LUKENYA ACADEMY IGCSE OFFICE OF THE KS3 HEAD TO KS3 TEACHERS Holiday Research Homeworks (HRHs) We believe homework is a valuable and essential part to the learning of all of our students and as such, it is extremely important that homework is set regularly, is completed and that feedback is given. It is required that you set holiday homework which is project/task based home learning activity that encourage students to work independently and allow them to explore ideas and areas of interest that may not have been explored in depth before. Independent learning can be described as practicing a set of skills which a student can use in order to become more competent in their learning. Research shows that independent learning tasks reinforce and extend the curriculum, enhance skills, give students a sense of achievement and are vital life skills for young people. It is the intention that HRHs will provide opportunities for independent learning so that we can give our students every opportunity to succeed, to make great progress and to prepare them for their lives beyond Lukenya Academy IGCSE. It is also a great opportunity for KS3 students to acquire the skills that will be required to excel in KS4. All students in Year 8 and 9 should be given HRH in the majority of their subjects. Key skills on focus: 1. Research activities 2. Computer skills e.g. Microsoft Word, Excel, Power point 3. Essay writing Our aims: To set tasks which engage and challenge students to achieve To give students opportunities to explore ideas and areas of interest To provide opportunities for peer and/or self-assessment To ensure students are given clear feedback in order to enable them to progress The structure of HRHs The homework should be typed and free from plagiarism. For each HRH, students will receive a booklet or task sheet from the teacher which will outline the key aims/objectives, the expectations of the task and the task involved. Within the booklets there will be opportunities for students to challenge themselves, to focus on their literacy/numeracy and to assess their progress. At the back of each booklet will be the Academy’s marking proforma which is standardized across all subjects and will help to deliver consistency within marking. What will HRHs include? HRHs may include a variety of different tasks, depending on the subject, content, skills required and the scheme of work. Some examples might be: Researching a particular area and then using the information to create an essay Completing a piece of work in connection with classwork which will then form assessment Answering questions based on information given in class Answering a ‘key question’ with an open choice of how students respond When are HRHs set? Teachers should set HRHs for every mid-term break and long holidays i.e. April, August and December Sanctions If students fail to hand in their homework or it is not completed to an acceptable standard they will be awarded negative points. These homework sanctions will be recorded in class sanction books, records forwarded to class teachers and the KS3 coordinator, and reported to parents on visiting days or a report sent to them. Mark book recording The score for each HRH per student to be recorded in teacher’s mark book and results to be discussed with parents and sometimes HOFs. The idea is to take holiday homework seriously and to improve on its quality. Done by Jonathan Muindi (The KS3 coordinator, Lukenya Academy IGCSE) 20TH March, 2019