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Contemporary English Usage Course Syllabus

Contemporary English Usage 2018
General Information
Course Title: Contemporary English Usage
Course Code: ENG 3312
Credit Units: 3 (three)
Course Status: Core
Session: 2017/2018
Semester: First
Meeting venue: Block (F) Lecture Hall
Day and Time: Monday, 10:00-12:00pm
Course Lecturer: Hamisu Hamisu Haruna
Email: hamisu.hhhamisu@gmail.com
Course Description
Contemporary English Usage, ENG 3312, is a 3 credit first semester undergraduate course that seeks
to expose English language students not only to the appropriate use of the language as it obtains in
various societies, but also to other areas of interest to modern English. The course stays focused on
English-Speaking communities’ attitude to usage, the notion of “correctness” vs “grammaticalness”
variations and the problem of defining “Standard English” worldwide. This involves a survey on the
varieties of English currently spoken across the world (New Englishes) to a more specific area of
attention to students (Nigerian English).
It also reviews issues related to contemporary English Grammar in a more practical aspect. The
materials carefully selected for this course are, thus, context bound as they guide students by giving
an overview of the course and providing them with information on the organisation and requirements
of the course.
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Contemporary English Usage 2018
Aim and Objectives
The teaching of Contemporary English Usage is aimed at enabling students enhance their receptive
and productive language skills by expanding their vocabulary through phrasal verbs, idioms and
collocations. Students would therefore be exposed to the use of Contemporary English forms in
speech and writing for academic purpose. Upon successful completion of this course, students
should be able to:
 extend their knowledge of English grammar in certain key areas.
 identify the salient features of Modern English Grammar in contemporary usage.
 reflect on and appreciate the forms of contemporary English usage as objects of intellectual
 demonstrate mastery of basic written, grammatical and technical structures of contemporary
English usage.
 explain the attitude of the range of users to the varieties of English and differentiate between
British and American English in orthography, vocabulary, pronunciation and usage.
 explain the notion of new Englishes and where these varieties are used across the globe.
 explain the functions of the English language in the contemporary society.
Students will be assessed based on the following:
At the beginning of the semester: individual assignment-(10marks)
In the middle of the semester: Group assignment for presentation-(10marks)
In the end of the semester: test-(10marks).
Total= (30marks)
End of semester exam (70marks)
Grand Total= (100marks)
Course Outline
 Introduction To Contemporary English Usage
The Confines of Contemporary English
History of Contemporary English Usage
Categorization of English in Usage/Pedagogy
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Contemporary English Usage 2018
English Language and Standardization
Competence and Performance
 Count and non-count nouns
Revision of the rules
Nouns that are count
Nouns that are non-count
Nouns in both the sub-classes
 Verbs and their classifications
Transitive vs intransitive verbs (revision)
Corpular verbs
Verb forms
 Tenses (revision)
Active vs passive tenses
Infinitives and participles.
 Standard and non-standard English
Standard and variation
Correctness and Grammaticality
Formal and informal English
 Varieties of contemporary English
 British vs American Varieties of English:
 Idioms, phrasal verbs and collocations
Teaching Format
Lecture method, group presentation and students activities.
NB: Note that only registered students for the course are eligible to attend lectures. All students
taking the courses must have 70% attendance to make them eligible to write the examination for the
course. All kinds of assessments must be completed and submitted on time. Lateness in submission
of assignment will not be entertained.
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Contemporary English Usage 2018
Bashir, A.A. (2004). Practical English Usage. Yola: Paraclete Publishers.
Crystal, D.(2003). English as a Global Language (Second edition). Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Dare, S. (2009). Errors in English Grammar and Usage. Ibadan: Spectrum Books Limited.
Fowler, Roger. (1965). Modern English Usage. London: Longman.
Frank, M.B. (2010). Modern Day English Language for Effective Communication. Zaria: Ahmadu
Bello University Press.
Gilman, E. (ed.). (1989). Webster's Dictionary of English Usage. Springfield (Mass.): MerriamWebster.
Murthy, J.D. (2010). Contemporary English Grammar. New Delhi: Sharda Offset Press.
National Open University of Nigeria (2009). Contemporary English Usage. Lagos: NOUN.
Omoroon, G.N. (2007). The Basic Grammar of English. Ibadan: Spectrum Book.
Parrot, M. (2000). Grammar for English Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP.
Quirk. R. and Greenbaum, S. (1973). A university grammar of English. London: Longman.
Uzoanya, L. (2010). Principles of Modern Dynamics English Grammar. Umuahia: Gold Fingers
Production Limited.
Note: These are not only the books students can lay their hands on but also any relevant books and
journals, some of which may be found in the main Library of the University or elsewhere. Just read
anything you can on the main topics of the course.
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