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Personality Psychology Course Syllabus - UC Davis

PSC 162: Introduction to Personality Psychology
Psychology 162: Introduction to Personality Psychology
Summer Session 2, 2018 (CRN: 74130)
Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays 12:10pm – 1:50pm
Location: 250 Olson
Prof. Wiebke Bleidorn
268J Young Hall
Office hours: Tuesdays 2pm – 3pm
Please put “PSC 162” in the subject line of emails
Teaching assistants:
Heather Rees
Young Hall 177
Office hours: Mondays 10am-12pm
Lucy Zheng
181 Young Hall
Office hours: Wednesday 9:30am–11:30am
Course description:
This one-quarter course provides an introduction to the scientific study of personality. Personality refers
to the relatively enduring patterns in people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors over time and across
situations. The course will involve a combination of lectures, exams, in-class activities, and a written
assignment. Pre-requisites for this course are PSC 001 (General Psychology) and PSC 041 (Research
Methods in Psychology).
Course objectives:
By the end of this quarter, you should have gained the following:
● An understanding of the different approaches to the study of personality and
o the ability to compare and contrast these approaches
o the ability to apply these approaches to your own life
● An understanding of how personality differences are measured
● An appreciation of the important issues in the field of personality psychology
● Advancement in your English writing skills and APA style writing skills
Course website: https://canvas.ucdavis.edu/
Course materials:
Textbook: Funder, D. C. (2015). The personality puzzle (7th edition). New York, NY: W. W. Norton. Lecture
notes and additional materials (e.g., written assignment guidelines) will be posted to Canvas.
Course communication:
You are welcome to email me or the teaching assistants at the addresses listed above with questions
regarding the course. Please include “PSC 162” in the subject line of the email, so that we know to flag
these emails. We will try to answer any emails within 1 business day (Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm).
Classroom etiquette:
• Respect among your student peers, the teaching assistants, and the instructor are of utmost
importance. You may be asked to leave the classroom if respect is violated
• Please turn off or silence all phones before class begins
PSC 162: Introduction to Personality Psychology
Please arrive on time for class. This, along with silencing your cell phone and only using laptops
for classroom-related activities, is a courtesy to your student peers, the teaching assistants, and
the instructon
There will be two in-class exams, each covering roughly one half of the assigned readings and lectures
(i.e., these exams are non-cumulative). There will be one cumulative, optional final exam, which can be
substituted for a missed exam or a low score on an exam. Each exam will be comprised of 50 multiplechoice questions. Each question is worth 1 point. There will be no curves applied to exams. There will be
no make-up exams given for any reason. If you anticipate missing 1 or more exams, you should consider
taking PSC 162 during a later quarter. Exam study guides will be posted to Canvas during the week
before each exam.
Please arrive on time for exams. As per UC Davis policy, we will not be able to allow students to take the
exam after the first student has handed in the exam. On exam days, please bring a UC Davis 2000
Scantron (blue or red), No. 2 pencil, and eraser.
Written Assignment:
This course is a General Education Writing Experience Course. You are required to write a 5-6-page
paper. The paper (50 points) is due on September 5th, 2018 before 6pm. Descriptions of the assignment
will be posted to Canvas and explained in class.
Your writing will be evaluated not only for content, but also for organization, style, use of language, and
logical coherence. Your paper must be written in American Psychological Association (APA) style. Please
refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for guidance on both style
and format. If you are unfamiliar with writing in Psychology, we suggest that you consult other resources
for scientific writing. The APA style section of Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) is especially
helpful at https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/.
After you have received your graded paper, you can make an appointment to discuss your paper with
the instructor or teaching assistants.
Extra credit:
You may earn up to 4 extra credit points by participating in 4 hours of research studies. Please visit
http://pscresearch.faculty.ucdavis.edu/extra-credit/ for more information about participating in
research for extra credit. I strongly recommended that you keep track of the number of extra credit
points you receive, because I will not receive that information until finals week. All inquiries regarding
your participation in these studies should be directed to Leigh Smith, the subject pool coordinator, at
You may earn 1 additional extra credit point for completing the course evaluation for this course
(http://eval.ucdavis.edu/ ). We will send you a reminder at the end of the summer session.
Please contact us at early if you have a documented disability and are registered with the Student
Disability Center (SDC). We will do our best to accommodate your needs with regard to the lectures and
the exams. In order to do so, please make sure to contact us at least one week before each exam and
confirm the details by email.
PSC 162: Introduction to Personality Psychology
The total number of course points available is 150 (+5 extra credit points). Your grade will be based on
the number of points that you earn on your exam scores, your written assignment, class participation,
and any extra credit you complete. There will be NO curve applied to the final grade. Once grades have
been submitted to the Registrar’s Office, the grades are final and you may not barter for a higher grade.
Questions regarding grades will only be addressed in person. In other words, the instructor and the
teaching assistants will not answer questions about grading over e-mail.
The grading scale is as follows:
Letter Grade
93 – 100%
A90 – 92.99%
87 – 89.99%
83 – 86.99%
B80 – 82.99%
77 – 79.99%
73 – 76.99%
C70 – 72.99%
67 – 69.99%
63 – 66.99%
D60 – 62.99%
< 60%
Note: I will not round grades.
140 – 150
135 – 139
131 – 134
125 – 130
120 – 124
116 – 119
110 – 115
105 – 109
101– 104
95 – 100
90 – 94
< 90
PSC 162: Introduction to Personality Psychology
Course syllabus + The Study of the Person
Chapter 1
Personality Research Methods
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Personality Traits, Situations, and Behavior &
Personality Judgment
Using Personality Traits to Understand Behavior &
How to Write A Good Paper
Chapter 4 & 5
Chapter 6
Personality Development, Stability, and Change
Chapter 7
The Anatomy and Physiology of Personality
Chapter 8
Behavioral Genetics and Evolutionary Psychology
Chapter 9
Exam 1: Chapters 1-9
Basics of Psychoanalysis
Written Assignment: Q & A
Psychoanalysis after Freud
Written Assignment: Q & A
Humanistic and Positive Psychology
Written Assignment: Q & A
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
No Class
Cultural Variation in Experience, Behavior, and Personality
Chapter 13
The Self
(Written Assignment Due*)
Chapter 16
Personality, Mental Health, and Physical Health
Chapter 17
Exam 2: Chapters 10-13, 15 & 17
Optional Final Exam: Cumulative
Note: Schedule is subject to change. Any changes will be announced in class and via email. *You are
responsible for submitting the written assignment.
*Submit to Canvas.