The recent college admissions scandal that has been in the news, and the creative dishonesty that has been used by the many high-profile individuals involved, inspired the article selected for review this week. Cooper and Marx (2019) discussed how colleges and universities have always been commercial entities that entice interest from the public in many ways. The article clarified the misconception that an emerging technology or type of entertainment would lead to the demise educational institutions. Instead, the research provided numerous examples of how the implementation and utilization of mass media and emerging technologies have led to the growth and popularity embraced by many of the leading schools. The researchers discuss how many of the approaches that have been implemented were questioned at the time the techniques were employed.
Some people believe that college sports, especially football, will be the downfall of higher education (Cooper & Marx, 2019). The article countered the misconception by discussing that football was the most effective way for schools to garner attention from the public in the 19 th and 20 th
century. An example of the appeal of college football was provided when the researchers explained that the major Universities at the time (Yale and Harvard) were building massive stadiums to compete with each other in the early 20 th
century. Yale built a 70,000-seat structure called the Yale Bowl in 1914 (Cooper & Marx, 2019). Clearly the structure was not built for the students alone since the enrollment at the time was just 3,000 students. College football, and the coverage received from news outlets and television producers, were some of the greatest contributors to the rise of popularity in higher education (Cooper & Marx, 2019).
Technology was another key factor that some believe will be the end of higher education.
Cooper and Marx (2019) argued the contrary. The paper provided many examples of technology contributing to the growth of education and that higher education would suffer in its absence.
The most notable example makes the experience many of have had at Southeastern University possible. The researchers explain that distance education represents universities trying to diversify the learning experience for their students. It is quite likely that everyone reading this post would agree with the researchers rather than the people who believe that the internet has destroyed the legacy of higher education.
The article chosen pertains to the following learning objective from Week two:
Analyze issues and practices used to organize, manage, and support instruction, advising, scholarship, faculty development, research, and university service.
Cooper, M. G., & Marx, J. (2019). Higher education has always been commercial. Chronicle of
Higher Education , p. N.PAG. Retrieved from b=a9h&AN=135186377&site=ehost-live&scope=site