Patanjali SWOT of Analysis: Comprehensive study report - swot analysis of patanjali Home Marketing Earn Money Finance Templates 10/08/18, 11'10 AM Letters Mock Tests Coupon Search Search … Patanjali SWOT of Analysis: Comprehensive study report April 14, 2018 by dwapp Patanjali company 0 SHARES ! 0 Recent Posts " # 0 Relaxation Techniques At Work Importance Page 1 of 11 Patanjali SWOT of Analysis: Comprehensive study report - swot analysis of patanjali snapshot: Patanjali Ayurved Limited founded in 2006 Patanjali is headquartered in Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India. Patanjali sells products under six major product categories. Namely: Natural Health Products, Natural Food Products, Ayurvedic Medicine, Herbal Home Care, Natural Personal care & Patanjali Publications, Offerings hundreds of quality products and garnering a rapid market share in some of prominent FMCG categories like – Ghee, Toothpaste, Atta, Honey etc... 10/08/18, 11'10 AM Of Digital Marketing Education and Technology Quick Aptitude Test Compound Interest Calculator Patanjali is a first Home grown company to scale this high with natural products offerings with revenue of Rs 5k Crores for FY 16 and targeting a 10k revenue in FY 18. Backed by itʼs 5k crores of proposed investment and focused on distribution network which is growing at lightning speed. The times of Brand Patanjali are exciting. Brand Patanjali has been built on a Trust based marketing campaign with Baba Ramdev being a Brand Ambassador. Categorie s Accounting Formulas Brand Building Calculators Common Interview Questions Finance Quiz Page 2 of 11 Patanjali SWOT of Analysis: Comprehensive study report - swot analysis of patanjali SWOT Analysis of Patanjali: 10/08/18, 11'10 AM Free Templates Leadership Strengths of Patanjali: Brand Ambassador: Brands are as strong as its Brand Ambassadors, itʼs unique if the Brand Ambassador is a founding member and the one who carries its brand identity 24/7. Yes, Baba Ramdev is not only the Brand Ambassador but lives the Brand Patanjali that makes it stand out in the market. Marketing Mix Mock Test Ratio Analysis Research Reports Resignation Letters SWOT Analysis Swadeshi: We are leaving it a connected world in terms of technology which is eliminating barriers of communication across channels. On the other hand, world and many countries are becoming more and more national focused and synergizing its own assets and human capital. Brexit and campaigns run by Donald Trump are clear examples of how world is pursuing its future growth. Uncategoriz ed Brand Patanjali scores high in this and mass marketing the Swadeshi theme, thanks to huge followers of Baba Ramdev and his Swadeshi mantra. People not only followed Yoga and imbibed it in their life this these YOGA shibirs (Centres) have helped Brand Patanjali push in an unimaginable way. Brand Loyalty: Brands value is all about their loyal customer base. Again, this area of brand building must be learnt from Patanjali, on how best one can build a Page 3 of 11 Patanjali SWOT of Analysis: Comprehensive study report - swot analysis of patanjali 10/08/18, 11'10 AM brand loyalty in such a short period of time. This is done with numerous Yoga camps which produced tangible results for the masses. Then comes the ware of Indian Swadeshi Brand Patanjali – the trust and results of Goya Camps have merged in no time to create huge Brand Loyalty. Which is one of itʼs kind in the recent history in FMCG industry. Health Centric: Brand Patanjali has positioned itself as a Healthy alternative to other existing products from competition. Increasing urbanisation and hectic lifestyle making consumers choosy and health conscious. This trend has just added another advantage for Patanjali which naturally has products to offer which are aligned towards health-conscious consumer. Product mix: Patanjali has over 400+ products at 6 major categories which catch the eye of the consumer with its range of offerings. In most of the large stores and supermarkets Patanjali followed a Unique product placement where it places Kiosk with complete range of products, hence giving a Higher visibility and differentiation. Word of Mouth: Brand Patanjali perhaps is the single large company in FMCG industry which didnʼt used advertising to build traction at the time of launch rather it relied on word of the mount publicity in the initial years. Word of mouth publicity by followers of Yoga Page 4 of 11 Patanjali SWOT of Analysis: Comprehensive study report - swot analysis of patanjali 10/08/18, 11'10 AM Camp of Baba Ramdev was a winnable strategy which worked out against all odds. On the other hand, exclusive outlet rollout to the tune of nearly 10,000 stores and branded as “Chikitsalayas” (Dispensaries) and “Arogya kendras” (Health centres) generated more trust and spread of Brand Patanjali. Which was again an asset light model run by vendors. In recent years Brand Patanjali has taken multiple marketing & advertising campaign through almost all media channels to match its aggressive revenue targets. Rightly so when it has supportive cash flow and to face the competition at multiple ways. Pricing: For the price conscious market like India itʼs great idea to offer quality products with price cut. Brand Patanjali products range offers a minimum of 1020% price difference with all major competitors. It has followed a backward integration as a procurement strategy to stay competitive since beginning. Which reflects in its price competitiveness and quality control. Promise of Purity: Brand Patanjali commercials convey a pure product promise. Consumer loyalty driven by well-kept promises in Yoga Camps help it align the same to its products. And market with a promise of purity which is again a unique selling point for the brand. Page 5 of 11 Patanjali SWOT of Analysis: Comprehensive study report - swot analysis of patanjali 10/08/18, 11'10 AM Weakness: Penetration: Looking at the speed at which Brand Patanjali is moving ahead major challenge lies in penetrating the product range it often takes to the market. Reliance on few categories as major revenue contribution shall reach a saturation point soon. Focus on young India is key challenge which is Brand Savvy and increasingly global in behaviour. Pricing: It needs to be for long a large company like Patanjali will be able to keep price point attractive and still offer quality products. Economies of shall definitely help at the same time growing competition and raw material pricing play crucial role. Advertising: To scale to the new highs Patanjali adopted mass advertising in recent years in will certainly have impact on pricing sooner or later. Keeping alive the distinctive pricing advantage is no less than a major challenge. Page 6 of 11 Patanjali SWOT of Analysis: Comprehensive study report - swot analysis of patanjali 10/08/18, 11'10 AM Opportunity: Rural India: Brand Patanjali has world of opportunities at its disposal, especially at rural market where trust based marketing strategy shall give a run for money to its competitors. Per capita consumption in rural areas in low compared to urban India, still penetration of major products and pushing basket of products at one go is quite easier in rural markets. Corporate Retail: Tie-up with major retailers across cities and placing shelves in smaller cities will enhance brand visibility and throws up a whole new market segment to encash upon. This is crucial when it comes to adding more layers of loyal customer base across customer segments and income groups. World at glance: India has made its mark when Official United Nations promoted Yoga Day for global health, harmony and peace and World today celebrates June 21st as World Yoga Day. This has a direct co-relation with Brand Patanjali which positioned itself as a Health products brand. It enables Patanjali to take its products to other parts of the world, especially where Yoga as a practice is growing. Quick Restaurants: There lies a great opportunity for Page 7 of 11 Patanjali SWOT of Analysis: Comprehensive study report - swot analysis of patanjali 10/08/18, 11'10 AM Patanjali to establish Quick Restaurants where Brand reliance and products range can be seamlessly integrated to deliver cooked food with its own products. This will have large scale positive implications which strengthens the brand loyalty. Threat: Major Competition is two folded for Patanjali One from MNCs who have marketing might and Home grown other spiritual leaders and products. It needs to be well examined the impact on Patanjali if few more companies launch products based on the same marketing theme of Swadeshi and have capacity to rapidly scale it up to challenge Patanjali. Download DW App: Learning Delight Page 8 of 11 Patanjali SWOT of Analysis: Comprehensive study report - swot analysis of patanjali 10/08/18, 11'10 AM Sharing is caring! ! Share 0 " Tweet # LinkedI $ 0 SHARES Related posts: SWOT analysis of SWOT Analysis of Starbucks: Apple Inc: Comprehensive Study Comprehensive study report material Page 9 of 11 Patanjali SWOT of Analysis: Comprehensive study report - swot analysis of patanjali 10/08/18, 11'10 AM Big Bazaar Swot Analysis : Swot analysis Big Bazaar : company profile Big Bazaar SWOT Analysis backward integration, Brand Patanjali, Consumer loyalty, Healthy alternative, Patanjali Ayurved Limited, procurement strategy, quality control, Strengths of Patanjali, SWOT Analysis of Patanjali, YOGA shibirs Samsung SWOT Analysis: Most comprehensive report Jio Swot Analysis: Detailed report for students and professionals 2 thoughts on “Patanjali SWOT of Analysis: Comprehensive study report” Pingback: Jio Swot Analysis: Detailed report for students and professionals Pingback: SWOT Analysis of Apple Inc: Comprehensive study material Comments are closed. 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