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Federalism and Constitutional Democracy Practice Test



Federalism and Constitutional Democracy Score:

1.    Which of the following scenarios demonstrates a disadvantage of Federalism?

A The response the Hurricane Katrina was slow as different agencies held discussions to determine who was responsible for what element of the relief efforts.




Two state governments can have two different approaches to bring reforms in a given area of public domain, for example taxation or education.

More people become involved in the political arena, feeling a more direct contact with their government.

All of these are disadvantages.

E None of these are disadvantages.

2.    Which of the following demonstrates an advantage of Federalism?

A In states like Arizona where there is a large Hispanic population, a large number of schools provide bilingual education.




People living in Knoxville, Tennessee, worked to solve the traffic congestion problems on Henley


Barbie and Ken want to get married--again-- but they live in Tennessee, and Barbie is only 15. In

Tennessee, even with parents' consent, you have to be 16. Barbie and Ken and their parents head out to Utah where 14-year olds can marry with parental consent. Vive l'amour! (Ken is 18, and

Barbie's parents love him! He's from a very wealthy family.)

All of these are advantages.

E None of these are advantages.

3.    How many Amendments increase the electorate?

A 2

B 3





E 6

4.    The two most significant expressed powers of Congress broadly relate to ____.

(Mark two.)

A financial matters

B foreign policy


D national defense run elections

E make cabinet appointments

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5.    What does the "Elastic Clause" of the Constitution do?

A It provides Congress with power to pass unspecified laws "necessary and proper" for the exercise of its expressed powers.

B It gives Congress the power to carry out impeachments.



It gives Congress power to pass amendments as long as there is a 4/5th majority vote.

It provides Congress the power to add to the territory of the United States.

6.     Short Answer Extra Credit: This question is worth 5 points.

Explain the difference between the expressed, implied, and inherent powers of Congress.

Give at least one example of each and tell where each power originates.

7.    Bobby was arrested and tried for burglary, but there was not enough evidence to convince a jury, and he was released. Several months later, the D.A. got more evidence that would lead him to be convicted for sure. Which amendment makes

Bobby lucky that evidence came in so late?

A 4

B 5





E 8

8.    Miss Husseini is arrested on suspicion of drug trafficking and questioned for several hours. She requests an attorney, but because she is not a US citizen, the police refuse to grant her request. Is this Constitutional?

A Yes, Constitutional protections only extend to citizens.

B No, most Constitutional protections extend to anyone in the country regardless of citizenship status.

C It will depend on whether or not she has first degree relatives living legally in the country.

9.    The National Guard is deployed to help in the aftermath of a tornado. The

President declares that citizens should allow Guardsmen to stay in the homes of local people. Most people do not do this.

Which Amendment allows them to make this decision?

A 2

B 3





E 6

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10.    In writing about the social contract, John Locke argues which of the following?

A In the state of nature, no one has any rights.

B Anyone willing to give up their liberty for security deserves neither.



Citizens must follow all dictates of their government.

In society, citizens trade their natural liberties for the preservation of their property.

E Absolute liberty is far more important than security.

11.    The following is from a Supreme Court decision:

We are unanimously of opinion that the law passed by the (state) legislature, imposing a tax on the Bank of the united States, in unconstitutional and void...This is a tax on the operation of an instrument employed by the government of the Union to carry out its powers into execution. Such a tax must be unconstitutional...

This decision of the Supreme Court upheld the principal that____.

A The federal government and the state governments are equal.

B Congress has only those powers that are enumerated in the Constitution.



Congress has the power to make laws to carry out its constitutional duties.

Taxation without representation is unconstitutional.

E The federal government alone may levy taxes.

12.    The following is from a Supreme Court decision:

We are unanimously of opinion that the law passed by the (state) legislature, imposing a tax on the Bank of the united States, in unconstitutional and void...This is a tax on the operation of an instrument employed by the government of the Union to carry out its powers into execution. Such a tax must be unconstitutional...

This Supreme Court Case is known as ____

A Marbury v Madison

B Dred Scott



Gitlow v New York

McCulloch v Maryland

E Marshall v US Rederal Reserve

13.    All of the following were concerns about the Articles of Confederation that led to the calling of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 EXCEPT ____.

A Dissatisfaction over safeguards of individual rights and liberties

B Fear for the stability of the central government



Desire to promote trade among the states the need to give the central government the power to levy taxes

E Dissatisfaction with the central government's ability to provide national defense

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14.    The issue of same-sex marriage best illustrates some of the challenges of ____.

A bicameralism

B checks and balances


D federalism separation of powers

E The Bill of Rights

15.    In order to amend the Constitution, you would have to do which of the following?

A Stop the president from vetoing your amendment.

B Keep the Supreme Court from ruling your amendment unconstitutional.



Call a national constitutional convention.

Ensure the amendment was ratified by the state legislatures of ratifying conventions of at least 3/4 of the states.

16.    Which of the following would most likely advocate letting states decide on the legislation of medical marijuana?

A Anti-Federalists

B Centralists



Strict Constructionists


17.    Which of the following is an implied power of Congress?

A The power to impeach the president

B The power to override a presidential veto


D the power to declare war the power to build the 42,000 mile interstate highway system

E the power to coin money

18.    Congressional override of a presidential veto is an example of which of the following?

A checks and balances

B federalism


D judicial review reserved powers

E concurrent powers

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19.    In Marbury v Madison (1803), the Supreme Court assumed the power to ______.

A decide whether internal congressional procedures are constitutional

B advise Congress on the constitutionality of a proposed law


D decide on the constitutionality of a law or executive action approve executive agreements

20.    Concurrent powers are _____.

A powers shared by different branches of government

B powers that the Constitution gives both national and state governments



E those powers that are mentioned directly in the Constitution those powers that do not depend upon constitutional grants, but rather grow out of the very existence of the national government the powers shared by two or more adjacent states

21.    The commerce clause has been instrumental in _______.

A developing a more vigorous alliance between government and business

B enabling Congress to impose regulations upon the judicial branch


D enforcing civil rights and fighting discrimination undermining judicial review

E allowing extradition from one state to another

22.    What is the significance of the following statement by Justice John Marshall?

"The Constitution is the law. Judges, not executives or legistators, interpret the law. If two laws conflict with each other, the courts should interpret the Constitution."

A It established the precedent of Judicial Review.

B It established that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land.



It established the Supreme Court.

It established all of these.

23.    Which Amendments invalidated the Dred Scott decision?

A the 12th

B the 13th and 14th


D the 13th and 17th the 10th and 14th

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24.    Shay's Rebellion pointed out the weaknesses of what?

A the New Jersey Plan for the Constitution

B the Articles of Confederation


D the lack of the power of the Judicial Branch the Great Compromise

25.    Which of the following correctly identifies the weakness/es of the Articles of


A No national court system was established to protect the rights of U.S. citizens

B Congress was unable to impose taxes; it could only borrow money on credit.




Congress had no power to coin money, therefore each state developed its own currency.

Congress was unable to regulate interstate and foreign commerce; some states refused to pay for goods they purchased from abroad.

All of these.

26.    The Implied Powers of Congress come from what?

A the Supreme Court Decision in the Dred Scott Case

B Article 2 of the Constitution


D the Necessary and Proper Clause of the Consitution the 10th Amendment

27.    The Commerce Clause basically says that no laws can be made that _____.

A place a burden on interstate commerce

B interfere with the nation's ability to collect taxes


D limit states' ability to create new businesses limit individuals' freedoms

28.    Which of the following would most likely vote to not interfere with laws passed by the states to legalize marijuana?

A James Madison

B Alexander Hamilton



Thomas Jefferson

John Jay

29.    Which of the following cases established the precedent of Judicial Review?

A Marbury v Madison

B McCulloch v. Maryland



Dred Scott

Heart of Atlanta Hotel v the United States

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30.    Which of the following cases established the supremacy of national law over state laws?

A Marbury v Madison

B McCulloch v. Maryland



Dred Scott

Heart of Atlanta Hotel v the United States

31.    What was the compromise between northern and southern states that three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation?

A The Connecticut Compromise

B the Missouri Compromise



The Dred Scott Compromise

The Three-fifths Compromise

32.    Which of the following is a concurrent power?

A declaration of war

B regulation of interstate commerce


D taxation issuance of mandates

E coining of money

33.    If Tanner got caught speeding driving without a license on campus, no matter how mad Sarge was, Tanner is not going to get fined $10,000.


A The Article V of the Constitution guarantees that the police cannot issue fines without due process.

B The 8th Amendment guarantees that punishments must be reasonable.



The 10th Amendment says that Tanner can do whatever he wants because he's part of "the people," and the Constitution doesn't specify that you have to have a license to drive.

As a minor, Tanner's rights are specially protected under the 21st Amendment.

34.    Members of the public, tired of the government shutdown, can gather in

Washington D.C. with signs to let the President and Congress know that they want the situation resolved NOW!

Why can't they be made to go home and shut up? Or can they?

A The 1st Amendment gives people the right to assemble and speak freely.

B Article V of the Constitution gives people the right to express themselves to the government.



Article VI, section 2 grants the government supremacy, so they can tell the people to go home and shut up.

The 10th Amendment gives the people the right to do basically whatever they want.

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35.    Federalism contributes to democracy by each of the following ways EXCEPT which one?

A easing the burdens on the national government so it can function more effectively.

B increasing the opportunities for government to be responsive to demands for policies.


D increasing access to government.

providing a means for unified public policy.

36.    States are responsible for most public policies dealing with each of the following issues EXCEPT _____.

A economic issues.

B social issues.


D police powers.

moral issues.

37.    In our federal system, the powers of the state governments are ultimately granted by which of the following?

A that stateʹs Supreme Court

B that state's legislature


D the United States Constitution the people of their state

38.    Which of the following federal policies exemplifies the implied powers of


A environmental protection law

B income tax


D the regulation of interstate commerce the provision of an army and a navy

39.    The fact that a driverʹs license from one state is valid in other states is an example of which of the following?

A privileges and immunities

B the full faith and credit clause


D concurrent powers dual federalism

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40.    The fact that the recent Republican majority in Congress preferred block grants to categorical grants reflected the fact that ...

A Republicans traditionally want to increase federal aid to state governments.



Republicans traditionally want federal money to be spent at the neighborhood level rather than the state level.

Republicans traditionally want to decrease federal aid to state governments.

D Republicans traditionally want the federal government to exercise less authority over the states.

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