryption key to make the ciphertext
invalid, and with a series of follow-up works (Geambasu et al., 2009;
Peterson and Burns, 2005; Reardon et al., 2013, 2013; Tang et al.,
2012; Yuan and Yu, 2013). The cryptography-based solution is efficient
since it can delete a large amount of data by just deleting a very short
decryption key. Especially in distributed storage, we can delete all the
duplicate copies of the data that are backed up in distributed locations
at once time. However, in those schemes, data owner also can not verify
the result of the deletion operation. They have to trust the returned
result. Besides, the ciphertext is still stored in the physical medium.
Therefore, it is necessary for us to seek for publicly verifiable data
deletion protocol.
Although various of data deletion schemes have been presented,
most of them have some inherent limitations. Firstly, in most of the
existing schemes, they assume that the cloud server is fully trusted and
the server will delete the data honestly. However, in cloud computing
the cloud server may be dishonest and it does not delete the data
sincerely for financial incentives. Therefore, some schemes introduce a
trusted third party, and both the data owner and the cloud server
believe the trusted third party unconditionally. Nevertheless, it is very
difficult to find such a trusted third party. Besides, plenty of the existing
solutions can not support public verification. However, to guarantee
the deletion result correct and trace if the server is malevolent, the data
owner hope the schemes are publicly verifiable. That is, not only the
data owner can audit the deletion result, but also anyone else can verify
the outcome. Therefore, we propose our blockchain-based publicly
verifiable data deletion scheme, which not only supports public
verification but also does not contain any trusted third party. To the
best of our knowledge, it seems that there is no research work on
efficient data deletion schemes that support public verification without
any trusted third party in the malicious server model.
Our Contributions. In this paper, we propose a new blockchainbased publicly verifiable data deletion scheme for cloud storage. In our
protocol, the data owner O does not fully trust the cloud server S. We
use the idea of Blockchain to guarantee that no matter how a malicious
S behaves, anyone can verify the result of the deletion operation. The
main contributions of this paper are as follows:
1.1. Related work
The problem of how to delete digital data securely is particularly
important. For the past decades, plenty of researchers have paid
considerable attention to this problem, and a series of schemes have
been proposed. Although deletion by unlinking is efficient, it just
deletes the link and the contents still remain in the disk (Garfinkel and
Shelat, 2003).
To delete the content of the file from the physical medium,
Gutmann (1996) suggests that the storage medium should be overwritten with random data. In 2010, Paul and Saxena (2010) present a
novel data deletion protocol, which called “Proof of Erasability” (PoE).
In their protocol, they delete data by overwriting the disk with random
patterns, and the host program will return the same patterns of data to
the data owner as a proof after deleting. Perito and Tsudik (2010)
present a solution called “Proof of Secure Erasure” (PoSE-s). In the
protocol, the host program sends a string of random patterns to the
embedded device. They assume that the embedded device’ storage is so
limited that it can only hold the received random patterns. Therefore,
the original data will be overwritten. This scheme works the same way
in essential as the PoE in Paul and Saxena (2010) except the additional
assumption of limited memory.
Similarly, Luo et al. (2016) propose a permutation-based assured
deletion scheme. In the scheme, the cloud storage service provider is
economy and offers elastic storage service for data owner. Since the
cloud server is economical rational, they assume that the server only
maintains the latest version of user's data. Besides, when data owner
performs updating all the backups will be consistent. Based on this
assumption, they disguise the overwriting performances as data
updating operations to delete data. After that, the outcome will be
verified through a challenge-response protocol. The data owner can
judge whether the server is honest by challenge-response time.
In 1996, Bonehand and Lipton (1996) propose the first cryptography-based protocol to solve secure data deletion problem. In 2010,
Tang et al. (2010) present a policy-based file assured deletion scheme
(FADE). In their scheme, they encrypt the file with a data key firstly.
Then further encrypt the data key with the control keys corresponding
to the policy. Finally, they remove the policy to delete the corresponding control key. Subsequently, Xiong et al. (2014) propose a secure data
self-destructing protocol, which is key-policy attribute-based encryption with time-specified attributes. Perlman (2005) is among the first in
proposing the use of trusted third party (TTP) to address the data
deletion problem. In the solution, the data owner encrypts the data
with a data key, and then the data key is encrypted with a control key
by a separate TTP. The TTP destroys the control key to make the data
which corresponding to the control key unrecoverable. In 2016, Hao
et al. (2016) present a secure data deletion scheme which based on a
“trust-but-verify” paradigm - Trusted Platform Module (TPM). Their
scheme can make the deletion process more transparent and the
deletion result publicly verifiable. Data owner can verify the correctness
of encryption and honesty of deletion without accessing to the source
code of the TPM.
1.2. Organization
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 defines some
preliminaries. We defines the problem, including system model and
design goals in Section 3. In Section 4, we propose our secure
blockchain-based data deletion scheme. The analysis of the secure
data deletion protocol is discussed in Section 5, including security
analysis, comparison and performance evaluation. Finally, we give a
brief conclusion of prior art in the last section.
We construct a novel blockchain-based publicly verifiable data
deletion scheme. If the cloud server does not delete the data
honestly, our scheme enables the data owner can detect the
malevolent operation of the cloud server. Different from the
previous works, there is not any trusted third party in our solution.
We introduce the primitive of Blockchain to solve the public
verification problem in the secure data deletion scheme. Taking
the advantages of Blockchain system, the proposed protocol can
achieve public verification. Besides, our solution is also efficient in
communication as well as in computation.
2. Preliminaries
In this section, we first introduce the basic definitions and
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 103 (2018) 185–193
C. Yang et al.
2.3. Blockchain
Blockchain technology (Nakamoto, 2008) is a distributed transaction ledger proposed in 2008, which is originally applied to design the
underpinning operation for Bitcoin system (Huang et al., 2018).
Generally, blockchain can be divided into two groups - public blockchain and private blockchain. As a novel data structure, both public and
private blockchain have two attractive advantages. By generating a
token as a chain of transactions, blockchain makes it possible to deal
with the problem of double spending in a distributed network. The
other attractive advantage is that with the use of the validation (e.g.,
proof of work) only one transaction history accepted. When the hash
chain is extended by one, the current hash value is fed into the hash
function to compute the new hash value. That makes it impossible to
tamper the hash chain maliciously, therefore, blockchain can be
adopted to authenticate digital data.
In this paper, we change the content of the blocks in the blockchain.
In our protocol, the blocks maintain the proofs produced by the cloud
server instead of the transactions. We store the proofs in a Merkle hash
tree periodicity, and all of the Merkle hash trees are connected by a
hash chain. In the hash chain, the hash value is computed from the
previous hash value of the hash chain, the Merkle root and the trusted
timestamp generated by timestamp server, as shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 1. The Merkle Hash Tree.
construction of Merkle Hash Tree. Then we will describe the
Timestamping Service. Finally, we give a short description of
Blockchain, which is very important for achieving the public verification.
2.1. Merkle hash tree
Merkle hash tree (Merkle, 1980) is a specific binary tree, which can
be used to authenticate digital data with lower computation and
communication overhead. In the tree, every internal node keeps a
hash value which is the concatenation of internal node's left child and
right child. Specially, the hash values of the authenticated digital data
are stored in the leaf nodes. To describe the Merkle hash tree more
clearly, we will give a simple example. Firstly, {d1, d 2, d3, d4} is a data set
denoted by D, as shown in Fig. 1, in the leaf nodes, h 2, j = H (dj ), where
dj ∈ D , j ∈ [1, 4] and H(·) is a collision-resistant hash function.
Besides, in the internal nodes, each node (i , j ) has a left child denoted
by (i + 1, 2j − 1), and a right node denoted by (i + 1, 2j ), where (i , j )
meaning it is the j th node at the layer i, especially the root node is
denoted by (0, 1). Each internal node (i , j ) stores a hash value hi, j , which
is computed by h(i , j ) = H (hi +1,2j −1 ∥ hi +1,2j ). Finally, it will generate a
signature on the root of the Merkle hash tree by traditional public key
signature technique. We can use the Merkle hash tree to authenticate
any subset of D through verification object. In the Merkle hash tree, a
verification object is a set, which consists of all the sibling nodes on the
path from the specific leaf node to the root.
3. Problem statement
3.1. System model
The proposed blockchain-based publicly verifiable data deletion
scheme consists of three entities: the data owner, the cloud server, and
the timestamp server. The architecture of blockchain-based publicly
verifiable data deletion scheme is shown in the Fig. 3.
2.2. Timestamp server
Timestamp server can offer trustworthy timestamping service for
users in the network. Timestamp service can be implemented by two
ways. The first one is implemented by a centralized server (Haber and
Stornetta, 1991), the other one is implemented with a decentralized
system, which based on blockchain system in the Bitcoin (Nakamoto,
2008). The later works by computing a hash value of a block of items to
be timestamped, and then the hash will be widely published in the
Usenet post or in a newspaper (Bayer et al., 1993; Haber and Stornetta,
1997). With computing the hash value, the timestamp can guarantee
that the data have existed. The hash value of the timestamp is included
in the next timestamp, and then it forms a hash chain. In the hash
chain, every additional timestamp will reinforce all the ones before it.
In our scheme, we make some changes in the implementation of the
trustworthy timestamping. Firstly, time is divided into fixed time
intervals by the timestamp server, such as per hour or per two hours
as an interval. Secondly, at the end of every interval, the timestamp
server proceeds to compute a trustworthy timestamp on the signed
current time. Then it makes the timestamp published widely. Finally,
the timestamp is used to calculate the hash value and forming a hash
chain by the cloud server.
Data Owner. The data owner is the entity that wants to upload and
store the data on the remote cloud to reduce the burden of managing
the data locally by himself. The uploaded file is only owned by the
data owner. Moreover, when he does not need the data, he generates
a deletion request, and sends it to the cloud server to delete the data.
Finally, he can verify the deletion result with the deletion proof
which provided by the cloud server.
Cloud Server. The cloud server refers to the entity that maintains the
data for the data owner. Besides, the cloud server deletes the data
when receives the data deletion request from the data owner, and
then generates a deletion proof using the blockchain. After that, the
proof is sent to the data owner who can verify the proof.
Timestamp Server. The timestamp server is an entry that proceeds to
compute a trusted timestamp on the signed current time at the end
of every interval. And then the timestamp server provides the
trusted timestamp to the cloud server which uses the timestamp
to generate the data deletion proof.
Fig. 2. The Improved Blockchain.
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 103 (2018) 185–193
C. Yang et al.
Fig. 3. The Data Deletion Model.
3.2. Design goals
Fig. 4. The framework of our procotol.
In this paper, we assume that the cloud server is a “semi-honest”
server. That means the cloud server may not follow our presented
scheme honestly to delete the data but return an error deletion result to
mislead the data owner for financial incentives. When the data owner
needs the data, he would try to download the data because he does not
maintains any copy locally. Moreover, the data owner is assumed to be
honest, and the communication channels are assumed to be secure.
Therefore, two types of attacks are considered: (i) The semi-honest
cloud server may delete some data arbitrarily which are rarely accessed
by the data owner for economic interests; (ii) The semi-honest cloud
server may not delete the data as the data owner's request and returns
an error result to mislead the data owner for benefits.
We aim to achieve the following three security goals in this paper:
protect the privacy, O should encrypt the file before uploading. This is,
O uploads and stores the ciphertext of the file on S. Then S maintains
the ciphertext for O. After that, O deletes the local file, therefore, if O
needs the file later, he should send a request to S to download the
ciphertext. Upon receiving the ciphertext, O checks it and decrypts it to
obtain the plaintext of the file. Finally, if O does not need the file, he
will sign a deletion request with his private key SKO and send the
request to S to delete the ciphertext. Then S verifies the request and
deletes the corresponding ciphertext if the request is valid. After
deleting, S generates a proof for O to verify the result. Blockchain is
introduced to achieve public verification. Besides, a timestamp server
offers an inalterable timestamp ts(t ) for S, and ts(t ) is used to compute
the hash value of hash chain, described in the follow scheme. With the
use of blockchain, O can verify the deletion outcome and trace if S does
not delete the file honestly.
Correctness. We require that the deletion result is correct. Namely,
if both of the data owner and the cloud server follow the proposed
scheme, the data would be deleted permanently, and the deletion
proof that generated by the cloud server can pass the verification.
Completeness. In the presented protocol, the data owner stores the
data on the remote cloud, and he does not keep any copy locally.
Therefore, we require that if the semi-honest cloud server tampers
the data arbitrarily, the data owner can detect the malicious
behavior of the cloud server. This is, the proposed scheme can
support the completeness.
Accountable Traceability. We require that if the semi-honest cloud
server does not delete the data honestly, and returns a incorrect
deletion result, the misbehavior of the cloud server can be detected
by the data owner with an overwhelming probability. Besides, upon
the data owner requiring the cloud server to delete the data, he can
not deny. This implies that the proposed scheme can support the
accountable traceability.
4.2. The proposed secure data deletion protocol
In this section, we present a blockchain-based publicly verifiable
data deletion protocol in detail. In the following, we introduce some
notations used in our scheme. Before enjoying the cloud storage
service, each data owner must have an ID and have been authenticated
by the cloud service provider. For simplicity, we assume that data
owners have passed the identification by the cloud server S, and have
got their sole IDs. For example, data owner O has an ID number ID ,
and he keeps ID secret such that only the O himself and S know the ID .
At the same time, we assume that every data owner O has an ECDSA
key pair (PKO, SKO ), and the cloud server S also has an ECDSA key pair
(PKS , SKS ). H1(·), H2(·) and H3(·) are secure hash functions. Besides, we
suppose that every file is named by a unique name which is kept so
secret that only O knows it(e.g. nameF is the name of the file F).
Furthermore, we named the file strongly enough such that it is secure
under the brute-force attacks.
4. Secure data deletion protocol based on blockchain
4.1. High description
In this paper, we consider the secure data deletion model in cloud
computing, which is similar to Hao et al. (2016), Luo et al. (2016). In
this scenario, they suffer from a trust problem between the data owner
O and the cloud server S. That is, O does not believe that S deletes the
file sincerely as his request. To solve this trust problem, researchers
both in academic and industry have made extreme efforts and proposed
many schemes. In the previous literatures, many solutions introduced a
trusted third party (TTP) to solve this type of trust issues. However, our
blockchain-based data deletion protocol does not contain any trusted
third party. Furthermore, with our scheme O can verify the outcome of
the deletion operation. If S does not delete the file permanently, O can
detect and trace no matter how malicious S is.
The main process of our scheme is described in Fig. 4. In the first
step, the data owner O stores the file on the remote cloud server S. To
GenKey(ID, nameF ): Creating an instance of the data owner O. O
wants to stores file F in the cloud server S. To generate a random
encryption key for F, firstly, O computes a random number
r1 = H1(nameF ), where H1(·) is a collision-resistant hash function.
Then O can compute the random encryption key k = H1(r1, ID ).
Finally, O keeps nameF , r1 and k secret.
Encrypt(r1, k, ID, F, nameF ): Before uploading the file F, the data
owner O must encrypt the file to protect his privacy. Firstly, O
computes C1 = Enck (F ), where Enc is an encryption algorithm of a
traditional symmetric encryption scheme. Secondly, O computes
MACF = H2(C1, r1), where H2(·) is a one-way hash function. Besides, O
generates a search tag TagF = tag(nameF ), which is used to search for
the ciphertext in the physical storage medium by S. Later, O can
generate a final ciphertext denoted by C = (C1, MACF , TagF ). Finally,
O sends the ciphertext C to S, and only stores the name of the file (i.e
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 103 (2018) 185–193
C. Yang et al.
nameF ) locally. S receives C and stores it at the same time.
Decryption : After uploading, data owner O does not store the file F
and its ciphertext at locally. Therefore, when he needs F he must
download the ciphertext C = (C1, MACF , TagF ) from the cloud server
S. And then decrypt C1 to get file F. Hence, the Decryption contains
three algorithms - the ciphertext obtaining algorithm CipObtain(·),
the audit algorithm Audit(·) and the decryption algorithm Decrypt(·).
Besides, the procedures are performed as follows:
– CipObtain(SKO, TagF , tr ): To download the ciphertext C, the data
owner O must send a request to the cloud server S. S checks the
request and returns C to O if the request is valid.
(1) Firstly, O has to generate a ciphertext obtaining request Re .
He computes the signature SigF = SigSK (“Ask for file ”, TagF , tr ),
where tr is the current time. And then O sends the ciphertext
obtaining request Re = (“Ask for file”, SigF , TagF , tr ) to S.
(2) Upon receiving the ciphertext obtaining request Re , S checks
that if the current time tr and the tag TagF are valid, and SigF
signature is the valid signature on tr and TagF . Only if tr , SigF and TagF
are all valid, will S search the storage medium for the ciphertext
C = (C1, MACF , TagF ) through the search tag TagF , and then returns C
to O. Otherwise return an error ⊥.
– Audit (C′, NameF ): Has received ciphertext C′ = (C′1 , MAC′F , Tag′F )
from S, data owner O should check the correctness and completeness of C′ before decrypting.
(1) The data owner O can verify TagF = Tag′F , where
Tag = tag(nameF ). If TagF ≠ Tag′F , it means that Tag′F is invalid and
the ciphertext C′ is error. Otherwise, the Tag′F is valid.
(2) If the TagF is valid, firstly, the data owner O should compute r1
and MACF , where r1 = H1(nameF ) and MACF = H2(C′1 , r1). Then O
checks MACF = MAC′F . If MACF ≠ MAC′F , it means the C′1 ≠ C1
and C′ is error, otherwise, C′1 = C1 and C′ is valid.
– Decrypt (r1, ID, C′1): Only if all verification have passed, will data
owner O decrypt the C′1 with k, then O can obtain the plaintext
F = Deck (C′1), where Dec is a decryption algorithm of a traditional
symmetric encryption scheme, and k is the decryption key denoted
by k = H1(r1, ID ).
Fig. 5. Proof Generation.
hash tree with the proofs as shown in Fig. 5(a). After that S
announces the tree and sends the root node rootj to the timestamp
server TS .
– Timestamping(rootj , t j ): Timestamp server TS has received the root
node rootj , he firstly checks the rootj if valid. If the rootj is indeed
computed from bottom to the root, and all the proofs
proofi (1 ≤ i ≤ 8) are correct, TS proceeds to generate a trustworthy
timestamp tsj on the time t j , where t j is the end of the current
interval, and then declares tsj to S and all data owners. Otherwise, TS
returns an error ⊥ to S.
– ComputeHash(hj −1, tsj , rootj ): Upon obtaining tsj , the cloud server S
computes a new hash value hj as hj = H3(hj −1, tsj , rootj ), where hj−1 is
the previous hash value of the hash chain. After that, S proclaims the
hash chain, and we can depict the hash chain as Fig. 5(b).
Delete(SKO, TagF , td ): The data owner O sends the deletion request to
the cloud server S to delete the file F. S receives the request and
verifies it.
– DelReqGen: The data owner generates an deletion request for
deleting file F, and sends it to cloud server S. Firstly, O computes
a signature SigDel = SigSK (“delete file ”, TagF , td ), where td is the
DelRe = (“delete file ”, SigDel , TagF , td ), and then sends it to S.
– Deletion: The cloud server S receives the deletion request DelRe , and
must parse it to ensure if it is valid. He firstly checks the time td , and
verifies the signature with the public key PKO . Then, only if the time
td and the signature SigDel both are valid, will S perform deletion
operation. Otherwise, S refuse to delete the file and returns an error
⊥ to O.
At last, the data owner O can get a final evidence τ = (proofi , rootj , hj ).
ProofGen: After deleting the file F, the cloud server S and the
timestamp server TS generate the proof, which will be provided for
every data owner to verify the outcome of the deletion.
– GenProof (SigDel , Sigs , td ): After deleting the file F by overwriting the
physical disk with random data, the cloud server S generates a proof
proofi = (“delete file”, SigDel , Sigs , td ), where Sigs = SigSK (“delete file”,
TagF , td ) , and we assume 1 ≤ i ≤ m (m is the number of the file
deleted in a interval). Here we can take m = 8 for example. Then S
sends proofs to data owners such that very data owner can get the
proof corresponding to his deleted file. Besides, S builds a Merkle
Verify: When data owner has received the τ on their deletion
request from the cloud server, he can verify the τ for correctness.
Without loss of generality, we take the aforementioned proof proof4
as an example to describe the verification process. To verify the
outcome of the deletion, data owner O firstly computes
h′3,4 = H3(proof4 ) and if the equation h′3,4 = h3,4 holds, then O checks
the Merkle root, which indeed computed from proof4 by evaluating
the hash tree from bottom to the root. That is, O computes and
checks if the following equations hold:
h3,4 = H3(proof4 );
h 2,2 = H3(h3,3 ∥ h3,4 );
h1,1 = H3(h 2,1 ∥ h 2,2 );
root′ j = H3(h1,1 ∥ h1,2 );
root′ j = h 0,1;
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the data owner O is dishonest and the cloud server is dishonest
Case 1: Dishonest Data Owner. If the data owner O is
dishonest, firstly, we can assume that O has already asked the cloud
server S to delete the data. However, O denies that he has deleted the
data later when he needs the data. For this case, the cloud server S can
present the deletion request DelRe = (“delete file ”, SigDel , TagF , td ) that
sent by O. The SigDel is the signature on the message “delete file”, the tag
TagF and the current time td with the O′ secret key SKO . Because the
SigDel is the signature that can be generated by O merely, so S can
present SigDel as a proof that O has required S to delete the data already.
That is, S can not deny that he has asked S to delete the data. Secondly,
we can make another assumption - O declares that he has required S to
delete the data, but he did not do it in fact. Here, S just need to ask O to
present τ = (proofi , rootj , hj ). The proofi contains a signature Sigs
generated by S with his secret key SKs , no one but S can compute it.
Therefore, O can not prove that he has required S to delete the data. In
the other word, O can not cheat S.
Case 2: Dishonest Cloud Server. Similarly, if the cloud server S
is dishonest, on one hand, we assume that S deletes the data without
authorization by data owner O. In this case, S does not have the
deletion request DelRe = (“delete file ”, SigDel , TagF , td ) which should be
computed by data owner. Since the deletion request contains a
signature SigDel which signs with the secret key SKO , so only O can
compute the signature and S can not counterfeit it. Finally, S can not
prove that he deletes the data according to O′ request, therefore, he
must bear the loss. On the other hand, if the ciphertext C can also be
detected in the cloud storage after O has required S to delete the data, it
means that S did not delete C honestly. In this case, O can perform the
Verify protocol to prove that he has requested S delete C. We note that
τ = (proofi , rootj , hj ), where proofi contains a signature Sigs generated by
S with his secret key SKS . Since the signature Sigs can be computed by S
merely, so O can prove that S does not delete the C honestly. Therefore,
S must be responsible for this case. □
And then O verifies the hash chain value and checks if the following
equations hold:
hj = H3(hj −1 ∥ tsj ∥ rootj )
hj +1 = H3(hj ∥ tsj +1 ∥ rootj +1)
hm −1 = H3(hm −2 ∥ tsm −1 ∥ rootm −1)
hm = H3(hm −1 ∥ tsm ∥ rootm ).
Where hm is the latest hash value published. Only if all verifications
are successful, that is, all the equations hole, can O ensure that S is
honest and the proofs are trustworthy.
Remark 1. To ensure that the deleted data is irrecoverable any time in
the future, the cloud server S deletes the ciphertext by overwriting.
Deletion by overwriting has been proposed in several papers
(Gutmann, 1996; Kissel et al., 2006; Paul and Saxena, 2010). In our
scheme, the cloud server uses random data to overwrite the physical
disks which stores the target data.
5. Analysis of our proposed protocol
5.1. Security analysis
In this section, we analyze the security of the proposed secure data
deletion protocol in this paper. As we mentioned before, we assume
that the data owner O does not fully trust the cloud server S. Besides,
we also consider that a malicious data owner O colludes with S and
delete data illegally.
Theorem 1. The proposed data deletion scheme satisfies the property
of correctness.
Proof. If the cloud server S is assumed to be honest, and it deletes the
data sincerely, then the evidence is τ = (proofi , rootj , hj ). Firstly, note
that the Merkle hash tree is built by the cloud server S in time td . The
leaves of the tree are all the proofs which corresponding to deleted files
in interval t j . And the rootj is the root of the Merkle hash tree. Besides,
The timestamp tsj is trustworthy timestamp on t j , that is the end of the
interval. Because we have assumed that the cloud server S is honest,
therefore, proof proofi , the root rootj and the previous hash value hj−1 of
the hash chain are all valid. Secondly, in the verification algorithm, due
to h′ j = H3(hj −1, tsj , rootj ). Hence, the equation h′ j = hj always holds,
that is, hj is always the outcome of the verification algorithm. □
5.2. Comparison
In this section, we compare our scheme with the very recent scheme
(Hao et al., 2016).
Firstly, both of the two schemes require some computational effort
in the GenKey phase. Secondly, our scheme does not rely on any trusted
third party and can simultaneously support public verification, which is
different from the other schemes. Besides, though our scheme costs
some expensive computations in ProofGen phase, the computations are
outsourced to the cloud server. Trivially, most of the computations are
finished by the cloud server (this is the same in the other scheme).
Finally, the cloud server stores and manages the data for data owner.
That is, the data owner does not require to keep any backup locally.
The comparison between the two schemes is presented in Table 1.
For the convenience of comparison, we introduce some marks. We
denote by : a signature (resp., by = an operation of verifying the
Theorem 2. The proposed data deletion scheme satisfies the property
of completeness.
Proof. We assume that the cloud server S is honest and S stores the
ciphertext of the file securely before deletion, then we node that the
ciphertext C = (C1, MACF , TagF ), where C1 = Enck (F ), MACF = H2(C1, r1)
and TagF = tag(nameF ). Because data owner O does not keep any backup
locally, so when data owner O needs the file, he should download the
ciphertext from S and decrypt it to gain the plaintext. O get
C′ = (C′1 , MAC′F , Tag′F ) from S. Firstly, O computes the random
number r1 as r1 = H1(nameF ), where nameF is the unique name of the
file F and only O knows it. Secondly, O computes MACF = H2(C′1 , r1) and
Table 1
Comparison Between Two Schemes.
TagF = tag(nameF ), then verify the follow two equations: Tag = Tag′ and
TheSchemein Hao et al.
Computational Model
Public Verifiability
Computation (Delete)
Computation (Verify)
Amortized Model
14 + 2, + 4/
Amortized Model
1, + 2/
1, + 1+ + 3/
1: + 1= + 1+ + 3/
1: + 1=
(n + 2)/
MAC = MAC′. Only if both two equations hold will O ensure that the C1
is correct and decrypt is to get plaintext. Since S is assumed to be
honest, hence, C′ is always valid and plaintext of the file F is the output
of the Decrypt algorithm all the time. Otherwise, the two equations can
not hold and the verifications can not pass. That is, the ciphertext is
correct and integrated. □
Theorem 3. The proposed data deletion scheme satisfies the property
of accountable traceability.
Proof. Without loss of generality, we consider the two scenarios that
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 103 (2018) 185–193
C. Yang et al.
Our Scheme
Hao et al. Scheme
Time cost (ms)
Time cost (ms)
Our Scheme
Hao et al. Scheme
Size of file (Mb)
Size of file (Mb)
Our Scheme
Hao et al. Scheme
Our Scheme
Hao et al. Scheme
Time cost (us)
Time cost (ms)
The number of n
The number of n
Fig. 6. Efficiency comparison.
Our Scheme
Time cost (ms)
Time cost (ms)
Our Scheme
Hao et al. Scheme
Size of file (Mb)
The number of n
Fig. 7. Efficiency comparison.
validity of a signature), , an AES encryption operation, resp., by + an
AES decryption operation (our scheme does not rely on the encryption
algorithm, any secure encryption algorithm can be suitable for our
scheme). / an operation of computing a hash value, 4 a multiplication, by m the number of the files deleted by the cloud server S in
the interval(we assume that the data owner O only deletes one file no
matter what the value of m is). Besides, we assume that n = log2m . For
simplification, we omit the ordinary data (file and proof) upload and
download operations.
It can be seen easily that our protocol does not rely on any trusted
third party, and can achieve public verifiability and accountability only
result with a small increase in computation overhead compared with
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 103 (2018) 185–193
C. Yang et al.
executed by the cloud server S. The data owner O does not need to bear
any overhead. Therefore, our scheme is still efficient in proofs generation phase.
In Fig. 7(b) shows the efficiency comparison for the all processes
with the increasing of the file size. In our scheme, the computation cost
is dominated by an encryption computation, a decryption computation,
two signature computations and two signature verification operations.
Besides, our scheme needs some hash computations. However, scheme
(Hao et al., 2016) needs three encryption computations, a decryption
computation, a signature operation and then verify the signature.
Similarly, scheme (Hao et al., 2016) also needs some hash computations. Trivially, the growth rate of scheme (Hao et al., 2016) is relatively
higher than that of our scheme. Therefore, our scheme is more efficient
than the scheme (Hao et al., 2016).
scheme (Hao et al., 2016). The proposed scheme is more efficient in
Encrypt and Decrypt phase. When deleting a file, our scheme requires
one signature operation and one verification operation on the signature, while scheme (Hao et al., 2016) only needs one signature
operation. To verify the correctness of the result, our scheme needs
to compute (2 + log2m ) hash values. Thus, when n is small, our scheme
is more efficient for real applications.
5.3. Performance evaluation
In this section, we give the experimental evaluation of the presented
secure data deletion scheme. We implement our mechanism with the
OpenSSL on a Windows machine with Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590
processors running at 3.30 GHz and 4 G memory. Throughout our
experiment, we can evaluate the computation complexity precisely, we
simulate both data owner and cloud server on this Windows machine.
In order to ensure the security and privacy of the file, the data
owner could encrypt the data before uploading it. We provide the time
costs of encryption for scheme (Hao et al., 2016) and our scheme in
Fig. 6(a). The simulation result reveals that the time cost of encryption
is increasing with the size of plaintext file in both two schemes. Besides,
the growth rate of scheme (Hao et al., 2016) is relatively higher than
that of our scheme. Therefore, our scheme requires less overhead than
that of scheme (Hao et al., 2016). That is, our scheme is more efficient
in encryption process.
Similarly, Fig. 6(b) shows the efficiency comparison for decryption
with the increasing of ciphertext data size. In both the two schemes, the
time cost of decryption is increasing with the size of the ciphertext. In
our scheme, the main computation cost is dominated by decryption
function calculations. Besides, it also needs to generate a signature and
verify the generated signature. And three hash values should be
computed at the same time. However, except the decryption calculations, scheme (Hao et al., 2016) still requires some encryption
computation and three hash computations to verify the ciphertext.
The Fig. 6(b) shows that the growth rate of our scheme it relatively
lower than that of scheme (Hao et al., 2016). In other word, our scheme
is much more efficient than the scheme (Hao et al., 2016) in decryption
In the deletion phase, the main computation is computing a
signature in scheme (Hao et al., 2016). However, our scheme needs
to compute a signature and verify it. As shown in Fig. 6(c), it can be
seen that the computation overhead keeps constant with the vary of the
deleted files in the interval. Besides, the efficient in scheme (Hao et al.,
2016) is higher than that of our scheme. However, our scheme is still
efficient for real-word applications because the computation only to be
conducted once and the time cost is acceptable.
In Fig. 6(d) shows the efficiency comparison for verification with
the increasing of deleted file number m in the interval. In our scheme,
the computation cost is dominated by hash function calculations, which
is used to verify the Merkle Hash Tree. Trivially, the data owner
conducts (2 + log2m ) hash computations. Therefore, the time cost is
increasing with m. While only an operation of verifying the validity of a
signature needs to be conducted in scheme (Hao et al., 2016).
However, our scheme is more efficient than the scheme (Hao et al.,
2016) in general because computing a hash function is much faster
than verifying a signature.
In Fig. 7(a) shows the efficiency for proofs generation with the
increasing of the deleted file number m (where n = log2m ). In our
scheme, the proofs generation phase needs to conduct 2 m − 1 hash
computations. However, scheme (Hao et al., 2016) does not contain the
proofs generation phase. That is, scheme (Hao et al., 2016) seems more
efficient for proofs generation phase. However, a hash computation
only needs very little time. Therefore, although given a very large file
number m, the time cost for proofs generation is very short. For
example, the deleted file number m = 16384 , the time cost for proofs
generation is about 10 ms. Besides, the proofs generation phase is
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we propose a new publicly verifiable data deletion
scheme for cloud storage based on Blockchain. In the proposed
scheme, the data owner O and the cloud server S do not fully trust
each other. Different from the existing schemes, we adopt Blockchain
system to guarantee that a data owner O could detect the cheat no
matter when a dishonest S behaves malevolently. Besides, if S is
malicious and it cheats O, the O can prove that S is dishonest by
verifying the proof of deletion without any trusted third party.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Nos. 61572382, 61772405 and 61702401),
China 111 Project (No. B16037), and the Natural Science Basic
Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China (No.2016JZ021).
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