Non-performing Loans in Banking Sector of Bangladesh Causes and Effect Submitted to: Sk. Alamgir Hossain Lecturer Dept. of Finance Jagannath University, Dhaka. Submitted by: Md. Abdullah Al Masum MBA ID. M130203055 Session: 2013-14 Dept. of Finance Jagannath University, Dhaka. Table of Contents Serial No. 1.1 1.2 1.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.3 5.1 5.2 6.1 6.2 6.3 Topics Page No. Letter of transmittal Acknowledgement Executive Summary Chapter – 1 Introduction Objective of the Study Methodology of the Study Limitations of the Study Chapter-2 Literature Review Chapter – 3 Banking industries of Bangladesh Strategic Objectives Ethical Standards Chapter – 4 Definition of NPL Classified Loan Non Performing Loan in BD Base for Provisioning and accounting treatment of NPLs Trend of Loan Default Problem in Bangladesh The Present status of Loan Defaults Culture in Bangladesh Present Status of Non-performing Loans Causes Of Non Performing Loans Chapter – 5 Analytical Part Descriptive Analysis Multiple Regression Analysis Chapter – 6 Findings, Recommendation & Conclusion Findings Recommendation Conclusion Appendix List of tables Name of Tables Table-1 Banking industries of Bangladesh Table-2 Contribution of Banking sector in National Import Table-3 National and Agrani Bank Limited’s Export Performance Table-4 Country wise remittance of Banking sector Table-5 Data Analysis Table-6 Income from Export, Import and Remittance comparison with Net Income Table-7 Amount of Export, Import, Remittance and Net Income Page no. Letter of Submission 3rd Septeber, 2015 To SK. Alamgir Hossain Lecturer Department of Finance Jagannath University, Dhaka. Subject: Submission of internship report. Dear Sir, It is my great pleasure to submit the report on NPLS in Banking Industry of Bangladesh: Causes and Effects that you have assigned me. It has been a great experience for me to prepare a report. I tried my level best to put meticulous efforts for the preparation of this report. Any shortcomings or flaw may arise as I am novice in this aspect. I have tried to make each and every element relevant to my topic and discussed under the context of whatever I have learned from the course. It would be pleasure for me, if this report can serve its purposes. Thanks and Regards Yours Faithfully …………………………... Md. Abdullah Al Masum MBA Program (4th Batch) Roll No. M130203055, Reg. No. 1001335292 Department of Finance Jagannath University, Dhaka Supervisor’s Certification This is to certify that Md. Abdullah Al Masum is a student of MBA (Finance), Jagannath University bearing ID No: M130203055. He has completed his Internship Report entitled “NPLS in Banking Industry of Bangladesh: Causes and Effects”. He has completed the Internship report under my supervision for the partial fulfilment of the award of MBA (Finance) degree. As far as I know he tried his best to conduct this report successfully. I think this study will help him in the future to build up his career. I wish his every success in life. With best wishes & regards ………………………………….... SK. Alamgir Hossain Lecturer, Department of Finance Jagannath University, Dhaka Declaration I affirmed that the Internship report titled Non-performing Loans in Banking Sector in Bangladesh being submitted for the internship part of MBA program is the original work carried out by me. I further declare that this Internship report is based on my original work and no part of this project has been published or submitted to anybody. Thanks and Regards Yours Faithfully ………………………............ Md. Abdullah Al Masum MBA Program (4th Batch) Roll No. M130203055 Reg. No. 1001335292 Department of Finance Jagannath University Dhaka Acknowledgement The report on “Nonperforming Loans in Banking Sector of Bangladesh: Causes and Effects” has been prepared to fulfill the requirements of MBA degree. I am very much fortunate that I have received sincere guidance, supervision and co-operation from various respected people while preparing this report. At the very beginning I would like to express my gratitude to God for special blessing in completing the report. Then, I would like to thank my academic supervisor of the Internship Program SK. Alamgir Hossain, Lecturer,Department of Finance ,Jagannath University, Dhaka for giving me the opportunity to prepare this report. He also provided me some important advices and guidance for preparing this report. Without his assistance, this report would not be a comprehensive one. …………………………. Md. Abdullah Al Masum MBA Program (4th Batch) Roll No. M130203055 Reg. No. 1001335292 Department of Finance Jagannath University Dhaka Abbreviation AD BLC CC DPS ERC FDD L/C LTR PF HBL OD DL CLS = = = = = = = = = = = = = Authorized Dealer Bills under letter of Credit Cash Credit Deposit Pension Scheme Export Registration Certificate Foreign Demand Draft Letter of Credit Loan against Trust Receipt Provident Fund House Building Loan Overdraft Demand Loan Consumer Loan Scheme Executive Summary Nonperforming loans is common phenomena for banking industry in Bangladesh. A Nonperforming loan is a loan that is in default or close to being in default. Many loans become nonperforming after being in default for 90 days, but this can depend on the contract terms. NPLs started at the early stage of liberation. During 1980s and 1990s, Privatization and liberalization of banking sector could not control NPLs. Rate of NPLs was 41.1% in 1999. Now it is 11.90%.The amount of NPLs increased to taka 73.3 billion in 2012 from taka 47.3 billion in 2003.There are many reasons behind the NPLs in Bangladesh. First reason is entrepreneurs related. Borrower may be have lack of experience, lack of business and lack of institutional training background or lack of supporting facility. Sometime borrowers do it intentionally. Entrepreneurs age also an important factor. Second reason is business related. Sometime banks give loan to businesses which are not attractive. Strong competition is another business related cause. Borrower becomes defaulter if there is poor management capability, poor financial performance, and poor cash flow. Business could be defaulter because of low market share. Low market share mean low revenue so that business cannot pay the interest payment. Third reason is leading related. It is mainly Bank’s fault. Loan could be default if Bank delayed assessment of loan proposal, delayed disbursement of fund, lack of proper monitoring, lack of taking proper action. Last reason is macroeconomic factors. Low GDP growth, increasing crimes, hartals and frequent policy change effect loan. For those reasons loans become default loan. Effects of NPL are such as Stopping Money Cycling, Earning Reduction, Capital Erosion, Increase in Loan Pricing, Frustration etc. As a result, the values of security are increased and the risks of financial recession also see a rise. Chapter -1 Introduction Smooth and efficient flow of saving-investment process is a prerequisite for the economic development of a country. Bangladesh, being a developing country and with an underdeveloped capital market, mainly depends on the intermediary role of commercial banks for mobilizing internal saving and providing capital to the investor. Thus, it matters greatly how well our financial sector is functioning. Looking at the performance of our financial sector for the last decade or so, we observe that our banking sector is heavily burdened with a high percentage of non-performing loans (NPLs). It is obvious that NPLs reduce banks’ profitability, as banks cannot appropriate interest income from their classified loans. NPLs reduce loan able funds by stopping recycling. Banks need to set aside a portion of their income as loan loss reserve to make up bad debt. A bank with a high percentage of NPLs suffers from erosion of the capital if there is no provision (assume). All those adverse impact of NPLs on banks’ financial health such as low profitability and low capital base are clearly reflected in Bangladesh banking sector. The ratio of NPL to total loans of all the banks had shown an overall declining trend from its peak 34.9% percent to 10 percent in December 2012.The ratio further increased to 11.9 percent at the end of June 2013. 1.1. Objective of the Study The objectives of this paper are i. To assess the present situation of non-performing loans in our banking sector. ii. To show the trend of the “loan default problem’’ in Bangladesh. iii. To examine the loan default status of commercial banks. iv. To discuss legal aspect to recover loans from the defaulters. v. To identify the causes and remedies of non-performing loans and. vi. To raise some issues and observations which need to be looked upon quickly for ensuring a financially sound banking sector. 1.2. Meth od ology of Study: The research methodology of the study has been enumerated below: Sources of Data and Data Collection: Data has been collected from the various secondary sources like research works of individuals, different publications, journal of different institutions, Bangladesh Bank Credit Risk Grading manual , Bangladesh Bank annual report etc. 1.3. Limitations of the study: The limitations of the study are 1. This study did not cover primary and unpublished data. 2. The major problem faced while conducting the research was unavailability of relevant data. 3. Time constraint. Chapter – 2 Literature Review: Non-performing loans refer to those financial assets from which banks no longer receive interest or installment payments as scheduled. It is a very critical but frequent issue in bank fund management and the present situation of NPLs in Bangladesh is a topic of great concern. It can bring down investors’ confidence and if created by the borrowers willingly and left unresolved might act as a contagious financial malaise by driving good borrowers out of the financial market. The volume of default loans of state owned commercial banks in Bangladesh (BD) has been increasing at an alarming rate. It is not a new issue but the tendency of fraud, embezzlement and loan default is in a serious situation in recent years due to excessive political interference and illegal interruption of the concerns. The amount of total NPLs in the banking system of BD was Tk 523.1 billion at the mid of 2014, which was Tk 427.3 billion in 2013 and 200.1 billion in 2007. The amount doubled within 8 years. For last 8 years, loan default as a percentage of outstanding loans in state owned commercial banks was 50% or above where Private commercial banks and foreign commercial banks and hold maximum 5-10 % amount of the total. If the scam series continues then it may put the entire banking sector in an embarrassing situation with the increase of Non-Performing loan in an alarming rate. Bangladesh Bank has given ultimatum to 11 local and foreign banks to bring down their soaring non-performing loans to below 10 per cent of their respective outstanding loans . Lending decision of a bank is very important because it determine the future profitability and performance of the bank. Recently banks are becoming more and more conscious in customer selection to avoid the negative impact of bad loan or non-performing loan. The issue of nonperforming loans (NPLs) has gained increasing attentions in the last few decades. Amounts of bad loans are alarmingly increasing in not only the developing and under developed countries but also in developed countries. Banks’ lending policy could have crucial influence on non-performing loans. A default is not entirely an irrational decision. Rather a defaulter takes into account probabilistic assessment of various costs and benefits of his decision. Lazy banking’ critically reflects on banks’ investment portfolio and lending policy (Reddy & Mohan (2003); Sinkey (1991) & Dash (2010) sector. According to the definition of the Financial Reconstruction Law (FRL), the total amount of NPLs of all banks in Japan as of the end of March 2003 was 35.3 trillion yen, although there are claims that the actual amount of NPLs might exceed 100 trillion yen. On the other hand, the causes of the financial and exchange rate crisis that erupted in East Asia (Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia and Indonesia) in 1997 are viewed as high short-term external debts, excessive loans for real estate, large current account deposits, high international interest rates and weaknesses in the balance sheet of financial institutions. In addition, Kwack (2000: 195-206) finds that the 3-month LIBOR interest rate and nonperforming loan rates of banks were the major determinants of the Asian financial crisis. Huang and Yang (1998: 11) report that unlike the other countries of East Asia, China did not face financial fragility because of the size of its foreign exchange reserve, its current account surplus, the dominance of foreign direct investment in capital flows and the control of the capital account. As of June 2003, China recorded only 5.68% of its total loans as nonperforming while, in contrast, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia record NPLs at 15.29%, 8%, 15% and 8.7% respectively. Unfortunately, the present (December, 2005) rate of NPLs in China has increased to 8.6%. In the Indian subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal), however, the causes of nonperforming loans are usually attributed to the lack of effective monitoring and supervision on the part of banks (as required by the BASEL principles of bank monitoring and supervisions), lack of effective lenders’ recourse, weaknesses of legal infrastructure, and lack of effective debt recovery strategies. Among the countries in the Indian sub-continent, the rate of NPLs as a percentage of total loans disbursed in 2005 is seen to be minimal in India (5.2%), followed by Sri Lanka (9.6%). Bangladesh, however, still records a staggering rate of 13.56%. Chapter -3 3.1 History of Banking Industry in Bangladesh : After the independence, banking industry in Bangladesh started its journey with 6 Nationalized commercialized banks, 2 State owned Specialized banks and 3 Foreign Banks. In the 1980s banking industry achieved significant expansion with the entrance of private banks. Now, banks in Bangladesh are primarily of two types: Scheduled Banks: The banks which get license to operate under Bank Company Act, 1991 (Amended in 2003) are termed as Scheduled Banks.State-owned commercial banks, private commercial banks, Islamic commercial banks, foreign commercial banks and some specialized banks are Scheduled Banks. Non-Scheduled Banks: The banks which are established for special and definite objective and operate under the acts that are enacted for meeting up those objectives, are termed as NonScheduled Banks. These banks cannot perform all functions of scheduled banks. Grameen Bank, Probashi Kallyan Bank, Karmasangsthan Bank, Progoti Co-operative Land Development Bank Limited (progoti Bank) and Answer VDP Unnayan Bank are Non-Scheduled Banks. Non-banking financial institutions which are not banks.These institutions cannot perform all functions of banks, which get license to operate under Financial Institution Act, 1993 are termed as Non-banking financial institutions. 3.2 List of commercial Banks State-owned Commercial Banks 1. Sonali Bank Limited 2. Janata Bank Limited 3. Agrani Bank Limited 4. Rupali Bank Limited 5. BASIC Bank Limited 6. BDBL (Bangladesh Development Bank Limited) State-owned Specialized Banks 1. Rajsahi Krishi Unnoyon Bank (RKUB) 2. Bangladesh Krishi Bank Limited Private commercial Bank Private banks are the highest growth sector due to the dismal performances of government banks (above). They tend to offer better service and products. Here is the list: 1. AB Bank Limited 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited Bank Asia Limited BRAC Bank Limited Dhaka Bank Limited Dutch Bangla Bank Limited 7. Eastern Bank Limited 8. IFIC Bank Limited 9. Jamuna Bank Limited 10. Meghna Bank Limited 11. Mercantile Bank Limited 12. Midland Bank Limited 13. Modhumoti Bank Limited 14. Mutual Trust Bank Limited 15. National Bank Limited 16. NCC Bank Limited 17. NRB Bank Limited 18. NRB Commercial Bank Limited 19. NRB Global Bank Limited 20. One Bank Limited 21. Prime Bank Limited 22. Pubali Bank Limited 23. Simanto Bank Limited (proposed) 24. South Bangla Agriculture and Commerce Bank Limited ( 25. Southeast Bank Limited 26. Standard Bank Limited 27. The City Bank Limited 28. The Farmers Bank Limited 29. The Premier Bank Limited 30. Trust Bank Limited 31. United Commercial Bank Limited 32. Uttara Bank Limited There are eight private Islamic Commercial Banks in Bangladesh: 1. Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited Social Islami Bank Limited Shahjalal islami Bank Limited First Security Islami Bank Limited Union Bank Limited ICB Islamic Bank Limited Foreign Commercial Banks There are nine foreign commercial banks currently operating in Bangladesh. These are: 1. Bank Al-Falah 2. Citibank NA 3. Commercial Bank of Ceylon 4. Habib Bank Limited 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. HSBC (The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd.) National Bank of Pakistan Standard Chartered Bank State Bank of India Woori Bank Specialized Banks Specialized banks were established for specific objectives like agricultural or industrial development. These banks are also fully or majorly owned by the Government of Bangladesh. 1. Bangladesh Development Bank Limited 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bangladesh Krishi Bank Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank Karmasangsthan Bank Probashi Kallyan Bank Palli Sanchay Bank Grameen Bank 8. Ansar-VDP Unnayan Bank 9. Bangladesh Samabaya Bank Ltd 10. The Dhaka Mercantile co-operative Bank Ltd 11. Progoti Co-operative Land Development Bank Limited (Progoti Bank) NPSB member Banks 1. AB Bank Limited 2. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited 3. Bangladesh Krishibank 4. Bank Asia Limited 5. BASIC Bank Limited 6. BRAC Bank Limited 7. Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited 8. Eastern Bank Limited 9. EXIM Bank Limited 10. First Security Islami Bank Limited 11. ICB Islamic Bank Limited 12. IFIC Bank Limited 13. Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited 14. Jamuna Bank Limited 15. Meghna Bank Llimited 16. Mercantile Bank Limited 17. Midland Bank Limited 18. Modhumoti Bank Limited 19. Mutual Trust Bank Limited 20. National Bank Limited 21. NRB Bank Limited 22. NRB Commercial Bank Ltd 23. NRB Global Bank Limited 24. One Bank Limited 25. Prime Bank Limited 26. Pubali Bank Limited 27. SBAC Bank Limited 28. Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited 29. Social Islami Bank Limited 30. Sonali Bank Limited 31. Southeast Bank Limited 32. Standard Bank Limited 33. Standard Chartered Bank Limited 34. The City Bank Limited 35. Trust Bank Limited 36. Union Bank Limited 37. United Commercial Bank Limited 38. Uttara Bank Limited 39. Agrani Bank Limited 40. Habib Bank Limited Non-banking financial Institutions 1. Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) 2. Uttara Finance and Investments Limited 3. United Leasing Company Limited 4. Union Capital Limited 5. The UAE-Bangladesh Investment Company Limited 6. Saudi-Bangladesh Industrial & Agricultural Investment Company Limited (SABINCO) 7. Reliance Finance Limited 8. Prime Finance & Investment Limited 9. Premier Leasing & Finance Limited 10. Phoenix Finance and Investments Limited 11. People's Leasing and Financial Services Limited 12. National Housing Finance and Investments Limited 13. National Finance Limited 14. MIDAS Financing Limited 15. LankaBangla Finance Limited 16. Islamic Finance and Investment Limited 17. International Leasing and Financial Services Limited 18. Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) 19. Industrial Promotion and Development Company of BangladeshLimited (IPDC) 20. Industrial and Infrastructure Development Finance Company (IIDFC) Limited 21. IDLC Finance Limited 22. SUMON Bank 23. Hajj Finance Company Limited 24. GSP Finance Company (Bangladesh) Limited (GSPB) 25. Firt Lease Finance & Investment Limited 26. FAS Finance & Investment Limited 27. Fareast Finance & Investment Limited 28. Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Limited (DBH) 29. Bay Leasing & Investment Limited 30. Bangladesh Industrial Finance Company Limited (BIFC) 31. Bangladesh Finance & Investment Company Limited 32. Agrani SME Finance Company Limited 33. CAPM Venture Capital and Finance Limited 34. Meridian Finance and Investment Limited 35. Realistic Finance Bank Limited Chapter -4 4.1Definition of Nonperforming Loans (NPLs): A Non-performing loan is a loan that is in default or close to being in default. Many loans become non-performing after being in default for 90 days, but this can depend on the contract terms. According to IMF, definition of NPLs is “A loan is nonperforming when payments of interest and principal are past due by 90 days or more, or at least 90 days of interest payments have been capitalized, refinanced or delayed by agreement, or payments are less than 90 days overdue, but there are other good reasons to doubt that payments will be made in full” (Wikipedia, definition of NPLs).By bank regulatory definition non-performing loans consist of: • Loans that are 90 days or more past due and still accruing interest, and • Loans which have been placed on nonaccrual (i.e., loans for which interest is no longer accrued and posted to the income statement). Loan may also be non- performing if it is used in a different way than that for which it has been taken. As per Section 5 (cc) of Bank Company Act 1991, 'defaulting debtor' means any person or institution served with advance, loan granted in favor of him or an institution involving interest or any portion thereof, or any interest which has been overdue for six months in accordance with the definition of Bangladesh Bank. Non-performing loans are also called non-performing assets (NPA), which are loans, classified by a bank or a financial institute, at the instruction of the regulatory authority, on which repayments or interest payments are not being made on scheduled time. A loan is an asset for a bank as the interest payments and the repayment of the principal create a stream of cash inflows. Interest cash inflow is excess money over principal .Banks usually treat assets as non-performing, if they are not serviced in scheduled time. If payments are late for a short time, a loan is classified as past due. Once a payment becomes late (usually 60 days), the loan is classified as nonperforming. NPL is a sum either of the borrowed money upon which the debtor has not made his/her scheduled payments, which is in default or close to being in default. Once a loan is nonperforming, the odds that it will be repaid in full are considered to be substantially lower. If the debtor starts making payments against a non-performing loan, it becomes a performing loan. C la s s i f i ed L oa n : A classified loan is the term used for any loan that a bank examiner has deemed to be in danger of defaulting. The borrower does not necessarily need to miss payments order for a bank to label the account in this manner. A borrower can have what the bank calls a classified loan for different reasons. This is simply a precaution that financial institutions take to prepare for a possible loss and to prevent any further risk. The Bangladesh Bank defines an 8-tier loan classifying system such as Superior, Good, Acceptable, Marginal, Special Mention, Sub-standard (SS), Doubtful (DF) and Bad/ Loss (BL). This is actually the key risk grading system in order to measure the assets' quality. This grading must be used to check asset-quality periodically. Downgrading of any facility should be informed in Early Alert Reporting (EAR) for decision-making authorities. The loans are usually classified by the lending bank, whenever the bank has reasons to believe that the borrower would not be able to repay the loan regardless of whether the loan is overdue or not. Loans extended by a bank are classified into the following three categories. i. Substandard: Advances which appear substantial degree of risk to bank by reason of unfavorable record or other unsatisfactory characteristics. ii. Doubtful: Advances the ultimate realization of which is doubtful and in which a substantial loss is probable. iii. Bad/Loss: Advances which may not be recoverable at all and entire loss is probable. 4.2 Nonperforming Loan in Bangladesh: The issue of nonperforming loans in Bangladesh is not a new phenomenon. In fact, the seeds were cultivated during the early stage of the liberation period (1972-1981), by the government’s “expansion of credit” policies on the one hand and a feeble and in firm banking infrastructure combined with an unskilled work force on the other. The expansion of credit policy during the early stage of liberation, which was directed to disbursement of credit on relatively easier terms, did actually expand credit in the economy on nominal terms. However, it also generated a large number of willful defaulters in the background who, later on, diminished the financial health of banks through the “sick industry syndrome”. Despite the liberalizing and privatizing of the banking sectors in the 1980s with a view to increasing efficiency and competition, the robustness of the credit environment deteriorated further because of the lack of effective lenders’ recourse on borrowers. Government direction towards nationalized commercial banks to lend to unprofitable state owned enterprises, limited policy guidelines (banks were allowed to classify their assets at their own judgments) regarding “loan classification and provisioning”, and the use of accrual policies of accounting for recording interest income of NPLs resulted in alignments of the credit discipline of the country till the end of 1989. In the 1990s, however, a broad based financial measure was undertaken in the name of FSRP, enlisting the help of World Bank to restore financial discipline to the country. Since then, the banking sector has adopted “prudential norms” for loan classification and provisioning. Other laws, regulations and instruments such as loan ledger account, lending risk analysis manual, performance planning system, interest rate deregulation, the Money Loan Court Act 1990 have also been enacted to promote sound, robust and resilient banking practice. Surprisingly, even after so many measures, the banking system of Bangladesh is yet to free itself from the grip of the NPL debacle. The present study has concentrated on the above issues mainly with a view to assisting policymakers to formulate concrete measures regarding sound management of NPLs in Bangladesh. 4.2.1. Base for provisioning and accounting treatment of NPLs: A balance sheet item representing funds set aside by a company to pay for losses that are anticipated to occur in the future. The actual losses for the earmarked funds have not yet occurred, but the general provisions account is counted as an asset on the balance sheet. The bank managers of Bangladesh deduct the amount of interest suspended and the value of “eligible securities” from the outstanding amount in order to determine the base for provisioning to NPLs. For unclassified loans, however, they keep a general provision (1%) against the outstanding amount and include it in the capital to determine the capital adequacy of the bank (at present 10%). With regard to income recognition, bank managers do not consider the amount of interest on substandard and doubtful loans as income for the bank, but rather keep it separately in an “interest suspense account”. However, if any amount is received against sub-standard and doubtful loans, the said amount is deducted from the total interest suspense amount. In the case of a bad/loss loan, the interest on such loan is also kept in the interest suspense account if a suit is filed in the court. Seemingly, with regard to substandard and doubtful loans, this interest is also excluded from the income of the bank. These accounting measures have made the banking sector more transparent and credible than they were in the past.(Marge with provision) . 4.2.2 Trend of the Loan Default Problem in Bangladesh Emergence of Default Loans As banking remains the main intermediary vehicle of harnessing investible capital for accelerating the growth of the productive sectors in Bangladesh, the continuing crisis of accumulation of nonperforming and defaulted banks loans has emerged as one of the most serious constraints in the path of economic development of our country. Now we will discuss how the loan default problem has emerged in our country by year-wise. Post liberation period After the liberation of Bangladesh, the Awami League Government’s decision to nationalize the banks and insurance companies operating in Bangladesh should be considered a logical step but the task of re-organization of the nationalized banks in the chaotic, war-ravaged and crisis-ridden postliberation years and a very rapid expansion of banking network in rural Bangladesh created some problems for the banking sector. There was no time after nationalization as the most corrupt, undisciplined, over manned and mismanaged concerns mired in sea of recurrent losses in the backdrop of the political and administrative inexperience of the post liberation regime. In this scenario, the nationalized banks were involved in two sorts of pressure situations, firstly, the almost insatiable demand for credit from the loss making state-owned enterprises kept the banks under constant pressure due to a shortage of adequate liquidity and secondly the newly emerging so called “briefcase business man” with connection with politics and politicians, top bureaucrats and top bankers, and retired military and civil bureaucrats were constantly lobbing for access to bank credit and in the process were vitiating the work atmosphere in the banks by alluring a section of the banker to indulge in corruption and malpractices. It is now widely recognized that today’s millionaires of Bangladesh came mostly from the Ranks of those “briefcase businessman” and the groups mentioned, who could successfully establish and maintain this types of patron clients relationship with the bankers and in the process created a host of millionaires from amongst those bankers themselves, who had actively connived and harvested the illicit margins in exchange of the favors rationed out to those fortunate loaners. The political changes of 1975 ushered in an era of political culture, where in corruption gradually became institutionalized; the economics of rent seeking took firm roots in the body politic of Bangladesh. In the process, sanctioning of bank loans became one of the prime victims of the buying and selling process afflicting the political party affiliation process, and a popular mechanism for doling out financial favors to party leaders as well as political cadres. This politicization of the banking practices has seriously hampered the institutional disciplines of the banks, where professional expertise, integrity and ethical values have become exceptions to some extent rather than rules. Ex-banker emerged as financiers as the newly floated private banks, but there was no mechanism to make them accountable or to know about the sources of their cash. Defaulters of bank loans taken from nationalized banks or state-owned development finance institutions swelled the rank of directors of the newly established private banks, but nobody intervened on behalf of the loan-giving banks caught in the middle with defaulted loans. The laws, rules and regulations relating to banking remained mostly in the books; and the judicial process utterly failed to take the willful defaulters to task, thereby making the process of lender’s recourse on borrowers almost a mockery in Bangladesh. Therefore, we surmise that behind all these malaises, the nature of the state and of politics played the real villainous role by patronizing and developing a class of ‘comprador bourgeoisie’ in Bangladesh, created, nursed and constantly nourished by statepatronage, and in this nursing process, bank loans were rampantly used as lucrative doles. In the eighties, the rapid liberalization of Bangladesh’s import regime has created the so-called ‘sick-industry syndrome’, which provided a potent excuse for some, and created genuine hardships regarding repayment of bank loans for the other. The domestic industries have been bearing the brunt of this ill-advisedly too rapid pace of liberalization of Bangladesh’s international trade without appropriate preparatory policy measures. The political doldrums of the late-eighties provided additional excuses to these swelling groups of defaulters. The BNP government of 1991-96 tried to stem the rot in this field in the initial years of its term. They repeated the blunders of its predecessor of providing lavish encouragement to bank managements to ease and expedite the process of term lending, especially according to its own political exigencies at the later stated of its rule, which added a massive amount of fuel to the fire of the so-called ‘default-culture. And earlier lending sprees continues to haunt the banking section even today be sustaining the momentum of the buildup of the defaulted loans of the earlier two decades. 4.2.3. The Present status of Loan Defaults Culture in Bangladesh: As loans comprise the most important asset as well as the primary source of earning for the banking financial institutions and on the other hand also the major source of risk for the bank management so a prudent bank management should always try to make an appropriate balance between its return and risk involved with the loan portfolio. But Banking sectors recent involving activities, guidelines and their concentration in that is not satisfactory. The prudential guidelines also call for making adequate “provisions” against classified loans in order to protect the financial health of the banks are prepared but which is meaningless as by making provision the number of willful defaulters increasing day by day. The economic implications of the non-performing/default loans are not only stoppage of creating new loans but also the erosion of banks profitability, liquidity and solvency, which might sometimes leader towards collapse of the baking financial system. It has therefore become sine qua non for policy makers to study the loan default scenario of the banking sector of routine basis for estimating classified loan, making appropriate provisioning, adopting effective recovery strategy and thus ensuring soundness and efficiency of the banking sector. Before privatization and liberalization this banking activities were thus directed to disburse credit, according to the government’s economic priority, and hence little attention was placed to identify the problem loans and making provisions thereon, although there was significant amount of hidden default loans. After 1982, the banking sector of Bangladesh underwent a rapid denationalization and privatization process. The out of six nationalized commercial bank Uttara Bank and Pubali Bank were denationalized in 1983 and 1984 respectively with a view to increasing the efficiency of the banking sector. Henceforward, private bank were allowed to conduct banking operations in order to increase, competition, reasons, the efficiency and productivity of the banking sector. But due the various reasons, the efficiency of the banking sector did not increase rather the credit discipline was further eroded. The very frequent and fashionable style of loan defaulting story in banking sector of Bangladesh is loan scam. Recently a series of scams has started threatening the banking sector in a great way. Last year, Sonali Bank loan scam started the episode and is continuing with Bismillah loan scam, Basic Bank loan scam and so on in a large scale. The story of all episodes is almost same and follows a cycle. According to Anti-Corruption Commission, 41 reputed commercial banks in Bangladesh were involved actively in Sonali bank scam of Tk.3665 crore with Hallmark(The Financial Express). Over 100 branches of seven state-run banks, 29 private banks and five foreign banks patronized that loan scam according to them. In 2009, Bangladesh Shilpa Bank and Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangsta were merged due to huge amount of NPL in both of them. The operational activities of BSRS came to a halt, when its classified loans reached up to 85 to 90 percent of its total portfolio. The situation was almost same for BSB although it tried to expand its deposit collection on its own rather than rescheduling the previous non performing loans. It had about Tk 250 crore classified loans on the eve of being merged, according to media reports. Defaulted Loan between September 31, 2014 to March 31, 2015 (in crore) Bank Name SONALI AGRANI RUPALI BASIC BDBL AB BANK ASIA BRAC DHAKA DBBL EBL EXIM FIRST SECURITY ICB ISLAMIC IBBL JUMUNA ONE MUTUAL TRUST NATIONAL Defaulted Loan as of Sept 31, 2014 11,570.21 4387.17 5118.36 1697.45 1883.27 716.04 596.18 899.01 783.85 755.23 474.33 597.96 1003.29 218.46 749.28 2788.33 331.40 605.28 698.90 Defaulted Loan as of Dec 31, 2014 9629.29 2605.26 3317.84 1053.0 1282.36 520.38 440.48 580.92 750.70 375.24 402.04 369.82 516.82 248.38 717.59 1364.29 173.10 448.96 465.98 Defaulted Loan as of March 31, 2015 10,432.43 3343.48 332354 1588.57 2557.54 616.32 463..61 979.90 840.23 563.14 477.06 427.55 677.02 248.63 725.88 2065.99 281.45 558.08 534.74 4.2.4. Present Status of Non-performing Loans: The most important indicator intended to identify the asset quality in the loan portfolio is the ratio of gross non-performing loans (NPLs) to total loans. In 2012 Foreign Commercial Banks(FCBs) have the lowest and State owned Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) have the highest ratio of gross NPLs to total loans. State owned commercial banks (SCBs) had a gross NPLs to total loans of 23.9 percent, whereas Private Commercial Banks (PCBs), FCBs , and DFIs, had ratios of 4.6,3.5 and 26.8 percent respectively at the end of December 2012. NPL ratios By( % ) of Banks Bank 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 types End June 2013 SCBs 21.4 22.9 29.9 25.4 21.4 15.7 11.3 23.9 26.4 DFIs 34.9 33.7 28.6 25.5 25.9 24.2 24.6 26.8 26.2 PCBs 5.6 5.5 5.0 4.4 3.9 3.2 2.9 4.6 6.6 FCBs 1.3 0.8 1.4 1.9 2.3 3.0 3.0 3.5 4.7 Total 13.6 13.2 13.2 10.8 9.2 7.3 6.1 10.0 11.9 The gross NPLs ratios to total loans for the SCBs, PCBs, FCBs and DFIs were recorded as 26.4, 6.6, 4.7 and 26.2 percent respectively at the end of June 2015. The ratio of NPLs of all the banks had shown an overall declining trend from its peak (34.9 percent) I 2000 up to 2011 before it increased to 10.0 percent in December 2014. The amount of NPLs of the SCBs increased from taka 105.7 billion in 2003 to taka 215.1 billion in 2014. The PCBs recorded a total increase of taka 81.8 billion in their NPL accounts, which stood at taka 130.3billion in 2014 as against taka 48.5 billion in2003. The amount of NPLs of the DFIs increased to taka 73.3billion in 2014 from taka 47.3 billion in 2003. Sonali Bank has the Highest default loan (10,432.43 cores) and HSBC has the lowest default loan(128.06 cores) among the banks at the end of March 2015. In September 2015, Sonali Bank had the highest default loan (12570.21 cores) and HSBC had the lowest default loan (109.05 cores). 4.3 Causes of Nonperforming Loans A. ENTREPRENEURS RELATED A1: Lack of business experience. Sometimes people without prior business experience want to do something. It may so happen that after retirement from govt. or private service people want to establish a business, which is not very relevant to his past experience. Besides his own equity they look for bank finance. Normally banks do not finance in the projects where the key personnel do not have enough background in that particular business. When banks finance in the projects here the key personnel lack relevant business experience, it becomes risky for the bank. Probability of failure in these sorts of projects tends to be higher. A2: Lack of Business and Lack of Institutional Training Background. Business experience is somehow related to business background. Here business background means family business background. Though family business has a role in entrepreneurial orientation, there is no direct relationship between business background and business performance of loan repayment. It is true that youths coming from business background are familiar with business and banking but there are other ways to get oriented with the same, not necessarily one has to come from business family. A3: Unwillingness to Pay . We all know this is one of the most common reasons behind default culture in Bangladesh. It can happen in some situations like when security-backing loan is weak; customer feels that defaulting the loan will not harm him much. In that case he tends to default. In other cases like when cash flow from the business is not impressive, people are unwilling repay the loans. A4: Lack of Supporting Facilities Sometimes business need support from other sources like government authority. When cash flow is lean and the project is in lull, it needs feeding. Without further feeding company may become sick and incur loss in consecutive time periods. In our country most of the companies do not have the supporting sources with which they can withstand the turmoil that comes in to their business from time to time. B: BUSINESS RELATED B1: Non-attractive Industry Sometimes non-attractive industry acts as primary cause of loan default. Companies operating in non-attractive industries have higher probability of performing poor. Because of poor financial performance, company’s cash flow gets affected. Because of cash flow the company becomes less liquid which contributes in defaulting bank loan. Not necessarily that all the companies no nonattractive industry perform poor. For example: suppose in Bangladesh Jute industry is one of the non –attractive industries. Now any investor want to invest in this sector may be cause loss. So this investor can’t pay the interest. B2: Strong Competition Strong competition does not directly contribute in defaulting loan. Strong competition takes place when many companies enter into an industry where the industry cannot accommodate so many companies. In strong competition only efficient players survive. So the inefficient companies find it difficult to make profit and sale their product. Once they fail to make profit, the company is likely to default its loan installment in the bank. B3: Poor Management capability Before sanctioning a loan banks look into the matter that how the management of the company is. If the bank feels that the management is capable enough to successfully run the business and utilize bank finance, then bank agree to finance otherwise not. Even sometimes banks sets conditions like some of the key personnel must not quit the organization before repayment of the loan. Managerial capability plays vital role in repaying bank loan. The more professional the management is, the less is the probability of defaulting loan. B4: Poor Financial Performance Definitely poor financial performance is the most important cause of loan default. Once a company is not solvent, it is unlikely to repay its loan. Poor financial performance is the key reason behind maximum loan default. Poor financial performance can be arisen from many other reasons described above. B5: Poor Cash Flow In most cases poor cash flow is the aftermath of poor financial performance. Because of poor cash flow companies mainly default loan. Because of irregular cash flow, business becomes unstable and illiquid. In that case business does not have enough cash to service loans payment and interest. Even if a company is profitable, the company may default because of cash flow. In some cases, a business may sell most of its finished goods on credit. So it may not have enough cash to support the loan and other debts. So it may cause default. B6: Low Market Share Low market share may be a reason of loan default but not a single respondent mentioned it as one of the reasons of their loan default. Low market share means low sales, low sales mean low profit and low profit results default. Operating in a niche market, having a very low market share a firm can be profitable enough to repay its entire loan obligation as well as retain sizable earning. But operating in niche product in a market which is not proper or have fewer customers that it expected then it cannot be profitable. So it cannot pay its interest payment. C: LENDING RELATED C1: Delayed Assessment of Loan Proposal Banks sometimes make delay in assessing loan proposals of the business firms. When the firm badly needs money, it does not get enough funds because of delayed assessment by the bank. This infuses shortage of cash in their business operations. They hardly manage their day-to-day business expenses let alone repayment of the loans. C2: Delayed Disbursement of Fund Even after assessment of the proposal and taking positive decision, banks do not disburse funds until security documentation formalities are completed. As a result business do not get fund when actually it requires it. Some of the defaulters complained about subsequent disbursements. C3: Lack of Proper Monitoring Monitoring is one of the most important parts for financial institutions. Through monitoring lenders come to know that whether their fund is being used for the desired purpose or not. Sometimes disbursed money is used for purposes other than the specific areas. In that case risk of loan default gets higher. Banks sanction loan on the basis of feasibility of the project. Bank as a lender expect that the loan will be serviced by the cash flow generated from that particular business. But if credit is used in some other areas desired cash flow may not come from the business and chance of loan default gets high. Therefore banks monitor activities of the borrower whether the fund is being properly utilized or business is generating enough cash flow or not. Banks use specialized formats for loan monitoring. Bank periodically review the performance of the borrower and based on that bank decides whether to renew the facilities or not. The tools used for monitoring are portfolio reviews, profitability analysis etc. before diverse loan, Banks can check the credit rating of the organization. Banks can generate information about borrowers from Bangladesh Bank. Then banks can decide how much money investor needs and how much money he will be invested. Valuation culture of the security or collateral is absent in many of banks. C4: Lack of taking Proper Action Action comes after loan monitoring. Monitoring is done for identifying deviations or exceptions. If there is any exception then corrective action needs to be taken. If corrective actions are taken on time chance of default loan reduces. When Customer misses one installment, concerned officer of the bank must visit the customer and understand where the problem lies. If proper action is taken, probability of loan default is reduced D: MACROECONOMIC FACTORS D1: Low GDP Growth It is evident that companies which deal in consumer products are directly affected by the GDP growth of the entire economy. Regular customers and defaulters have opined that this macro indicator influences the cash generation of a company and hence the repayment of the loan. D2: Increasing Crimes It is revealed that the effect of the increasing crimes in the business of the companies. They think that forced subscription sometimes make the profitability of the company lower. D3: Hartals by the Political Parties Political instability of the country hampers the production and the distribution of the products in a smooth way and the political turmoil is considered one of the other causes of the loan default in our country. D4: Frequent polity Changed by the Government Government is considered as the minor cause of the loan default as per the survey since it has a little impact on the local sales and distribution of the products of the companies. For example: in this budget government increase tax on mobile phones which are imported from foreign country, so mobile phone importer may not generate expected revenue. So importer could not par their interest payment. So they could be defaulter. Without these are other causes such as imperfect lending practice, lack of analysis of business risks, lack of proper valuation of security or mortgage property, undue influence by borrowers, external pressure, loan go Govt. organization, Govt. policy for disbursement of credit, lack of legal action. Name of firm Approved Loan Types of Loan Year of Expiry Reason Disbursement Samam Trade 01 Crore Term Loan for International 3 years 2011 2014 It is a trading firm. It imports Locker from china through issuing L/C. From Oct’13Jan’14 the firm didn’t open any L/C, due to political unrest. It happened because the firm had enough stock in its warehouse, but due to strike it could not sell its goods, as a result the firm got stuck in fund shortage. On the contrary, the firm has a limit of fund for importing goods. Due to nonpayment of loan that created problem against Import process, the outstanding of the loans were getting higher. At the end of November’13 the client listed as SMA, And In March’14 the loan declared Bad Loan . Causes : 1. Hartals by the Political Parties: Due to strike, firm did not perform according their plan. So they can not generate enough revenue to pay the interest payment. 2. Poor Financial Performance: lack of proper strategy for strike. So It cannot generate revenue. Swadesh Steel 50 Lac OD loan revolving 2013 2014 The client is a local supplier of rod, angel bar etc. It approached the loan to allow a OD limit of 80 Lac. The bank approved 50 Lac for extension of its operation. But the proprietor‘s intention was mischievous. Instead of investing the fund into business the owner purchased Land in Savar. Just after 3 month of disbursement the client’s transaction became irregular. The bank tried to make the client pay the out standings. But the client’s business was not capable of to pay the proceeds on regular basis. After 1 year the Loan became Bad Loan. The Bank is trying to recover the amount. Cause: 1. Lack of Proper Monitoring: Bank should take information about the client before approve loan. 2. Unwillingness to Pay: The client intension was not good. May be bank kept low collateral so that he thought that it will not harm him a lot. 3. Mis use of fund: Client use the fund to buy the land rather than invest in business. He may thought that it will be more profitable than business. Chapter -5(Analytical part ) 5.1Descriptive analysis Some research regarding identification, measurement, causes and effect analysis of NPLs has been done by scholars of our country in different times both issues within country as well as cross boarder comparison. Nonperforming loans in the banking sector of BD, realities and challenges of NPLs in BD, Impact of supervisions in controlling NPLs are some frequent topics of articles published in reputed journals in our country in recent years. SCBs in our country holds major proportion of total deposit of the hole industry but it is very unfortunate to see the regular default of loan recovery and scams by them in recent times. So to realize the impact of this evil practice on their performance is a need of time. This paper focuses some factors directly or indirectly affects their performance that may quest the thrust to some extent. Figure 1: Capial to risk weighted asset ratio % 30 25 20 15 SCBs 10 PCBs 5 FCBs 0 2007 1.1 2008 7.9 2009 6.9 2010 9 2011 8.9 2012 11.7 2013 8.1 2014 1.2 PCBs 9.8 s FCB 22.7 10.6 11.4 12.1 10.1 11.5 11.4 11.4 22.7 24 28.1 15.6 21 20.6 20.3 SCB s Source: Banking Performance Indicators, Appendix-3 (Table II), Banking regulation & Policy Department, Bangladesh Bank, (2005-2013) Non Performing Loan Rate is the most important issue for banks to survive. There are lots of factors responsible for this ratio. Some of them belong to firm level issues and some are from macroeconomic measures. Capital to risk weighted assets of SCBs for the selected 8 years is very much dissatisfactory. In FY 2007 it was 1.1 % that was really alarming but gradually they started to recover it and in FY 2011 it reached up to 8.9% which reaches up to 11.7 % in 2011 that is the highest among all the years. But in 2013 it decreases to 8.1 % and drastically fell in 2014 by touching only 1.2%. If we make a comparison the ratio of SCBs with PCBs and FCBs then we easily have a clear idea about the competitive scenario. The lowest value of PCBs and FCBs are 9.1 % and 15.60% respectively where the highest value of SCBs is below than 9%. Figure 2: NPLs to Total Loans ratio % 30 25 20 15 10 SCBs 5 PCBs FCBs 0 SCB PCBs s FCB 2009 22.9 2008 29.9 2009 25.4 2010 21.4 2011 15.7 2012 11.3 2013 23.9 2014 26.4 5.5 5 4.4 3.9 3.2 2.9 4.6 6.6 0.8 1.4 1.9 2.3 3 3 3.5 4.7 s Source: Banking Performance Indicators, Appendix-3 (Table III), Banking regulation & Policy Department, Bangladesh Bank, (2006-2014) NPL is a general factor for banking as it is acceptable up to a certain limit. How much loans are being non- performing each year is a relevant measurement in this regard. NPLs to total loans ratio for SCBs for selected 8 years is really alarming as most of the years it holds more than 20% NPLs as per Total Loans and Advances. In 2011 there was a breakthrough in NPL ratio in SCBs as it shows a negative growth rate of -0.27% and the ratio was 15.70 that was a positive sign but it could not keep it up rather it touches 26.4 % in 2014 that is surely alarming. (See Figure 2) If we make a comparison among three categories of banks we find that PCBs has maximum NPLs in 2014 and the ratio was 6.6 % and in maximum years they are maintaining a limit within 5%.Again, FCBs are performing with a great excellence in this topic by maintaining the limit of NPLs ratio within 3% in every selected years. Figure 3: Comparative position of NPLs 600 500 400 300 200 100 Total NPLs (in NPLs billion)in SCBs 2009 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 200.1 226.2 224.8 224.8 227.1 226.4 427.3 523.1 115 137.9 127.6 121.6 107.6 91.7 215.1 261.55 Source: Banking Performance Indicators, Appendix-3 Banking regulation & Policy Department, Bangladesh Bank, (2007-2014) From the above graph it has been found that SCBs hold the maximum portion of the total NPLs in banking industry over the selected years from 2007 to 2014. Among them in 2015 the industry tested the largest amount of NPLs that was tk. 523.1 billion dollar. There exists a consistent harmony in NPLs amount which depicts that there is very poor initiative in controlling and recovery process of those banks. The graphical presentation given below (figure 4) is showing the percentage of NPLs hold by SCBs of the total amount. Here, it is found that each of the years holds more than 50% of total NPLs except in FY- 2011 and FY2012. So, there is a red light to the SCBs to reduce the amount of problem lending as early as possible. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 SCB PCB s FCB s SCBs PCBs FCBs 2007 0 2008 0 2009 22.5 2010 26.2 2011 18.4 2012 19.7 2013 -11.9 2014 11.7 15.2 16.7 16.4 21 20.9 15.7 10.2 5.5 21.5 20.4 17.8 22.4 17 16.6 17.3 19.7 s Source: Banking Performance Indicators, Appendix-3 (Table IX), Banking regulation & Policy Department, Bangladesh Bank, (2007-2014) The graph can be a great source to understand how much poor the profitability trend of SCBs in our country. In 2007 and 2008 ROE for SCBs was just 0. But this horrible situation has been changed drastically in 2009 when the ratio touched 22.5% and the next 26.2%. In 2011 it decreased but the percentage is tolerable. The growth rate of ROE was also so poor and in a declining mode up to 2013 also with a negative value in 2013. If we try to draw a comparative idea then find PCBs maintained at least 15% ROE in last 8 years except 2013 and 2014 with huge fall. But FCBs show a great performance as it maintains at least 17% ROE in every year. Based on the review of the literature it has been clear that there is extensive national as well as international evidence which suggests that NPLs can be explained by both macroeconomic and bank specific factors. But there are some qualitative variables that have significant effect on increasing NPLs that can be included in a model to find out the effect. Moreover NPLs have serious negative impact on loan growth rate. So there should have a impact of NPLs on banks profitability as it reduces loan amount and interest income of the banks simultaneously. 5.2Multiple Regression analysis : In order to investigate the impact, the following four research hypothesis have been developedH0 (1): There is no significant impact of Non Performing Loan Ratio on profitability (Net Interest Income) of SCBs for last 8 years. H1 (1): There is significant impact of Non Performing Loan Ratio on profitability of SCBs for last 8 years. H0 (2): The impact of Deposit Growth Rate on SCBs profitability (NII) is statistically insignificant for last 8 years. H1 (2): There is significant impact of Deposit Growth Rate on SCBs profitability (NII) for last 8 years. H0 (3): The impact of Growth Rate of NPLs on SCBs profitability (NII) is statistically insignificant for last 8 years. H1 (3): There is significant impact of Growth Rate of NPLs on SCBs profitability (NII) H0 (4): The impact of Provision Growth Rate on SCBs profitability (NII) is statistically insignificant for last 8 years. H1 (4): There is significant impact of Provision Growth Rate on SCBs profitability (NII) for last 8 years. In this paper, I have selected 4 state owned commercial banks in Bangladesh and collected data based on some factors affect bank’s profitability as well as performance. NPL is one of the major factors of the analysis. A model has been established to find out the significance of impact of those factors on performance of the SCBs like the model used by Yixin Hou (2006) to find out the effect of NPLS on loan growth rate of commercial banks. The model developed is as follows: Y= α + β1X1 - β2 X2- β3 X3+ β4 X4+ β5 X5+ β6 X6+℮i Where, Y= Net Interest Income (NII) α= Intercept Coefficient X1= NPLs Ratio (NPLR) X2= Deposit Growth Rate (DPGR) X3= NPLs Growth Rate (NPLG) X4= Provision Growth Rate of (PRVG) β i = Slope Coefficient, ℮i =Error Term The data used in this linear regression model is time series data as the values used here is collected from same sources at a fixed interval of time for FY-2006 to FY-2014. Excess ratio of NPLs to total loans is harmful for a bank as it negatively affects the lending behaviour by decreasing interest income and loan growth rate. This paper is mainly focused on how much negative effect NPLs have on NII of SCBs in Bangladesh. Table : 1 Model Summary b Std. Error of Model 1 R R Square .979a Adjusted R Square .959 .904 the Estimate 3.21333 Durbin-Watson 2.310 a. Predictors: (Constant), PRVR, NPLR, NPLG, DPG b. Dependent Variable: NIIR Table-1 represent that the coefficient of correlation of the model R is 0.979that states there is strong relationship between dependent and independent variables used in this model. Coefficient of determination R2 0.959 that shows the highest percentage value that the independent variables explain 96 percent change of NII. The goodness of fit test of the model is also excellent as the adjusted R2 is 0.904. The value of Durbin Watson is 2.310 that lie within the range between 1.5 and 2.5. so we can easily state that there is no autocorrelation among the independent variables of the study. Table : 2 Coefficients a Standardize Unstandardized Coefficients B Model 1 Std. Error d Collinearity Statistics Coefficient Beta t s 8.200 .004 Sig. Tolerance VIF (Constant) 73.178 8.925 NPLR -1.880 .242 -1.087 -7.777 .004 .701 1.427 DPG -.899 .295 -.481 -3.050 .055 .549 1.820 NPLG .091 .072 .195 1.257 .298 .569 1.758 PRVG -.074 .029 -.354 -2.568 .083 .719 1.391 a. Dependent Variable: NIIR From table-2 it is found that there is a positive value of intercept coefficient (α) means that if all the independent variables remain constant then NII will be 73.178 percent carrying a viable economic meaning that generally there exist around 73.178 percent NII in SCBs of the country. Slope coefficient of NPLR is -1.880 that means if NPL ratio increases by 1 percent then the NII will be decreased by 1.88 percent and it is statistically significant at 1% percent significant level. In case of Deposit growth rate it is found that there is inverse relationship between NII and DPG as NII decreases by 0.899 percent due to 1 percent increase DPG where at 5 percent significance level it is accepted. Again, the slope coefficient of NPL growth is 0.091 that states if NPL grow by 1 percent NII increased by 0.091 percent that is statistically insignificant at 10% significant level. So there exists no strong negative relationship between Growth rate of NPL and NII. Here, slope coefficient of PRVG has a value of -0.074 show a negative relationship with NII. Due to 1 percent increase in provision growth rate NII will be decreased by 0.74%. b Table : 3 ANOVA Model 1 Sum of Squares Regression Residual Total df Mean Square 723.482 4 180.871 30.976 3 10.325 754.459 7 F 17.517 Sig. .020 a a. Predictors: (Constant), PRVG, NPLR, NPLG, DPG b. Dependent Variable: NIIR The variables used in the regression are potentially endogenous as they are simultaneously determined through banks’ balance sheet constraints and are correlated with each other. From the ANOVA table (Appendix I) it is found that comparing calculated F value of 17.517 with table value at 2% significance level the null hypothesis of H0 (1): There is no significant impact of Non- Performing Loan Ratio on profitability (Net Interest Income) of SCBs for last 8 years, H0 (2): The impact of Deposit Growth Rate on SCBs profitability (NII) is statistically insignificant for last 8 years, H0 (3): The impact of Growth Rate of NPLs on SCBs profitability (NII) is statistically insignificant for last 8 years, H0 (4): The impact of Provision Growth Rate on SCBs profitability (NII) is statistically insignificant for last 8 years are rejected. So, with 98 % confidently we can conclude the statement that alternative hypothesis of H1 (1): There is significant impact of Non -Performing Loan Ratio on profitability of SCBs for last 8 years. H1 (2): There is significant impact of Deposit Growth Rate on SCBs profitability (NII) for last 8 years. H1 (3): There is significant impact of Growth Rate of NPLs on SCBs profitability (NII)H1 (4): There is significant impact of Provision Growth Rate on SCBs profitability (NII) for last 8 years are accepted . Chapter- 6 Findings Recommendation Conclusion 6.1 Findings : Finding’s of NPL are such as Stopping Money Cycling, Earning Reduction, Capital Erosion, Increase in Loan Pricing, Frustration etc. As a result, the values of security are increased and the risks of financial recession also see a rise. Amplifications of the effect of NPL are as follows: 1. NPL can lead to efficiency problem for the banking sector. It is found by a number of economists that failing banks tend to be located far from the most-efficient frontiers, because banks do not optimize their portfolio decisions by lending less than demanded. 2. There is a negative relationship between the non-performing loans and performance efficiency. So, increase in NPL hampers the performing loan. Most of the cases, it occurs when there is an adverse selection. Averse selection is asymmetric information problem that occurs before the transaction. For example: big risk takers or outright crooks might be the most eager to take out a loan because they know that they are unlikely to pay it back. Because adverse selection increases the chances that a loan might be made to a bad credit risk, lender might decide not to make any loans, even though there are good credit risks in the market place. 3. NPL creates the Credit Crunch situation. Credit crunch is a phenomenon that banks ration loan disbursement and new credit commitments in order to protect, but add more risks. Banks treat loan as an asset. They expect return from it. If loans become NPLs then banks have lack of fund to give loan according their commitment or banks could give loans at their previous interest rate. Clients have to pay more. So loans may be defaulted. Credit crunch also increases the rate of NPL. 4. There is a cyclic relation between poor economic condition and the depressed economic growth as follows: a. During the crisis moment, in order to restore the credibility among creditors and depositors, failing financial institutions not only try to expand their equity bases, but also reduce their risk assets or change the composition of the asset portfolio. Because of such defensive actions, the corporate debtors are always targeted, thus the economic growth is being stalled overall. Bank try to collect loans amount as fast as possible and most of the banks have huge number of corporate clients so they try to recover those loans as early as possible to reduce risky assets. b. Money cycling gets stopped due to increase in NPL. Slow flowing of cash always has negative impact on any business. c. When the NPL is increased, interest earning gets stopped. But the cost of fund and the cost of management are not stopped. To run the management cost along with the cost of fund, the existing lending price has to be increased. Suddenly increased rate of interest makes hard the return of bank money for a new borrower. So rate of investment will be lower. d. NPL affects opening of LC (Letter of Credit). International importers always choose healthy condition of the exporter's bank. Worse health condition of the bank affects the opening of new LCs. Low rate of LCs makes low bank earning. 5. NPL exists as a natural consequence of lending behavior. When banks re-balance their portfolio, they decide on the degree of risks they will tolerate for a given level of expected return according to their risk preference because banks have to keep 10% of their risk weight asset as capital or 400 cores. Banks treats loans as a risky asset. If the risk is high, banks will expect high return. When the level of non-performing loans goes beyond a certain point banks cannot accept, and then it affects bank's re-balancing actions. So, when NPLs cross the boundary of the above threshold, they start to spawn negative effects on more lending. 6.NPL has a positive relationship with interest rate. When NPL increases, loan which is treaded as asset becomes more risky. So that the rate of interest also increases to get sufficient retune from the loan to cover the risk. 6.2Recommendation 1. No compromise with due diligence in the sanctioning process. Keeping in mind "prevention is better than cure."Banks should take high collateral. If a borrower defaults on a loan, the lender can sell the collateral and use the proceeds to make up for the loss. The security or collateral provided must be valued by proper agency or put up on a regular ‘mark to market’ valuation process. 2. Action plan for potential NPLs. Banks should have some step to collect the NPLs loan. At the end banks should go to Artha Rin Adalat. 3. Identification of highly risk sensitive borrowers in the credit portfolio. Banks should take information about the clients before giving loans. Banks could go Bangladesh Bank to collect the information and verify the financial statement carefully from reliable sources to identify the risky borrowers. 4. Identification of geographical area-wise risk sensitivity. Banks should identify the clients according area wise that’s mean in Bangladesh, there is some places where growth rate is low or rate of repay rate is low. 5. Targeting high value end NPL accounts (having exposure of Tk. 5.00 crore and above) 6. Prompt action on credit reports 7. Capacity building of officers and executives in the recovery department. Banks should give proper training to employee. So they can handle loans properly. If there is short of experience employee, bank should recruit experience employee for recovery department. 8. A robust risk management culture, with a ‘well articulated’ risk management policy can help the institutions to avoid such loan default. 6.3 Conclusion : Our banking sector is characterized by low profitability and inadequate capital base because there are lots of banks in Bangladesh. Banks revenue comes from spread (Lending rate – borrowing rate).But there is huge competition among banks. So the profit is minimum. The crux of the problem lies in the accumulation of high percentage of non-performing loans over a long period of time. The problem is most severe for NCBs and DFIs. However, starting from a very high rate of 41.1% in 1999 it came down gradually to 11.90% in 2014 according to latest published data. Still, it is very high by any standard. Unless it can be lowered substantially we will lose competitive edge in the wave of globalization of the banking service that is taking place throughout the world. We have had a two-decade long experience in dealing with the NPLs problem and much is known about the causes and remedies of the problem. Unfortunately, the banking system is still burdened with an alarming amount of NPLs and lags far behind the neighboring countries of India and Sri Lanka. Although Bangladesh has to a large degree adopted international standards of loan classification and provisioning, the management of NPLs is found ineffective, as the system has failed to arrest fresh NPLs significantly. It needs to be mentioned that management of NPLs must be multi-pronged, with different strategies pursued at the different stages through which a credit facility passes. Measures should be in place for both prevention and resolution. With regard to preventive measures, emphasis needs to be placed on credit screening, loan surveillance and loan review functionaries both at individual bank levels and in the central bank of the country. Resolution measures must be accompanied by legal measures, i.e. improving the efficiency of the legal and the judicial system and developing other out of the court settlement measures like compromise settlement schemes, incentive packaging, formation of asset management companies, factoring, and asset securitization and so on. Unfortunately, Bangladesh is found to be very weak from the above point of view, and strictly speaking, it has mainly concentrated on a few legal measures that have also been found to be ineffective. Therefore, this study has highlighted some challenges, shown below, for improving the debt recovery environment and solving the NPL problems of the country as well. Bibliography: Books: Basely, Scote & Brigham, F. Eugine, “Essential Managerial Finance” 13th edition, Thomson (New York). Peter S. Rose “Commercial bank Management” fifth edition, McGraw-Hill . Websites: http://www.Investopedia .com website Articles : Ahmed, Shahabuddin. 1998. “Ethics in Banking,” The First Nurul Matin Memorial Lecture, May 6, Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management, Dhaka. Unpublished. Asian Development Bank. 2003. Regional and Country Highlights - Sri Lanka. Bangladesh Bank. 1991. Loan Classification Manual. Bangladesh Bank. 2003. Annual Report, 2002-2003. Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM). 2000. Studies in Bangladesh Banking: Series 1, BIBM, June: 67. Banking Regulation and Policy Department, Bangladesh Bank. BCD and PRPD Circulars, 1989-2001. Bernanke, Ben and Lown, Cara. 1991. “The Credit Crunch.” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2: 204-248. Software: Megastat Excel(2003), (2007); SPSS (2007) . Appendix : Compartive positon of NPL Table- 1 : Urban Rural Total NCBs 21.99 % 37.36 % 59.35 % SBs 2.45 % 17.15 % 19.60 % FCBs 0.56 % 0% 0.56 % PCBs 15.22 % 5.27 % 20.49 % NPLs to total loan ratio Table-2 : Year NCB SB PCB FCB Total 1997 254,540 20,110 114,230 21,240 410,120 1998 277,560 21,330 129,720 27,370 455,980 1999 307,380 25,530 135,450 31,220 499,580 2000 342,390 29,660 155,180 41,940 569,170 2001 375,790 38,170 188,730 48,240 650,930 2002 (Sept.) 400,662 44,880 222,300 60,256 728,098 Capital to risk weighted assest Table-3 : Types of Bank Urban Rural Total NCB 276,318 124,344 400,662 SB 24,303 20,577 44,880 PCB 202,556 19,744 222,300 FCB 60,256 - 60,256 Total 563,433 164,665 728,098 NPLs Ratio of Types of banks table-4 : Bank 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 types End June 2013 SCBs 21.4 22.9 29.9 25.4 21.4 15.7 11.3 23.9 26.4 DFIs 34.9 33.7 28.6 25.5 25.9 24.2 24.6 26.8 26.2 PCBs 5.6 5.5 5.0 4.4 3.9 3.2 2.9 4.6 6.6 FCBs 1.3 0.8 1.4 1.9 2.3 3.0 3.0 3.5 4.7 Total 13.6 13.2 13.2 10.8 9.2 7.3 6.1 10.0 11.9