Self-Concept Essay: Personal Growth & Influences

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Kevin Sahonero
Prof. Lafond
February 2, 2019
Assignment #2
Self-concept, for many years has been a human’s own breakthrough in defining who they
truly are, what their purpose and how they’ll manage themselves for the rest of their life. Almost
like an observation on yourself. Self-concept for me personally, was a complicated process of
gaining self-awareness. And it still is, but throughout my long journey of realizing the cause and
effects of things I’ve developed many ways to counter emotions and reactions that back then, I
would have not been able to understand and control. With the help of family, close friends and
music. I was able to build a foundation for myself and be surer about my life decisions on a daily
basis for a better path in life.
To begin with, music entered my life thanks to my dad and uncle. Before arriving to the
united states, I always had a desire to be a super firefighter and save people from threatening
situations. As well as watching TV also enhanced my 5-year-old mind to become more interested
in my passion. But slowly but surely, I started to fade away from that vision. As I began school
and started making new connections with other classmates. I discovered more. I discovered that
you can also be many things in life, which was in fact very fascinating for my young fragile
mind. I suddenly then change my mind and decided I wanted to be a Doctor after 30 minutes of
watching a video of a doctor doing “doctor stuff”. Aside from my life in school, back home. I
had a family with a variety of skills that I didn’t know about. My mom was a great cook that
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learned from her own mom, my sister loved to do anything relating business and my dad, who
loved music and Dj’ing. Just like my uncle, they were both music addicts. They had party’s
every weekend and I would see them DJ and talk about only music. Overtime, I started
developing a like for music. My music library started expanding with all type of music.
Throughout the years. My interest in music expanded significantly that I started to value music in
a type of way. I started to be more attentive to artist lyrics in their songs and how they go about
producing the songs that creates the feeling they go for. And that’s when music finally became a
part of me. It thought me how to express myself with music. Growing up, like many others we
have our ups and downs, we also have those who comfort and support us. But in my situation, I
never was the type to talk to people about my problems or even express them. Overall, I just
didn’t know how too. Once I started to learn about music production. I felt free because I was
able to control my emotions with sounds. almost like a flower starting to bloom. I also started to
be more aware of what I was capable off. I also realized a change in perspective when listening
to music then what I had before I got into it. in addition, learning how to make music taught me a
lot of life lessons that until today I still use. It thought me to listen, be critical and open minded
about situations, be more attentive to details, and most importantly being patient and
understanding. Because of these skills that I’ve learned, I was able to incorporate them into who
I wanted to be. It gave me a great sense of self awareness that it made me happy knowing these
skills could be used for music alongside daily life. Nevertheless, as I became more open to
learning and discovering. I learned to communicate with friends much better. The skill I
developed where starting to be of good use that made me capable of having longtime friends
Social life for me was very good for the most part. I had friends come and leave and
some that stayed till the end. Entering high school for me was a very big turn in my life. I faced
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many confrontations with myself of what I wanted to be seen as. Especially with a new culture
on the rise. At the time it was hard. I realized then that you could be many things and that I
wasn’t the only one out of all the students in my school facing the same problem. I had a group
of friends that I’ve known for years that I always hanged out with. These friends consisted of just
4 people that then went down to 3 entering sophomore year. We talked a lot as friends about
what he had in mind and ideas that flew through are heads. We also got to know each other more
personally. We started to have bond that became unbreakable. Personally, I always felt grateful
of calling them my friends because in a way, they helped me build another foundation of myself
that I wasn’t aware of before. I learned a lot about my self-esteem and perception with them and
in school. Much like the “Halo Effect & Horn affect” (pg. 71 - 2.2 Perceiving Others) I saw that
many students really went by this effect on a daily basis. For example, when a good student
showed a bad attitude to a certain teacher, the teacher would then have a primary effect on him
on how the student would be for the rest of year not regarding his behavior in other classes. I also
was witness to self-fulling prophecies from my friends and students I’ve interacted with. And
myself too (not innocent). during my time in high school, my ability in perspective grew
significantly. Even though it also brought new knowledge about learning of someone. I began to
convince myself to use perspective more in certain situations. perspective helped me see the
other side of things and answer accordingly. In addition, it also enhanced my listening skills. My
friends started to point out that I was very passive with everyone that I met and always hit it off
with people. They helped me a lot with my self-esteem. As I shared with them what I knew they
also shared with me about what they knew. They helped me realized a bit more of what I was
capable off and supported it, which enlighten me to do more for myself. But nevertheless, as I
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appreciated all what my friends have done for me as I do for them, it couldn’t replace what my
family saw in me.
Family for our family, is very important to us. My mom and dad worked hard to show my
siblings and I what it is to be a true family. They showed us how to love, support, reassure and
guidance. That until today I still use. Personally, the person who’ve I’ve become to be, wouldn’t
be possible without my parents. My self-esteem began with recognition and acknowledgement
that came from parents. They helped me adapt to the change of everyday interactions and being
realistic. They thought me how to value the most of life. Because of them and the skills I’ve
learned. My self-awareness grew significantly, I responds to things moderately and confidently no
matter if I am right or wrong, I take the time to think my answer through. I do things which I feel
are right for me and also take suggestions from all the people around me.
In conclusion, the thought of self-concept has always been a part of my life growing up.
But if it wasn’t for the help of friends, music and family. I wouldn’t know how to successfully
manage myself on daily day.