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Heat Transfer in Biochemical Engineering

Biochemical Engineering
Thermodynamics (BT-507)
Heat Transfer
Need for Heat Transfer
Methods for Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer Equipment
Design Equation for Heat transfer system
Heat Transfer:
Heat transfer is an important unit operation in chemical and bioprocess
Heat transfer not necessarily means heating of fluid, it is the heat exchange
between a hot & cold streams.
From the energy balance, we know the heating or cooling requirement for
a reactor.
When the rate of heat transfer is known, we can calculate the surface area
& other conditions for that purpose.
There are few possibilities:
A counter current heat exchanger, in which both fluids flow in opposite
directions without phase change
A co-current heat exchanger, in which both fluids flow in the same
directions without phase change
A fluid heater by condensing vapor, such as steam, or a vapor condenser
cooled by a fluid, such as water
A fluid cooler by a boiling liquid.
Need of Heat Transfer
Two applications of heat transfer are common in bioreactor operation.
1. Batch sterilization of liquid medium.
In this process, the fermenter vessel containing medium is heated using steam
and held at the sterilization temperature for a period of time. cooling water is
then used to bring the temperature back to normal operating conditions.
2. Heat transfer for temperature control during reactor operation.
Metabolic activity of cells generates a substantial amount of heat in fermenters;
this heat must be removed to avoid rise in temperature . Most fermentations
take place in the range 30-37℃
Forms of heat Exchange in
For bioreactors with cooling coils
Need of Heat Transfer
In any bioprocess industry, we need to transfer heat for different operations (like
cooling, heating, vaporizing, or condensing) to or from various fluid streams in various
equipment like condensers, water heaters, re-boilers, air heating or cooling devices
etc., where heat exchanges between the two fluids.
In a chemical process industry, the heat exchanger is frequently used for such
A heat exchanger is a device where two fluids streams come into thermal contact in
order to transfer the heat from hot fluid to cold fluid stream. Cell growth obeys law of
conservation of matter
Mechanism of Heat Transfer
There are mainly three methods for the transfer of heat
A. Conductive heat transfer
B. Convective heat transfer
C. Radiative heat transfer
In most heat transfer equipment, heat is exchanged between fluid
separated by a solid wall.
Heat transfer through wall occurs by conduction.
Fourier’s law is used to find the rate of conduction,
Fourier’s law
According to this law “the rate of heat flux is directly proportional to
the temperature gradient”
Q/A ∝ dT/dy
Q/A = −𝑘 dT/dy
*where k= thermal conductivity of solid
Steady state conduction
At steady state, there is no accumulation or depletion of heat within
wall. Therefore rate of heat flow Q must be same at each point in
the wall . The Fourier's equation changes to
Q = kA∆T/dy
let dy= B
Q = kA∆T/B
B/kA= Rw
Q = ∆T/Rw
Here Rw = 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 to heat transfer
Thermal Resistance in series
(composite wall)
If the wall consist of several layers of different material
Consider a three layer wall as shown in fig.
Each layer would offer resistance to heat R1,R2,R3
Overall resistance is the sum of individual resistance
Rw =R1+R2+R3
The overall temperature(∆T) drop is the sum temperature
drop across each layer
∆T= ∆T1+ ∆T2 + ∆T3
Design Equation for Heat transfer
The design equation is used by the engineers to design heat
exchangers for a specific purpose, with required heat duty(Q)
Q = UA ∆Tm
The heating surface area is calculated as
A = Q/U ∆Tm
Where ∆Tm= log mean temperature difference
Why do we need LMTD?? Home Assignment
Design Equation for Heat transfer
𝑇𝑜 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑎 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑒𝑥𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑒 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑛:
The two fluids involved need to be identified
The heat capacity of each fluid is needed
The required initial and final temperatures for one of the fluids are
The design value of the initial temperature for the other fluid is
An initial estimate for the value of the Overall Heat Transfer
Coefficient, U, is needed.
A liquid stream is cooled from 70℃ to 32℃ in a double-pipe heat
exchanger. Fluid flowing countercurrently with this stream is heated
from 20℃ to 44℃ Calculate the log-mean temperature difference.
Q. Estimate the heat exchanger area needed to cool 55,000 lb/hr of a
light oil (specific heat = 0.74 Btu/lb.°F) from 190°F to 140°F using cooling
water that is available at 50°F. The cooling water can be allowed to
heat to 90°F. An initial estimate of the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
is 120 Btu/hr.ft².°F. Also estimate the required mass flow rate of cooling
Thank You 