EMPHYSEMA PRESENTED BY :OMAR HAMDY AHMED RAMADAN ESHRA SUPERVISION BY : DR . HANAN HONEY 50817079 50817005 WHAT IS EMPHYSEMA ?! • It is a type of COPD. • Permanent enlargement of the air spaces and destruction of the alveoli without significant fibrosis. • Alveoli itself does’t enlarge but the space that enlarge. CAUSES OF EMPHYSEMA. •1-Smoking. • 2-inhalation of polluted air. PATHPHYSIOLOGY • Emphysema is initiated when there is imbalance between • Protease. • Anti-protease. • Smoking and inhaled pollutants cause ongoing accumulation of inflammatory cells, which are the source of proteases such as elastases that irreversibly damage alveolar walls. TYPES OF EMPHYSEMA SYMPTOMS OF EMPHYSEMA • SOME PEOPLE HAVE EMPHYSEMA FOR YEARS WITHOUT KNOWING IT. • SOME OF ITS FIRST SIGNS ARE SHORTNESS OF BREATH AND COUGHING, ESPECIALLY DURING EXERCISE OR PHYSICAL EXERTION. • OTHER SYMPTOMS INCLUDE: 1. FATIGUE. 2. FAST HEARTBEAT . 3. CHEST PAIN 4. WHEEZING AND MORE MUCUS PRODUCTION . COMPLICATIONS OF EMPHYSEMA • If left untreated, emphysema can develop into serious complications, such as: 1. Holes in lungs (giant bullae): These large holes make it difficult for your lung to expand. They can also get infected and may lead to a collapsed lung. 2. Collapsed lung(pneumothorax): This is a life-threatening condition for people with emphysema because their lungs are already damaged. • 3 Heart diseases : Emphysema often increases pressure in the arteries connecting your lungs to your heart. This can cause an area of your heart to expand and then weaken. EMPHYSEMA DIAGNOSIS Your doctor will begin by getting your background and medical history. • Various tests can detect emphysema, including: I. imaging tests : such as X-rays and CT scans, to look at your lungs . II. blood tests : used to check your red and white blood cell count and Alpha-1 antitrypsin I. arterial blood gas tests(ABG): to measure the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your blood . II. electrocardiogram (ECG): to check heart function and rule out heart disease. III. lung functioning tests: which explain how much air your lungs can breathe in and out and how well your lungs deliver oxygen into your bloodstream . WHICH PICTURES ARE EMPHYSEMA? Picture 1 Picture 2 REFERENCE • https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/89 34.php • https://www.myvmc.com/diseases/emphysema / • Robbins Basic Pathology 10th_