Uploaded by Kelly Oneill

Meiosis Keystone Standard #5

Mitosis & Meiosis
Standard #5 Continued: Compare the processes and outcomes of mitotic and meiotic nuclear divisions.
Meiosis is a type of nuclear division that
happens in germ cells. Place a check mark
next to the cell if it is formed by meiosis.
heart cells
brain cells
sex cells
skin cells
stomach cells
liver cells
blood cells
Circle only the statements that are TRUE.
Meiosis results in the formation of 4 cells.
Meiosis results in the formation of 2 cells.
Meiosis forms cells that are genetically identical.
Meiosis forms cells that are genetically different.
In humans, cells formed by meiosis contain 23 chromosomes.
1. What process is exhibited in the picture below?
In humans, cells formed by meiosis contain 46 chromosomes.
2. What is the purpose of this process?
3. Does this process occur in mitosis? Meiosis? Or Both?
Place the following cells into the correct column.
heart cells
liver cells
sex cells
stomach cells
body cells
Diploid Cells
brain cells
blood cells
liver cells
skin cells
bone cells
Haploid Cells
Phases of Meiosis
Draw each phase of meiosis below:
Prophase I
Metaphase I
Anaphase I
Telophase I
Prophase II
Metaphase II
Anaphase II
Telophase II
Types of Chromosomes
Use the picture to the left to answer the
following questions.
1. Chromosome pairs 1-22 are called
_________________________. They are
responsible for all your traits nonrelated to gender.
2. Chromosome pair 23 contains genes
responsible for sex related
characteristics. These chromosomes
are called
3. All of these chromosomes have the
same structure and contain the same
genes in the same locations therefore
they are called
4. This picture, showing all of the
chromosomes in a diploid cell, is
called a _________________________.
5. These chromosomes belong to a
Standard #5 Continued - Compare the processes and outcomes of mitotic and meiotic nuclear divisions.
Place the following terms/phrases in the appropriate column:
produces 4 cells
produces gametes
one division
chromosome # is halved
crossing over occurs
DNA/chromosomes are duplicated
produces 2 cells
produces body/somatic cells
two divisions
chromosome # stays the same
homologous chromosomes pair
- produces haploid cells (23 chromosomes)
- produces diploid cells (46 chromosomes)
- associated with sexual reproduction
- associated with asexual reproduction
- daughter cells are identical to parent cell
- daughter cells are genetically different
parent cells
Compare the two diagrams below displaying mitosis and meiosis. Circle AND then explain the differences in metaphase of
mitosis compared to metaphase I and metaphase II of meiosis.
A karyotype contains all of the chromosomes
in a diploid cell. If the karyotype below
represents all the chromosomes in a diploid
germ cell in the ovary of a female, how many
of the chromosomes will be passed on to an
egg cell? ______ How many of the
chromosomes passed on to the egg are
autosomes? ______ How many of the
chromosomes passed on to the egg are sex
chromosomes? _______