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Mechatronics Question Bank: Sensors, Actuators, Systems

Modern Education Society's College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
TE SEM –I (2017-2018)
Subject: - Mechatronics (304185) Subject teacher: Prof: L .K. Guttedar &Prof: P. D. Karale
Question Bank
Define the term Mechatronics ?
Describe the key elements of the mechatronics system?
List some mechatronics system that you see every day ?
Describe the Role of mechatronics in industries?
“Mechatronics is the synergetic integration of mechanical engineering with electronics
and control engineering for the design and manufacture of products” justify the statement?
6. Explain the different levels of mechatronics system in brief.
7. List any six Static Characteristics along with their definition
8. Explain following static characteristics
(a) Accuracy (b) Precision (c) Repeatability (d) Reproducibility (e) sensitivity
(g) Linearity (h) Hysteresis
9. Explain static and Dynamic characteristics of Measurement Systems
10. Write a short note on servomechanism.
11. What are role of gear in mechatronics system? How gears are classified
12. How servomechanism is used in position control applications.
13. Demonstrate the working of a washing machine with suitable sketch.
14. Explain the working of a digital camera with suitable sketch
15. Demonstrate the working of a camcorder with suitable sketch\
16. Explain the working of a CD player with suitable sketch
17. For a compound gear train shown in figure if A, the first driver, having 10 teeth, B having
30 teeth, C having 9 teeth and D, the final driven wheel, having 18 teeth then Determine the
overall gear ratio.
18. The individual sensitivities of different elements comprising temperature measuring
system are: transducer = 0.3 ohm/C; Wheatstone bridge = 0.01 V/ohm; amplifier gain = 80
V/V; pen recorder = 1.2 mm/V. Determine the overall sensitivity & the temperature change
corresponding to a pen recorder movement of 30 mm.
Modern Education Society's College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
TE SEM –I (2017-2018)
Subject: - Mechatronics (304185) Subject teacher: Prof: L .K. Guttedar &Prof: P. D. Karale
19. In the double reduction gear train shown in the following figure, B & C from a compound
wheel free to rotate on the lay shaft. The speed of D is to be one-tenth of the speed of A.
For A the number of teeth are 24, for C they are 24 & for D they are 60. Find the suitable
number of teeth for wheel B.
20. A potentiometer which is used to measure the rotational position of a shaft has 850 turns of
wire. The input range is from -160 to +160. The output range is from 0 to 12V. Determine
(a) span (b) sensitivity in volts per degree (c) average resolution in volts.
21. A tachometer generator, used to measure the speed of rotation of IC engines, has an ideal
rating of 6 V per 1000 rpm, a range of 0 – 4000 rpm & an accuracy of +- 0.4%. If the output
of the tachometer generator is 18 V, what is the ideal value of the speed? What are the
minimum & maximum possible values of the speed?
22. A rotary potentiometer is used for angle measurement potentiometer is supplied with 10V
and is set at 82o. The range of this single turn pot is 350o calculate the output voltage.
23. A potentiometer with a total range of 350o is supplied with a voltage of 8 Vdc. The voltage
at the wiper is 3.7 Vdc. What is the present angle of the pot?
24. A 350o wire wound potentiometer has 300 turns and total resistance of 1kΩ what is
resolution in ohms? In degree?
25. Sensitivity of a thermocouple is 0.01V/oc. Find out voltage if the temperature is 200oc .also
temperature for 3.5V output.
Modern Education Society's College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
TE SEM –I (2017-2018)
Subject: - Mechatronics (304185) Subject teacher: Prof: L .K. Guttedar &Prof: P. D. Karale
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 2
1. What are the selection criterion for force, pressure, temperature and motion (Rotary and
2. Write four distinct point of comparison between potentiometer and digital Encoder
3. Explain Optical Encoder with suitable diagram
4. Using suitable diagram explain the construction as well as the working of digital optical
5. Draw and explain the working principle of following sensors
a) Inductive Proximity sensor
b) Capacitive Proximity sensor
c) Photoelectric Proximity sensor
6. A capacitive type Proximity sensor is to be used for displacement measurement. Discuss the
criterion for selection of this sensor
7. Explain Optical digital sensor (Photo emitter –detector pair)with suitable diagram
8. Explain working principle of LVDT
9. Differentiate the following sensors/Transducers
(1) Inductive Proximity sensor and Capacitive Proximity sensor
(2) LVDT vs RVDT
10. Write short notes on Ultrasonic level, distance and flow transducer
11. List the different type of Proximity sensors.
12. Explain in detail how strain gauge is used in weighing machine
13. Explain Optical Fiber in Temperature Measurement
14. Write short notes on following sensors
a) Accelerometer
b) Gyroscope
c) Magnetometer
d) Gas sensor
15. Explain the concept of smart sensor ?
16. Write short notes on MEMS?
17. Write short notes on Nano sensor?
Modern Education Society's College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
TE SEM –I (2017-2018)
Subject: - Mechatronics (304185) Subject teacher: Prof: L .K. Guttedar &Prof: P. D. Karale
Question Bank
Unit 3
1. What is necessity of using actuators? How actuators are classified? Explain hydraulic
2. Write a short note on fluid power system.
3. What is the working principle of electro-hydraulic actuator?
4. Explain different physical components of a hydraulic system.
5. List two industrial fluid power applications for which air is probably unsuitable and for which
the hydraulic is the preferred choice?
6. With a help of block diagram, explain signal flow in a fluid power system.
7. What is the function of Hydraulic Pump? Explain different types of Hydraulic pump in brief.
8. Why is pressure regulation important in fluid power system? Explain briefly.
9. Why filter used? Sketch various positions of filter in a hydraulic system.
10. Describe the basic details of a 4/2 Directional valve and a 5/2 Directional valve
11. Describe the operation of accumulator with its types.
12. Comparison of hydraulic and pneumatic system
13. Draw the diagrammatic circuit using symbol for following :
a. A single acting cylinder controlled by one 3/2 press –button valve with spring return.
b. A double acting cylinder controlled by two 3/2 press-button spring return valves.
14. Explain working principle of pneumatic and hydraulic actuators.
15. Draw and explain the typical hydraulic actuator system.
16. What are the different mechanical works carried out with hydraulic and pneumatic actuators?
17. Write short note on following:
a. Gear Pump
b. Axial Piston Pump
c. Vane Pump
18. Determine the force needed to apply to piston of 2 cm radius in order to result a force of 6000
N at the working piston of radius 6 cm. calculate the hydraulicpressure.(Ans: 5.3 bar)
19. A hydraulic system is operated at pressure of 1000 kPa. what diameter cylinder will be
required to a load requiring a force 12kN? (Hint- Area= πr2 = π(d/2)2) Ans 124mm.
Modern Education Society's College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
TE SEM –I (2017-2018)
Subject: - Mechatronics (304185) Subject teacher: Prof: L .K. Guttedar &Prof: P. D. Karale
20. A hydraulic cylinder is to be used to move a work piece in manufacturing operation through
a distance of 50 mm in 10 s. A force of 10 kN is required to move the work piece. Determine
the required working pressure and hydraulic liquid flow rate if a cylinder with a piston
diameter of 100 mm is available. ( Ans:1.27 Mpa, 3.9x 10-5 m3/s)
(Hint: flow rate Q= velocity*Area , Area= πr2 = π(d/2)2)
21. A single acting piston-type hydraulic cylinder is to be selected with a delivery pressure of 10
bar. The diameter of the piston is 80 mm and moves with a linear speed of 60 m/min.
Pressure*Area*distance/Time, Velocity= Distance/Time, Effective velocity of single acting
cylinder = V/2) Ans- 2.510 kW