Social Media, Body Image, and Self-Esteem A survey to find the correlation between media and how it relates to body image and selfesteem in women. * Required 1. I have read the explanation about the study described above and was given sufficient time to ask questions and review my options. By clicking “ok,” I am agreeing to participate in this study for East Central University and certify that I am at least 18 years of age. * Mark only one oval. Yes, I agree to participate No, I do not agree to participate Stop filling out this form. Part A 2. 1. Which of the following social media networks do you use (Check all that apply) * Check all that apply. Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Snapchat 3. 2. How many friends/followers do you have? (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. combined) * Mark only one oval. 0-100 101-500 501-999 1,000-9,999 10,000 or more I do not know how many friends/followers I have. 4. 3. Does the number of followers you have on each networking site affect the use on the site? * Mark only one oval. Yes No 5. 4. Why do you use social networking sites? * Mark only one oval. Personal or business networking reasons To become well known on the internet To connect with new people To stay current on news To stay current on celebrity and fashion trends 6. 5. How much time do you spend on social networking sites each day? * Mark only one oval. Less than 1 hour a day 1-3 hours a day 4-6 hours a day 7+ hours a day 7. 6. Please select your gender * Mark only one oval. Male Female 8. 7. Please select your age group * Mark only one oval. Under 18 18-25 26-45 46+ Part B 9. 1. Evaluate the following statements * Check all that apply. Strongly Disagree When I gain friends/followers I feel an increase in my self-esteem. When I lose friends/followers I feel a decrease in my selfesteem. I use social media to connect with old friends and make new friends. I use social media to promote myself/ my business. I aspire to become famous via social networking sites. The number of followers/friends I have are important to me. It is important that I am well liked on social networking sites. I worry about how many people will like/respond to the things I post. I am willing to spend money to gain social network connections. (friends, followers, likes, etc.) I think the number of followers/friends I have makes me feel important. I have many friends outside of social networking sites. It is important to impress others on social networking sites. Who I am on social networking sites is different from who I am in real life. I feel somewhat envious of those who have more friends/followers than me. Sometimes I go out of my way to interact with others on social networking sites. Being a member of certain social networking sites makes me feel accepted. Who I am on social networking sites accurately reflects who I am in real life. Disagree Agree Strongly Agree N/A Strongly Disagree Disagree How I feel about myself is more important than others' opinions of me. I am more comfortable with myself while on social networking sites than I am in real life. 10. 2. How would you describe your level of self-esteem * Mark only one oval. Often high Often low Often varies Part C Agree Strongly Agree N/A 11. Check all that apply. Never True I get on with my life even when I feel bad about my body. Worrying about my weight makes it difficult for me to live a life that I value I would gladly sacrifice important things in my life to be able to stop worrying about my weight There are many things I do to try and stop feeling bad about my body weight and shape I worry about not being able to control bad feelings about my body. I do not need to feel better about my body before doing things that are important to me. I don’t do things that might make me feel fat. I shut down when I feel bad about my body shape or weight. My worries about my weight do not get in the way of my success. I can move toward important goals, even when feeling bad about my body. There are things I do to distract myself from thinking about Very Seldom True Seldom True Sometimes True Frequently True Almost Always True Always True Never True my body shape or size My thoughts and feelings about my body weight and shape must change before I can take important steps in my life My thoughts about my body shape and weight do not interfere with the way I want to live I cannot stand feeling fat. Worrying about my body takes up too much of my time. If I start to feel fat, I try to think about something else. Worrying about my weight does not get in my way. Before I can make any serious plans, I have to feel better about my body. I will have better control over my life if I can control my negative thoughts about my body I avoid putting myself in situations where I might feel bad about my body. To control my life, I need to control my weight. My worries and fears about my weight are true. Very Seldom True Seldom True Sometimes True Frequently True Almost Always True Always True Never True Feeling fat causes problems in my life. I do things to control my weight so I can stop worrying about the way my body looks When I start thinking about the size and shape of my body, it’s hard to do anything else My relationships would be better if my body weight and/or shape did not bother me Powered by Very Seldom True Seldom True Sometimes True Frequently True Almost Always True Always True