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Photosynthesis Lecture (Basics)

Lecture 6: Photosynthesis
Breda, 8 December 1730 Calne (UK), 7 September 1799
Jan Ingenhousz
discovered cellular respiration and photosynthesis
Photosynthesis: Key Concepts
Some organisms can absorb the ​electromagnetic energy visible spectrum
(light)​​ and convert it into ​chemical energy​​ → ​PHOTOAUTOTROPHS
Photosynthesis​​ is the most important of all of the energy transformations: without
it, there would be no life (as we know it because we couldn’t eat nor have all necessary
Photosynthesis: Chemical Reaction
6 C02 + H20 + Light Energy → C6H12 06 + 6 02
Photosynthesis as a redox reaction
movement of electrons from one
component to another: oxidoreduction
reaction → 1 component becomes reduced
and the other oxidized
What is photosynthesis ?
A series of ​light-driven reactions​​ that creates ​organic​​ molecules from ​inorganic
carbon dioxide (CO2) ​(= carbon fixation)
In photosynthesis, ​water​​ molecules are split (source of electrons), releasing vast
quantities of ​O2 ​(O2 is a waste product for plants)
Here, we will talk about ​plant​​ photosynthesis
Algae (green, red and brown) use different components
everything is connected: photosynthesis in
the chloroplast: glucose and oxygen are the
output of photosynthesis and the input of
cellular respiration while CO2 output
respiration input photosynthesis
Structure of a leaf
epidermis transpined because light must go
mesophyll means middle of leaf divided into
palisade and spongy mesophyll, exchange of
gas through spongy mesophyll: C02 needed
and 02 leaves the cell
bottom layer not sealed: exchange between
outside environment and inside // stoma:
door from which gas can go inside and
outside of the leaf
veins: vascular tissue, sugar produced need
to go in all places
can open and grow the door
2 cells surrounding opening (= guard cells)
they can open and close
swell or shrink depending on if they absorb
or lose water, through stomata CO2 can
enter and 02 can go out
Photosynthesis in plants: Where?
- Chloroplasts → Organelle with 3
- The thylakoid membrane contains
the light-capturing and ATPgenerating systems
The solar radiation hits the leaf
not all radiation from sunlight is useful for
chloroplast, some of it is reflected or
transmitted and lost. Only a fraction is
absorbed (50%)
electromagnetic spectrum composed of
different wavelength
visible light is divided into different
components (from UV to infrared)
in principle plants could use all these
wavelength but they actually don’t
- Chlorophyll contains a ​porphyrin
ring that binds ​magnesium
- Similar to ​hemoglobin
- Light can excite the porphyrin
network to an activated (‘energized’)
molecule that plants use for water, absorb
water, make photosynthesis
called pigment → chemical compound able
to absorb light → chlorophyll is able to
absorb light
blue ring with Magnesium inside which is
the part able to absorb the light, then the
tail is used by the chlorophyll to connect to
the system (inside membrane)
Catch the light: photoreceptors
- Chlorophylls (a and b)​​ best
absorb light in the blue and red
- These pigments absorb ​green light
poorly​​: thus, plants look green to
chlorophyll can’t absorb all the wavelength:
leaves green because can’t absorb green
wavelength and reflect it to us
chlorophyll = main pigment for
The 2 stages of photosynthesis
1- light reaction
2 - Calvin Cycle
synthesis:Calvin Cycle
Using light, water outcome = energy in the
form ATP (energy carrier) , NADPH
(electron carrier)
Then this energy moves to second part:
calvin cycle: energy carrier and electrons
used to produce sugars: exit calvin cycle in
uncharged molecule
everyhting happens within the chloroplast
Stage 1 (the light reactions)
largely similar to ​oxidative phosphorylation
Electron-transport chain​​ (ETC) in the ​thylakoid membrane​​ → energy of the
electron transport to pump protons into the ​thylakoid space → proton gradient
The ​high-energy electrons​​ donated to the photosynthetic ETC come from
chlorophyll​​ that has absorbed energy from ​sunlight
The electrons are donated to NADP+ ​(FINAL ACCEPTOR) ​to produce NADPH
Stage 2 (the dark reactions)
Light-independent reactions sunlight is NOT needed here!
The​ ATP​​ and ​NADPH​​ produced in stage 1 are used to produce ​sugars​​ from CO2
(carbon-fixation reactions)
Begins in the ​stroma (matrix of the chloroplast)​​ with the generation of
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P)​​ by the combination of ​CO2​​ and ​1,5ribulose bisphosphate​​ (enzyme: ​Rubisco​​)
G3P ​is exported to the ​cytosol → glucose a
​ nd other organic molecules in the leaves
Stage 1
Chlorophyll in photosystems
- Antenna complex, which capture
and transfer light energy
- A reaction center, which converts
the light energy into chemo electric
photosystem: different systems of
chlorophylls able to catch the light. As soon
as light comes, E transferred from one
molecule to another until the central part of
the photosystem (reaction center): place
from where electrons is able to go to the
electron transport chain
system uses energy of sunlight to produce
an electron which the, produces ATP and
group called antenna complex
Not one but 2 photosystems
- Photosystem II ATP
- Photosystem I → NADPH
Photosystem II ​donates electrons ​to photosystem I
Photosystem II
- Electrons are passed to a mobile
electron carrier called
plastoquinone​​, which is part of
the photosynthetic ETC → A​TP
in chloroplast antenna complex with
molecules of chlorophyll
reaction center 2 red boxes electron
released start to travel in thylakoid
membrane (similar to electron transport
chain in cellular respiration) as soon as the
electron moves along the transport chain,
protons are sent out → different
concentration between inside and outside
→ protons want to flow back, they can only
through ATP synthase → source of energy
but as soon as chlorophyll loses electron it
needs to be filled by… water
Oxygen is formed in Photosystem II!
- Electrons lost by the special
pair of chlorophyll ​are
replenished by ​electrons
obtained from H2O ​through an
H2O-splitting enzyme
splitting a molecule of water into oxygen,
electrons are released into the reaction
02 is the by-product
Photosystems II
Essentially all the oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere has been produced by the water-splitting
enzyme of photosystem II (21%)
Big History of Life
The oxygen revolution or the great
oxygenation event – GOE; 2.3 Ga)
- ~2.5 Ga, Cyanobacteria began
producing O2 as by-product of
- At first, any free O2 was chemically
captured by dissolved iron or
organic matter
- ~2.3 Ga, these O2 sinks could no
longer capture all produced O2
Photosystems I and NADPH
Electrons are passed to a mobile electron
carrier called ​ferredoxin​​ (Fd), which
carries its electrons to f​erredoxin-NADP
reductase (FNR)​​, which generates
reaction center light, electron released
transport chain → electrons arrived on the
final component to produce NADPH
Photosystems are interconnected
electron of photosystem I is the one coming
from photosystem II
light hits the antenna complex full of
chlorophyll → e of sunlight concentrated
into reaction center → el leaves molecule of
chlorophyll to the electron transport chain
to form ATP
photosystem I light → el lost
connextion: el coming from photosystem II
used to replace el from photosystem I →
close system 1
similarities between respiration and
mitochondria and chloroplast have both
inner membrane and inner membrane
the components of electron transport chain
lie on the membrane
then can form ATP because protons are
pumped out of the matrix outside
way back is how ATP is formed
the use of ATP and NADPH: stage 2
Stage 2: the light-independent reactions
ATP​​ and ​NADPH​​ are used to drive ​carbon fixation​​ in the dark reactions in the
Carbon fixation occurs in a cycle: carbon-fixation cycle or Calvin cycle
- The enzyme initiating the Calvin cycle
- Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase
- It is the most abundant protein on Earth
- molecule inside chloroplast with 5 carbons
Calvin Cycle
in chloroplast, ribulose 15 bisphosphate 5
Ca atoms + C02 from outside
RUbisco combines the C02 and the
molecule → serie of process → 1st
important product: G3P 3C : from 1 Rubisco
we end up with 2 mole
during this process we use ATP and NADPH
6 ATP are used and 6 NADPH (lots of
energy needed for sugars, explain why lots
of energy in sugars) G3P 6 molecules → 3
go back in the cylce and 1 becomes a
molecule of glucose
At the end spend all of this energy just to
produce half of the molecule of glucose
Moreover, ARP is needed at the end
9 ATP and 6 NADPH to create half of sugar
molecule in the whole cycle
starting point ribulose biphosphate 5 C +
CO2 with Rubisco enzyme → process plants
spend huge amount of energy to produce
G3P → 1 molecule leaves the chloroplast
and is used to form sugars while the other
molecules of G3P go back into the cycle
- CO2 fixation: capture C02
- CO2 reduction
- regeneration
Take home message
Three Questions:
- Why do we need to eat? we need energy for chemical bonds out of food
- Why do we breath? need 02 for electron transport chain
- Why plant do not need to eat? How can they produce their own food (and also
NADH → respiration
NADPH → Photosynthesis
molecular structure similar except for the Phosphate))