Uploaded by Joanne Emille Sancho

Caravaggio and Bernini: Art, Drama, and Sensuality

Sancho, Joanne Emille M.
Bernini and caravaggio makes magnificent arts, one sculptor and one painter. They both
focused on the drama of flesh and the human body to human experiences. They created an
explosion of sensuality. Both bernini and caravaggio live in the same city at the same time but
caravaggio was older than bernini.
Caravaggio is the most revolutionary painter and the most mysterious painter in art’s
history. He’s been arrested multiple times for murder and other types of crimes, and he made so
much enemies because of his scandalous works. Caravaggio is a great artist but also a murderer,
he was a genius painter that doesn’t need sketching to paint. He was criticized because they’ve
said that caravaggio destroys art. Even if he’s a criminal we can’t deny the fact that he makes
grate art he was one of the contributors to the beauty of rome not just in museums but also in
every corner.
Bernini was a sculptor and an architect. He was the leading sculptor in his age, crating
the baroque style of sculpture. Bernini created wonderful statues that can pass as angels. How he
created statues with precision was a wonder to everyone. His statues were very realistic that you
can see the sweat, the curves, and the wrinkles. Bernini's prodigious output was the result of his
skill at organization and his tireless self-discipline. He said that if he put together all the hours
he spent on meals and sleep in his lifetime, he doubted whether they would add up to a full month.
At a young age, he was already managing a supporting cast of talented assistants. And he himself
Sancho, Joanne Emille M.
would labor for seven hours without interruption on a block of marble. Indeed, he was a highly
original thinker, not merely a consummate craftsman. In the many different arts he pursued
sculpture, architecture, painting, even playwriting his works expressed ideas. He wanted to be a
legend. Bernini the sculptor at times can seem too much the showman, going through a bag of
tricks just to please his audience. He lived long enough to hear such criticisms. He was a celebrity,
During his lifetime, he was one of the most famous men in Europe. crowds gathered along his
route to France in 1665, as if, the artist said, he were an elephant. He was known not only as a
great artist, but as a great man. He himself believed that his fame would deteriorate after his
death, and it did. In fact, Bernini's name was little noted for over 150 years after his death. Only
recently has his work once become appreciated once again by tourists and art critics alike.
Between bernini and caravaggio I would choose bernini, because I like the way he makes
his art. The quality and the energy of his statues were remarkable. This liveliness was unheard
of in previous artistic traditions and influenced artists for generations, it helped define the
baroque style. It wasn’t just people posing, bernini made his statues like it was taken from the
climax of an event. His sculptures are like painting that are placed against walls so that the veiwer
would only be exposed to the best face of the statue. They had more movement, texture, and
emotion than anything created before him. In his work he creates expressive faces and bodies in
a way that was completely orginal.